Wall of Bricks I


Trigger warning:

Mention of violence, blood, murder, suicide. Please don't read if you're uncomfortable with such scenes


Playlist Suggestion:

Loreen- Tattoo

John legend - Minefields


*A long 3 chapter dedicated for Jeonghan and Scoups background introduction #Seungcheol #JeongCheol



Jeonghan squirmed a little in Scoups embrace before he opened his eyes, he loved the familiarity he found in his mate through the years no matter how bad things were.

He picked his head up a little feeling Scoups gently his back. He was awake and most probably didn't get any sleep at all.


"I can almost smell the steam coming out from your brain" Jeonghan jokingly muttered, voice sleepy and eyes still closed making Scoups scoff and chuckle at the same time


"How are you feeling?"


"I'm fine" ... "How about the kids?"


"Last time I checked, the wind-chimes didn't make any noises"


Jeonghan laughed softly at the description his mate chose for the situation at hands but didn't say anything, he was too cozy and snuggly in their blankets, breathing into Scoups scent to be bothered by anything else right now


"It's funny" Scoups said rather sad and disappointed "One little human comes along and all our insecurities flushes out the door" Scoups had his head wondering around for a while before Jeonghan woke up, memories from their past came rushing back to him like a violent river on a stormy night.

Jeonghan sat up, breaking the warmth they shared, he gazed into Scoups face "It'll be over soon" he tried to coax his mate, "Once he wakes up, we can just ..." but he was out of words, Scoups waited for him to finish but Jeonghan's expressions changed to a rather anxious one. He didn't know what to say, he didn't know what would happen next.


Scoups hand found it's way to lovingly caress Jeonghan's cheek


"It's too complicated and you know it" Scoups voice was calm yet serious


"We have Mingyu and this so-called connection not to mention his Spirit, Joshua is terrified by the mere idea of having a human in our home, Hoshi and Woozi are struggling with their relationship"


He sighed deeply, frustration building piles upon piles inside of him


"I know" Jeonghan's honey like voice made it better, his gentle fingers against his ribs rubbing soothing patterns, his scent suddenly calming him down, his spirit was acting up "The last thing we need is a Human pointing fingers at us again"


"No" Scoups closed his eyes trying to shake the memories away "No it won't happen again" ... "I will never let that happen again"



Let's imagine it this way:


Their lives is like a huge brick wall.

Little red blocks forming a high, mighty and thick wall. Behind it, they hid their lives, buried their stories and formed their inseparable Pack.

To take a look behind that wall, it was almost impossible to remove the bricks, to find a small hole where the sunlight broke though, and it was even harder to reach out to peek and take a look inside.

Their stories defined every and each one of them, their experiences are what made them who they are today, and they explain their actions more than anything else.



Time line:

It was the 1830's, the world was dull and simple. Jeonghan was a village boy somewhere far and secluded. He was born into a poor family, they were mere farmers; they ate what they grew and wore what they sewed, and lived their lives like the simple people they were.

His golden hair was always the talk of the village. A boy too pretty he turned heads and caused little and old girls alike to blush and giggle as he walked by.

His home wasn't the warmest but it wasn't the worst, his parents did what they could to keep him and his little sister happy, healthy and safe but we all know unfortunately that it didn't last long.


Jeonghan was 24 years old, it was only a few days after his birthday that his life changed forever.

October was one the coldest months in the year and especially where Jeonghan lived, it was one of the harshest and coldest winters he and his family had to live through that particular year.

A Snow storm drowned the village in white. Just like a bride, the town was the prettiest it could ever be.

His mother was making cabbage stew, she stood by the wooden stove all tall and slender, nothing particularly going through her mind. Jeonghan didn't really enjoy the cabbage stew but it was the only thing available and he didn't object. It made them warm and full.

His father was going through some of his farming equipments saying something about one of their neighbor's finding his goats dead in a way he couldn't explain. He seemed to be convinced that an animal must have descended from the forest near by feasting over farm animals so, him and the other men in the village decided to try and capture the mysterious creature.


He watched as his father took precautions and it didn't make much sense at the time, farm animals die all the time. Jeonghan easily shrugged it aside.


It was only a few days later that him and his sister went outside, it was freezing but they had to collect enough wood for the fire place so that their mother could cook dinner and they can stay warm throughout the night. It was almost sunset time, the sun slowly hiding behind the rainy grey clouds and sending dusky pretty rays across Jeonghan's face and golden hair.

Jeonghan watched his little sister walk right in front of him, she was a bubbly person, she didn't look much like him at all, people hardly believed they were siblings but he loved her endlessly anyways. She was mumbling something, being the typical annoying sister she is and Jeonghan probably wasn't listening anyways. Little did they know that something lurked behind them in the dark waiting for the perfect moment to strike over his prey.


The pair of scary inhuman bloodshot eyes followed the two as they reached the banks of the river. Just like innocent prey, they had no idea that they were about to be hunted down and killed by a creature they never thought existed.


Someone or someTHING emerged from the thickness of the forest trees behind them. All Jeonghan heard was his sister's squeals as she was dragged in the dirt somewhere inside the forest. Jeonghan just blinked and she was gone, she was dragged like an animal by an entity Jeonghan couldn't lay eyes on, her squeals still live inside his head up to this day.

He panicked and looked around himself frantically looking for her. He followed her screams and muffled voices deep into the dark forest "Where are you?" he yelled in the deadly void of the forest, everything looked the same, he was running like a maniac following her echoing sharp screams throughout the ice cold air of the forest while the mixture of aromas and feelings overwhelmed his lost soul.


He stoped when he finally saw her, he froze when he finally found her, on the dirty snowy white ground, blood coming out of , eyes rolled back into her skull and mouth open wide ... she was dead.

The deafening reality of the scene in front of him sent him dumbstruck. Like thunder, his ears rang violently and his body shivered, the feeling of his heart dropping to his stomach and then to his knees made him sick, he crumbled and fell into oblivion.

At first, he didn't see anything else, he took a few shaky steps back and screamed her name. Loud and bitter.

He fell to his knees, snow covered his clothes and, soon, his golden hair. Tears fell like rivers down his cheeks, the agony that filled his heart was so sudden and unexpected, he sat there choking bitterly on his own tears until something grabbed him from behind.

He gasped, a hand muffled his screams from behind. He tried to fight it but the arms he was forced into them were too strong. He looked up frantically and locked eyes with a fair much taller boy. His eyes darker than the night sky and features sharper than knives. He didn't recognize who he was but his deep husky voice left a forever imprint in his mind and soul.




The tall boy said one word, he gave one order but Jeonghan couldn't move his feet, his sister was a few feet away from him dead in a pool of her own blood staining the pure white snow on the ground.


Jeonghan struggled to breathe, he kicked and fought to get away from the stranger. The taller boy finally pushed him away  "RUN" he hissed once more at Jeonghan, his voice had an unexpected authority in it but Jeonghan couldn't move from where he was pushed on the ground his eyes never leaving his little sister's lifeless body on the floor.


The taller was on guard like he knew this wasn't over. The dark shadow came back, he stood over Jeonghan's sister's body like death itself and lurked at the two. Jeonghan's heart skipped beats upon beats, his tears suddenly got stuck in his eyes. A monster, zombie-like creature appeared from ... somewhere, Jeonghan couldn't focus enough to see past the trees.

His eyes were bloodshot, veins boldly sticking out of his forehead. He looked possessed, demonic even, as if he was forged by the dark forces of evil, his teeth were sharper than a lion's.

To say that Jeonghan was scared out of his mind in a understatement but and it got worse when the fair tall guy yelled at him for the 3rd time "RUN" before he was no longer a ... person.

A dark grey Wolf  the size of a tree appeared making Jeonghan choke on his own breaths.

The wolf just manifested out of thin air and Jeonghan could swear that it just came from within the taller stranger boy.

He couldn't believe the sight in from of him, he thought he was delusional, this is nothing but sorcery

But finally, he ... run away.



He run fast and hard, he didn't want to stay for when the Wolf shredded the bloody zombie into pieces. His limbs and blood scattered all over the white floor.

His sister's body motionless on the ground, like an animal carcass left behind for wild animals to feast upon.

Jeonghan wept for leaving her behind, he couldn't live with the idea that he left his little sister's limb body on the dirty ground like that, she never got a proper burial and it hunted him for decades.


Jeonghan run home, he had no words to say and no explanations to give. He couldn't answer their questions, his words didn't make any sense, he sounded like a mad man and was called crazy by everyone. His own mother resented him and his father couldn't bare to look at him.


He couldn't live with the guilt inside of him, his mother's tears and wailing kept him up every night for days, his father's gaze full of hatred, betrayal and utmost disappointment.

He couldn't shake off the sight of his sister's cold corpse on the ground, the wolf and the demon hunted him every time he closed his eyes.

He woke up in shivers and with no one to coax him and tell him that he was okay, he blamed himself for everything, for sounding like a crazy person. He couldn't defend his sister and he couldn't defend himself.

They pointed their dirty fingers at him "Where's your sister's dead body?" They asked "Let us a bury her at least"

"You killed her didn't you?"

"He's possessed" ...

"Cursed" ...

"Should have known when he was born with that blond hair"


The guilt, the blame, the humiliation, his parents wouldn't look at him anymore, he couldn't eat, he couldn't sleep, he couldn't breathe. the agony suffocated him day after day after day until ... until he decided that he was no longer worth of living.



He dragged his feet up to the river banks, he wondered at the cold water, this is where it all began, where his life was suddenly snatched away from him. He thought maybe he should let it consume him, he thought drowning himself won't be easy, it shouldn't be easy, he doesn't deserve easy, his sister suffered and so should he.


He stood there for hours, frozen like the weather, all he could think about was how he was about to end it all. End his miserable life and get what he deserved for his sister's death.

His eyes lingered at the river, running and never still, unlike his life that seemed to have stopped on that snowy day. Unfortunately, he didn't see it coming but, for just a second, he was rather grateful that someone was ending it for him.


Their village was small, whispers and words traveled fast. People didn't like what they heard; wolves and a demonic entity, a little girl dying while her brother was right there going insane and repeating a crazy story.


Soon enough, everyone started to believe that he killed his own sister. They pointed fingers at him and called out his name in shame, they threatened him to tell the truth, nobody spared him a glance not even his parents. They turned their backs and ignored him when he woke up in cold sweats every single night screaming his sister's name in the dark and holding nothing but the memories he had of that day.


If People were ruthless, Humans are worse.


It took nothing but a few seconds, a sharp pain struck him by surprise, Jeonghan gasped, breathing nothing but the cold air of the river in a single hitching breath.


He turned around to see nothing but the man who raised him his entire life. The person whom he called his father was standing behind him with a knife stuck deep into Jeonghan's right side. The feeling had no words and just like a shipwreck, Jeonghan drowned into a sea of nothing.


His own father, plotted his murder.

His own father stabbed him in the back.


That wasn't enough for the old man, his eyes searched for nothing but the light in Jeonghan's eyes and wanted nothing but to see it leave his body and soul.

His pretty precious little boy meant nothing to him anymore, in his eyes, he was a murder and in his eyes, he deserved to die.


He removed the knife from Jeonghan's body, just like you would remove it from a slaughtered pig.

Jeonghan's eyes spoke a billion words and yet, nothing was said.

Sounds were muted for a second and a second stab caused Jeonghan to fall to his knees choking on the blood that suddenly left his mouth.


Just like his sister he thought.


This time, he was sure that the man in front of him wasn't his father anymore, this wasn't the loving person who taught him how to fly a kite or how to hunt little rabbits in the forest, Jeonghan didn't recognize him anymore.


The second stab was meant to kill, the old man stabbed his only son right in his neck cutting right through his artery and the blood, just like the river, started running almost never ending.



The sad thing was that Jeonghan didn't even flinch, he was thinking about ending his own life anyways, he wanted to redeem himself from the guilt and he was glad that someone has done it for him instead, but he never thought that that someone, would be his own father.


Jeonghan's body wobbled and fell to the white dirty floor, just like this sister, he thought again. His head ever so effortlessly hit the river banks, his blood mixed with the water washing it away with it as it run. And before closing his eyes forever, Jeonghan saw his father walk away, the man looked unbothered, he didn't even glance at him once ... he didn't even look back.


He thought he died, he thought that his life was over, he was glad that he didn't have to live with the guilt anymore, for a moment, he even thanked his old man for what he did. The curse was finally lifted, his shoulders got lighter, he had no burden anymore.


Soon, he couldn't feel anything, he surrendered to the darkness that buried him under the snowflakes. Again, just like his sister.



It is safe to say that Seungcheol was the big grey wolf he met that day. He was the handsome tall fair boy that suddenly turned into a huge mighty wolf, he was the one who told him to run away, he was the one who tried to save him but unfortunately, couldn't save his sister.


Seungcheol was a True Blood, he was born into a werewolf family. He was a rich city aristocrat who lived in a fancy home and had fancy clothes and lived a fancy life.

His parents taught him since he was a little puppy that their life was different so he they raised him in the shadows. Private tutoring, private lessons, private everything. Seungcheol grew up to be the perfect son his parents always dreamed to have.

Strong, fierce and most of all, a natural leader. The only problem was that, nobody asked what Seungcheol he wanted to be.

He lived in the shadows of his own parents, their wealth and their modern sophisticated life but all he ever wanted was to be himself and walk his own path.

So when the time came, Seungcheol left the warmth of his home to go after his lost childhood dreams, never did he think that his journey came in the form of a pretty blond village boy dying at the bank of an icy river stabbed to death by his own father.


For months, Seungcheol was on the hunt, he was going after a rotten vampire coven. There was dark times when not all creatures were as friendly and civilized and vampires were easy to divert. Usually, vampires are more or less harmless, they can easily live on animal blood until they get the taste of Human Blood. Things get rotten, they can't control themselves anymore, and those who try, end up going mad.


When Seungcheol arrived to the village, almost every inhuman creature could feel his presence, even though peaceful, he wasn't welcomed. Seungcheol made sure that his scent gave nothing but reassurance. He declared to whoever was in the area, that he was just passing by and that he would be gone in a few days. But apparently, his declaration went unnoticed or probably ignored.


When several animals turned out dead around the village, Seungcheol was certain that the simple village people were dealing with a vampire the blood out of their farm animals. He knew that sooner or later, the vampire would want more than animal blood but he shrugged it off, it wasn't his problem, this wasn't his town, he was just passing by, this little town in the middle of nowhere meant nothing to him and he wasn't planning to make any moves until that day when he saw the pretty boy and his sister by the river.


From a far, Seungcheol fondly admired his blond hair and smiled to himself, he was about to leave when a certain scent caught his attention. Seconds later, Screams filled the air and he knew exactly what happened.


The vampire didn't even care if Seungcheol was near by, his scent wasn't something the vampire cared about at that moment and it pissed Seungcheol off beyond anything else.

Even though Seungcheol didn't want to be part of it, he couldn't bare the humiliation. A vampire knows for a fact that he's no match to a werewolf. A wolf can rip him to pieces in to time, the disrespect itself made Seungcheol blood boil and growl in anger.


And so, he followed them.


He was a little too late to save the little girl but luckily, the blond boy was okay ... or was he?


The trauma he must have caused him hunted Seungcheol for days. He heard the whispers around the village after that day. He heard the name calling and saw their fingers pointed at the slender pretty boy.


*Jeonghan* the name got stuck in the back of his head for days. Seungcheol discovered that it wasn't just one vampire but an entire coven of rotten blood vampires came after him. Seungcheol sighed deeply, he had no intentions to get into this much trouble but he was way up to his neck to ignore it anyways. He hunted them down one by one eliminating them from the face of the world.


He was finally leaving this hole of a village, he regretted the mere idea of having to stop here ever so deeply.

He cursed that boy's life forever and stained his human soul beyond repair, he regretted his interference that ruined another person's life. Even if he was just a human, Jeonghan didn't deserve what was happening to him.


Seungcheol was deep in his thoughts when the smell of blood filled the place. His senses suddenly awakened, it was strange and somehow familiar , the scent was intense and almost hypnotizing


Seungcheol followed it.


When Seungcheol found him, Jeonghan was announced dead by all natural means. Blood still railing down the river, the boy was motionless, a mere body and no soul ... or so the forest thought, so Jeonghan's father also thought and sadly so did Jeonghan himself.


Seungcheol kneeled at his head, he reached over to his shoulder and flipped his motionless corpse over to face him. The sight wasn't pretty, his face was one with the dirt on the ground for so long, snow slightly found it's way to cover his golden locks, his silky skin was ever so pale.

He was by all means, lifeless.


Seungcheol scanned the boy's features, he was too pretty for this, too pretty for this ty village, too innocent to be guilty and to be treated like this, and it was Seungcheol's fault.


He leaned closer into him, his hand gently turned the boy's head to the other side exposing his neck, stabbed and wounded, with blood dripping down to his collarbone, shirt, onto the ground and through the frosty snow finding its way to the water.


The scene twisted Seungcheol's heart but nonetheless, it didn't stop him from making the decision he never regretted making for the rest of his life.

Seungcheol leaned into Jeonghan slowly, he parted his cold rosy lips and landed himself a spot the boy's neck and bit him.


Seungcheol's teeth penetrated Jeonghan's smooth baby like skin beyond the stab wound Jeonghan's father has caused. He closed his eyes for a few seconds as he let his poisonous venom do the job for him.


His teeth didn't leave any marks, but the after taste wasn't something Seungcheol enjoyed, he has done this before back when he was living with his parents. They were not the type to turn people into werewolves for fun but it had to be a life or death situation, it had to matter and right now, it mattered.

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