My Love 💔 III


Wonwoo did feel it


He woke up about twenty minutes ago

He fluttered his eyes open and ... could feel the change in ever little fiber of his body


It didn't hurt ... surprisingly, you would think that a change this significant would be painful but Wonwoo felt ... well rested


Like he just woke up from a much needed sleep


He doesn't remember how he got here, but he remembered everything else ... of course, he took a minute to think about it but it suddenly, didn't matter much to him, it didn't matter as much as the man sleeping by his side.


Wonwoo took a deep breath, and another one and another one and he simply couldn't get enough ... he couldn't get enough of Mingyu's scent.

He can smell him now, he can smell everything actually, hear everything ...

His body felt ... enhanced, in a way, and it didn't bother him at all.


It didn't bother him

He didn't feel weird or discomforted or shocked


It just seemed so natural, it only took him five minutes maybe? He laid facing the ceiling for a bit grasping everything. These new feelings, these new abilities, it just took him a minute to adjust and process and then, he simply claimed them.


He placed a hand on his chest, and smiled « Hi » he made first contact with his inner wolf and smiled fondly « I think you and I will get along just fine » Wonwoo said, he knew exactly what he was talking about and felt like he knew his little guy forever.


Mingyu's scent was too addictive.


Wonwoo kept scanning his Mate's sleeping face and felt his inner wolf jump in circles « Yeah I know » he mumbled to himself « he's ours, he's the one » that smile never leaving his face « he must have been worried sick » Wonwoo thought and he wasn't wrong because when Mingyu jolted the moment he saw him, he couldn't help himself from shedding his own tears as well.


"I'm okay I promise" Wonwoo repeated but Mingyu wasn't having any of it


Hugging him

Checking ever little inch of him and every injury he once had

Mingyu's hands were trembling and Wonwoo never saw him this broken before.


Wonwoo pushed himself off the bed even though Mingyu refused to let him leave before Jeonghan could have a look at him


"I'm fine Min" Wonwoo tilted his head to the side but Mingyu's hands found their way to cup his cheeks

"Baby please ... I can't I just can't ... I don't get it, how can you be fine?" Mingyu asked worry obvious on his face and in his voice, Wonwoo was inches away from him as Mingyu cupped his cheeks passionately


"I feel ... great" Wonwoo whispered with a warm smile "I want you to meet someone" he continued, taking Mingyu's hand off his cheek and sliding down to his chest "He's been dying to meet you"


Mingyu closed his eyes and felt his bond with Wonwoo's wolf, it was new and yet, too familiar and too warm


Mingyu laughed a little behind his tears "He's just as pure as you are"


"I can feel him jumping ... excited" Wonwoo closed his eyes to grasp the feeling "Every time I look at you"


The conversation was emotional, Mingyu's tears already on his cheeks and Wonwoo trying his best to convince him that he was okay


"Do you feel it?" Mingyu asked softly


"The blood rushing through your veins? The air you breathe? Wolfie? Our bond?" ...

"Yes I feel it Mingyu ... I feel everything"


Mingyu let his forehead collide with Wonwoo in an overwhelming moment mixed with tears and passion.

Wonwoo's hand run up to Mingyu's collar "Kiss me Mingyu" he whispered as their breaths brushed against each other. Mingyu didn't need to be asked twice, he slowly closed in the space between them. They've kissed before, they've been this close before but it's never been like this before.


Wonwoo lost his breaths almost immediately, the feeling was new and it swept him off his feet, he pulled away "This is how you felt the entire time kissing me?"


Mingyu laughed and nodded


"That's not fair" Wonwoo said claiming Mingyu's lips again savoring the new feeling like it was his last ... he could never get enough of this.


Wonwoo run his fingertips over Mingyu's cheeks wiping away his tears, pulled away and kissed his eyes softly then brought him in for a hug.

They laid on the bed for a while, Mingyu nuzzling himself on top of Wonwoo for a change


"I'm sorry Wonwoo" ... "I failed you, I couldn't get to you in time, this is all my fault"


Wonwoo run his hands over Mingyu's back "No my love this wasn't your fault it never was—"


"And I couldn't even revenge you, he wasn't there when we found you"


"I know" Wonwoo said leaving a soft kiss on top of Mingyu's head "But I know where he is" Wonwoo confessed and it made Mingyu sit up a little facing Wonwoo "And this time, he's not running away"


Wonwoo looked a bit distant but soon locked eyes with Mingyu and smiled "He's not going to harm anyone else ever again"

Mingyu looked a bit confused


"Wonwoo this is not you ... you could never hurt anyone"


Wonwoo nodded "Maybe, but not anymore" ... "I've been too weak before but now, now I can defend myself, he's not escaping me again Mingyu"


"Let me do it love"


Wonwoo shook his head "No"


"You don't want his blood on your hands"


"Oh but I want it"


"Wonwoo" Mingyu looked a bit taken aback, the Wonwoo he knew and loved couldn't hurt a fly


"Mingyu I ... have changed, and maybe it's not as significant but some things about me will never be the same again, the sooner I accept that about myself the better" ... "I love you and I hope you understand why I need to do this"


Mingyu was hesitant but Wonwoo was determined, he wasn't going to back down no matter what Mingyu said and so, he nodded


"Okay, but I'm going with you ... all the way"


"Where else will you go?" Wonwoo scoffed and Mingyu smiled going back to where his head was resting over Wonwoo's chest


"It got me thinking though?" Mingyu suddenly realized something "You have a scent now, Jeonghan should be tearing down that door by now but ... how come no one else caught your scent yet?"


"Because I blocked it"


Mingyu was a bit confused "You blocked it?"


"I wanted to be alone with you for a bit"


"Wonwoo you just got your inner wolf you can't possibly learn how to do that in an hour"


Wonwoo shrugged "I don't know, I just know that I can"


"Well, what else can you do?" Mingyu asked curious and concerned


"For instance, I can see Wolfie, feel him in a way, he's so fluffy"


Mingyu smiled "Fluffy?"


"Yeah like a big fluffy teddy bear, he's excited but still worried"


"He is Won, I am"


"I think I can read him, talk to him"


Mingyu wasn't so surprised, they were bonded so understanding how his Mate's wolf felt wasn't uncommon "That's interesting Won"


"Do you think Dino would let me talk to his Wolf?"


Mingyu was confused again "Huh? Why?"


"I can feel his energy all the way form his room"


Mingyu sat up again confused "What? What energy?"


"You can't feel it?"


Mingyu shook his head "No"


"His wolf, it's really strong, it's radiating this huge wave of energy, it's insecure and afraid but it's too strong not to miss"


Mingyu listened but didn't know what to say "Maybe we should ask Jeonghan first?"


Wonwoo nodded "How are they? Were they worried?"


Mingyu clutched into Wonwoo's sides and brought him closer into his lap "We thought we lost you Won, I thought I lost you"


"I'm sorry"


Mingyu shook his head squeezing Wonwoo into a tight hug "We were worried sick, we were thinking the worst, Jeonghan, Minghao? Everyone almost had a nervous breakdown" ... "I thought about joining you if anything happened to you"


Hearing that last sentence, Wonwoo's heart clenched "No, no" he tightened his grip around Mingyu "Nothing happened see? I'm fine, I'm here"


"And it feels like a miracle ... like it's impossible but it happened"


"I'm here"


"I don't understand Wonwoo" he broke the hug running his fingers across Wonwoo's cheeks "I really thought I lost you, but here you are"


"I'm sorry baby, I'm right here"


"I'd like to know more Wonwoo, you've always been different, you're made of magic I know you are"


"I don't think so, Min" Wonwoo shook his head "I'm just lucky"


"No, I'm lucky the lucky one,

finding you was the best thing that ever happened to me I just ... I just wish we could have some more calm moments together"


Wonwoo laughed letting his head fall over Mingyu's broad shoulders "I want more Boring moments with you Mingyu"


"Yeah, boring moments, I want that too baby"



"Promise me okay?" Mingyu asked "We will get through this and ... we won't do anything for a while, I just want to keep you by my side for as long as I possibly can, I just want us to lazily lay around"


Wonwoo chuckled and nodded "I promise"




Things got a bit too overwhelming after that.


Wonwoo finally left the bed holding Mingyu's hand tightly. He slowly let his scent manifest itself beyond the walls of their bedroom, they decided to go downstairs and meet everyone else.


Wonwoo knew that everyone was already too worried about him and Jeonghan will be out of his mind ... and he was right.


The couple went down the stairs and witnessed the chaos that took place for a few minutes.


Jeonghan running up to him snatching him away form Mingyu, taking him into a tight hug, checking every little inch of his body


"I'm fine Hannie, I feel good I promise" Wonwoo sounded calm while everyone else around him was a complete mess.


"I know I can see that, it's just" Jeonghan stopped for a bit about to break down crying again "I just can't explain it"


"Then let's not explain it" Wonwoo took both of Jeonghan's hands "I'm so sorry for worrying all of you"


Wonwoo looked around, Everyone looked so exhausted "I'm so thankful for having all of you" ... "I never had people worry about me this much before and if it wasn't for all of you I would probably be dead right now"


"Wonwoo you're part of this family"


Seungcheol's voice hit Wonwoo differently, even when he was talking normally that Alpha leader tone was obvious. He figured  that it's why everyone and every inner wolf including his own bowed to him, he's the Pack leader and that's how a pack leader sounded like.


"Thank you, I ..."

Wonwoo shocked on his tears but found Jeonghan's embrace incredibly comforting and his aroma too soothing making him feel relaxed and calm and when Jeonghan used his spirit, Wonwoo could feel Jeonghan's inner wolf tiptoeing around his own Wolf ... it felt like they were getting to know each other and making new friends.


Wonwoo hugged him back tightly, Minghao was a bit quiet at first but Wonwoo's inner wolf kept calling him. It was strange to Wonwoo but Minghao knew that he just missed his best friend, Wonwoo felt so guilty for worrying him and for worrying everyone else for the matter.


They all sat in the living room.

Blankets were spread all over the floor, pillows, the smell of yummy food was lingering in the background. Wonwoo was leaning into Mingyu's chest ... he was tired.


"So you just ... know?" Jihoon asked a bit confused and still not quite understanding how Wonwoo seemed not to be having any trouble controlling his inner wolf or any of his new abilities


"Yeah" Wonwoo whispered "It took me a few minutes to process but ... everything fell into place and I just connected with him" Wonwoo placed a hand over his chest again, Mingyu held it and brushed it softly smiling at the boy laying in his arms.


"Lucky" Jihoon mouthed pouting a little


"And ... you can see through our inner wolves as well?" Jeonghan asked and Wonwoo simply nodded.


Everyone was asking him questions.


Except for Dino.


The youngest was oddly quiet.


Yes, everyone knows about his spirit by now but they didn't get the chance to discuss it ... yet.


"Dino?" Wonwoo called softly as he pushed himself a little away from Mingyu

The younger looked up with a smile "Humm?" His eyes a bit tired


"I'm curious about you" Wonwoo tilted his head "It's so beautiful and so unique, it's nothing like any of the others"


Dino averted his eyes to the ground, somehow sad and disappointed, Wonwoo could see right through him now


"It's lonely ... it's longing for a friend" Wonwoo continued and Dino looked up twice at Wonwoo, maybe he's right?


"My wolf is so interested and drown to yours, I don't know why but ... I'd like to know more about it"


"That makes both of us ... I don't know much either" Dino confessed sounding a bit depressed but Wonwoo was hopeful, something will come out of this for sure, his inner wolf was a very bright one, very hopeful and joyful, he was sure that him and Dino will get closer very soon.


But for now, he enjoyed being with everyone because when the next day came to life ... Wonwoo was a man on a mission.


The night passed rather quickly, it was almost dawn and in their bedroom, Mingyu scanned him up closely, Wonwoo was different, his scent even had a little hint of dark chocolate in it ... tasty but Mingyu knew better ... it was dangerous.


"Wonwoo you're scaring me" he said surprised of himself, he never thought he'll be the one to utter those words


"Maybe you should be scared?" Wonwoo chuckled, joking of course but hinting at a possibility


"Aren't you going to tell where are we going? I want to help, I want to track that bastard down, I want to rip him apart"


"I want you to be there with me Gyu" Wonwoo said as he took a closer step toward his mate, both hands resting over his biceps "But the ripping part is mine Mingyu, I hope you could give me that"


"You never ... I don't want you to live with the consequences, you're far too pure for that"


"I'm willing to sacrifice"


"Well I'm NOT"


Wonwoo sighed letting his forehead collide with Mingyu's "I love you so much but I need to do this, the world is a better place without him in it and I can live with that"


"How are you exactly planning to do this?"


Wonwoo chinned up, meeting Mingyu's worried eyes "With this" and without further explanation, Wonwoo let it out


His eyes

His spirit


And Mingyu gasped


Eyes wide and heart suddenly racing, his doubts were getting worse, he wasn't feeling sure about this not the slightest




"This morning, just an hour ago I guess? How? I have no idea it just happened, and it took me a while to process it before telling you"


Mingyu was loss for words, his hands found their way to Wonwoo's eyes ...

"It's beautiful ... suits you just perfectly"


Wonwoo smiled softly "Wolfie seems a bit taken aback"


"I am too, this is happening way too fast"


"I know" ... "I don't know why but ..."


Think light green

And go lighter

And lighter

Until it's almost white





A healer like Jeonghan?

A white wolf?

Not really but close


"I never seen this before" Mingyu confessed and Wonwoo smiled a little "I guess we will have to find out soon enough"


Mingyu nodded couldn't take his eyes off Wonwoo's beautiful shiny eyes, his own spirit manifesting as well. It was a soft early morning moment, emotional at some point that Wonwoo had to wipe away a tear. Was he Happy? Or afraid? Probably both but he was determined, his plans won't change the slightest.


He held onto Mingyu's hand tightly as he walked through the door.

"Mingyu I know this is too much but ... it's been dying to come out" his hand on his chest again, Mingyu frowned, seeing Wonwoo's wolf form this early on was a bit unexpected, too early for it to happen but again, it was Wonwoo.


Mingyu hesitated but nodded, he was curious too and soon he was bewildered

Mesmerized even


The whitest

Purest wolf





Beautiful 🤍🩵

Wonwoo's eyes remained the same

His wolf so majestic

So rare

Taking Mingyu's breaths away




Wonwoo's wolf walked around for a bit in the front garden and as if it was pulled into Mingyu, he walked right to him, nuzzling the tip of his nose into his cheek.

Mingyu chuckled, closed his eyes for a second just to let the feeling settle in, this was Wonwoo, this was his Mate, this was a new feeling that he would never get enough of. Mingyu's inner wolf danced around like a child and soon, he joined him.


Both in their wolf forms, getting to know each other for a moment.


From the window, Jeonghan stood still, everyone in the house could smell the new wolf's aroma.

"Wonwoo?" Jeonghan called out surprised, proud and worried all at the same time, Seungcheol joined him just a few seconds later, the two glanced through the window


"Oh wow" Seungcheol looked puzzled "So fast?"


Jeonghan couldn't grasp it "I'm going down to see him"


But they were gone

By the time Jeonghan run through the stairs, Wonwoo asked Mingyu to follow him, the two had very important work to do today.


A little low life to take.

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