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Santi puts the syringe away—he'd brought it with him lest something terrible was to happen. He had expected to use it for himself in the worst case scenario, but he hadn't anticipated he'd be needing it for Howie instead. His eyes lower to the space between him and the sharp-eyed man's black boots on the ground. And then he hears something. A low sneer. He couldn't bring himself to look at Howie, not now, and perhaps not ever again. He could get away with not seeing Tiger Kwon by locking himself in his room, or within the safety The Roundtable territory offers, avoiding him completely. But he cannot get rid of Howie and the things the man blames him for. He isn't sorry. Why should he be? He hadn't done anything wrong. Who's to tell, maybe Howie's worse, and he just doesn't remember yet. But the scornful chortles don't stop. He lifts his head up slowly to see Howie, from the foot up to the torso, and notices rips in his coworker's clothes by the chest part in the process. He squints to focus on them and sees two bullet holes burned into the fabric, black stains creating two coaster-size circles, one in the left and one in the middle, alongside some other smaller blots and spatters. With little light he can't ascertain if there are wounds anywhere or not. His ears start to ring, his heartbeat pounding against his ribcage. His coworker's hand is still over his own neck and his face is still turned to the side; his mouth carved into a derisive smirk. The disdainful look in the newbie's eyes slowly graduates into full-on ridicule, as his low snicker turns into maniacal laughter. Santi's eyebrows meet, his gaze blaring with resentment. Howie doesn't believe him. Why had he ever even considered that his situation is easy to empathize with? "Forget it," he brushes off. "Do what you want."

"You don't have to tell me that," Howie mocks, finally looking at him.

"Just tell Tiger Kwon I said you."

The sharp eyes on the newbie turn cold, like the temperature outside had dropped to zero. 

"You think I'm just being an anyway, right? That all this is a ing joke so it's easier for you to just you blame it on someone else," Santi accuses. "That's why you're throwing your stupid tantrums and lashing out at me. You think I don't know what I'm going through and what I have to do to stay safe? I can't go out because there's a ing psycho hell-bent on trying to kill me. And if I go into the world and left to my devices, I'd ing lose my . And then I'd be the psycho going after people and trying to ing eat them! You think this is a ing joke for me, Howie?! Laugh all you want, but when you're right there hunched over a corpse with the guts exposed to you that you had been gnawing at, then don't you ing dare blame me and say I didn't warn you."

"But you didn't warn me the first time, did you?" Howie stubbornly retorts. Santi grumbles and closes his eyes shut quickly, refusing to acknowledge the bullheadedness his coworker apparently has in his arsenal, before opening them again and directly staring into the other's eyes.

" you and your moral ing high horse, ," says Santi indignantly.

Howie had been listening, and even if he didn't seem like it, hundreds of thoughts had come breaking into his mind. He is laughing because it's insane, but Santi radiates pain and suffering that could last him for an entire millennium. He's hurt too, but is he as hurt as the pale man glaring at him right now? Does it matter? 

"So you're telling me I'm like that," Howie more so declares than inquires.

"I'm telling you, do whatever the you want," Santi dismisses.

"You're not even gonna convince me? And you're offended that I was laughing?"

"I don't owe you . Since you're smart enough to accuse me of deliberately putting you in danger, surely you're smart enough to figure things out by yourself." 

"What the does that have to do with anything? And why are you being such a about it?" Howie exclaims, his tone thick with irritation. "That's all you can ing do, huh? about it?! Well no ing wonder you're miserable!"

Santi's mouth falls open in complete shock. Howie, despite his own anger, knows he had stepped over another boundary with his coworker. Apparently he just keeps messing up when it comes to the singer. Hurt, grief, devastation, and all sorts of other trauma flares up in the other's eyes simultaneously, as if the pale man is witnessing his childhood home get engulfed by a massive flame. Howie instantly feels terrible, and had the urge to make things up, but he doesn't even know where the problem lies currently. The issue isn't a small misunderstanding, too. There's a Mt. Everest of a mountain of information to unpack. He's swift with his remarks about Santi not warning him, but hearing about eating corpses and cannibalism, in the same argument is mental. Two things cannot fit in one scale, not even a spectrum. One of these things shouldn't even exist to begin with!

Instead of arguing, Santi's eyes just turn blank, as if he's resigning himself to these facts. He's compartmentalizing his emotions and focusing solely on what he can do to survive. Only then did Howie realize it really is that bad.

"We need to tell the police about Tiger Kwon, at least," Howie pleads quietly, his feelings switching from a blazing forest fire to a soft melting ice cream on a midsummer day.

"What are you gonna tell them, that the leader of Eastern Sun Group bullied you? And under what evidence? Hearsay?"

Right. Howie winces. He inhales and exhales sharply through his nose. The problems, outrageous as they may seem individually, are interconnected. He can't admit to one thing and disprove the next. "So you want me to just stay cooped up inside like you..." his voice trails off as he realizes what he's saying as he says them. He just can't seem to stop digging through and poking at Santi's issues, trying to get an insight from him, but deep down he knows why he does it. He wants to know because he needs the tools to help him solve his own problems. It's just that—and he admits Santi is reasonable for saying this—the pale man doesn't owe him anything, and there is nothing he can do about it. He constantly makes it worse for him too as he unwittingly keeps pushing the wrong buttons.

"What do you want me to do, then?" Howie asks carefully.

"Shut up and trust me."

Howie, left with no other options, had to surrender. "Okay."

"Right now, we have to go somewhere," Santi instructs. "I just have to make a call."

Santi whips out his phone from his back pocket and dials a number. Howie notices then that the gaping wound in his coworker's forearm is gone. The pale man's skin is completely intact once more, as if he hadn't just taken a chunk out of it. Howie watches as Santi puts the device to his ear and waits for the call to connect, his eyes absently falling to the three paper bags of clothes laying by the giant industrial waste bins. The pale singer walks to it and takes a peek inside, discovering articles of clothes—shirts, pants, socks, underwear—and a smartphone. This is what Howie had gotten from their trip to the mall earlier, and after being kidnapped and assaulted the way that his coworker had, the pale singer understands right away what this means for himself. Tiger Kwon wants Howie to come back so he can send Santi the message. His face falls, knowing that the goon knows more than he's supposed to now, and he's left feeling like a lab mouse caught in a maze with its walls gradually closing in, running in smaller and smaller circles. Not only is he a target to Kwon, now his coworker is involved in this twisted game of run and chase with him.

The trap within the message is that Tiger Kwon wants Santi to know that he knows about what he is. So could that be, that Tiger Kwon also knows what Howie is? If there's anyone who ought to ask questions around here, it is supposed to be Santi, but everyone seems to expect him to know more than he does. Questions like, how did Tiger Kwon know about Howie, when Santi himself didn't even know that about the newbie? Could this all be somehow related to both of their pasts? Then that must mean that Santi had known Howie from before. Had the gangster always known? His mind fails to provide answers. He doesn't even know if it has them in the first place. Just by thinking of the possibility that the accusations might be right, and that Santi might really know more than what meets the eye, but that he just can't remember, terrifies him to no end.

Howie notices the bags his coworker had been looking at. "I didn't even realize they're still there."

"These are yours?" Santi feigns curiosity.

"Yeah, I bought them earlier," says Howie and proceeds to pick the bags up. "Isn't it weird that he just lets me keep these instead of just taking them or leaving them where I'd dropped them? I mean, what is he trying to say, that he's evil enough to beat someone to a pulp but still not too evil to ing rob them and steal their ? That's a missed opportunity and frankly a bit stupid, no? Or is he getting me off his tracks somehow?"

"He's saying, go on with your life and continue to live in it while I watch close by," Santi responds. "He wants you to bring him information by simply letting you do things and observing your every move."

Howie's face darkens with the realization. Before he can come up with anything to say, the call is picked up from the other side and Santi speaks into his phone.


Santi waits for the reply.

"Sorry to bother you at this hour, Director, but I need your help right now."

Another pause.

"My friend. He's injured."

Howie is perplexed upon hearing this. He inspects himself to check for injuries, which he hadn't thought of doing beforehand because he no longer feels sore or in pain at all. He does see the stains on his shirt and the two small holes in them, but otherwise he's completely fine.

"He's..." Santi hesitates before his voice falls into a whisper, but speaks loud enough for the newbie to hear him say, "...like me, sir."

Howie observes as Santi anxiously waits for the answer from the other end of the line. When he sees the pale singer exhale with relief and his posture relax, he knows the conversation has ended favorably. "Thank you, Director. We're still at the bar. We'll wait for you here."


After the call ends, Santi turns to Howie and tells him, "For now, let's get those inside while we wait."

"Who's the Director?"

"You'll meet him soon, don't worry," his pale coworker replies.

"I don't like it when you don't just give a straightforward answer, Santi," he confesses. Howie just doesn't see the point in this. There's nothing for him to use all these information for against the pale man, if that's what he's worried about. "Why do you keep beating around the bush?"

"Because I don't like talking about these things," Santi's face remains blank and unreadable. "Can you get off my back about it?"

"I just want to help," Howie says honestly. "I want to help myself, and if I can I want to help you too. Is that so wrong?"

Santi sighs. "I get it, Howie. Believe me," the look on his eyes warms up for a second. "But I'm just not the right person to ask about these things. Yes, this is happening to me. But for what reason, I have no ing clue. Trying to think about it so hard to figure out answers that may or may not be in my brain just leaves me frustrated afterwards, because I just..."

Howie looks directly into Santi's eyes. In the blankness that clouds his features, the newbie could see deep agony, twinkling like stars in a twisted sense. The only way he could bring the answers to light is if he's willing to set himself on fire.

"...I just end up reminding myself of the massive emptiness in my soul over and over and over again."

Howie lowers his gaze out of respect. "...I'm sorry, Santi," he says after a while.

"Me too," whispers the pale man.



He picks up the call as soon as the caller ID pops up. He's in his car on his way to the office when Santi rings him up out of nowhere. "Hello?" says the person on the other line.

"Yes, Santi?" he says after putting the phone on speaker.

"Sorry to bother you at this hour, Director. But I need your help right now." 

His eyebrows furrow as he listens to the caller intently. "Help with what?"

"My friend. He's injured."

"Your friend?" he asks. Since when had Santi made friends with anyone? Is the friend a bar employee as well?

"He's...like me, sir." Santi adds, interrupting his thoughts.

The Director's eyes widen in alarm and disbelief. "Alright. I'll pick you up. Where are you?"

He listens as the caller replies. Afterwards he says, "Okay. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Santi thanks him, and he ends the call. Right after, he immediately phones up another number. He takes the nearest u-turn and heads straight to The Roundtable bar. Within a few seconds, the call connects.

"Pops," he says, greeting the person on the other line. "I'm going to pick up Santi right now. Something urgent happened."


"He says his friend is injured...and that he's like him," he relays as the unsettling feeling the news has brought him sends an eerie sense of foreboding, signaling a storm brewing in the horizon. Devastation will soon hit, and he wonders how prepared they are for this. There's a good three seconds of silence that fills up the emptiness of his Cadillac. The man on the other line doesn't say a word, doesn't even make a single sound. He knows the other is feeling as tense as he has after hearing about Santi.

"Okay. Go to them first. We'll wait for you here."

"Okay. I'll catch up with you later," he bids before hanging up.



The Director arrives after waiting for nearly t

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Jaesongjoong #1
790 streak #2
Chapter 9: I can see how Howie's relationship with Santi is a little rocky. It feels like Santi gave up trying to figure out everything and is going with the flow, because there's nothing else he can do. He used to be how Howie is, wanting to know what happened to him; who he was in the past; and why he's the way he is now. Seeing how just following the rules lets him get by, Santi has figured out that he just needs to lay low and enjoy what remaining life he has left (even if it's not preferable). Meanwhile, Howie is gungho about learning everything. This type of situation can lead to them parting ways. However, I feel like Howie can trust Santi. After all, they're all they have, especially if Wolfgang is a double agent. I love how Howie just stole the Z like it was nothing. He's like, "I'll take that, bye~" hahah
Malcolm can't catch a break, poor guy. He's just as confused and overwhelmed as Howie is. Against Charles' orders, he's heading to Sector 17. I wonder if he'll find what he's looking for there. And hopefully not get killed lol
The impromptu surgery in the 24-mart is probably the most normal part of this story. XD Everybody does sketchy things in those bathrooms
2030 streak #3
Chapter 14: Ah, they finally confirmed their identities before they were all turned into Blackmouths. Charles, Malcolm and Andreas interaction, discussing stuff. But Mr Jeon walked in on them talking about him behind his back. Wonder how things would go further. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
2030 streak #4
Chapter 13: Wait! I'm kinda confused! I mean earlier when I asked about why Howie didn't realise Wolfgang and G are also something like him, you told me that I got things mixed up. But here he mentions about seeing death certificates while he snooped through the files earlier. If that was the case, then what did he think of Wolfgang and G? I mean living humans aren't supposed to have death certificates right? Shouldn't he have doubted something then itself? Nonetheless, I'm kinda relieved that neither Wolfgang nor G ended up being a spy. And that they are gonna be working on this mystery matter together. Also, Corporal Lee is Dino right? But somehow I don't remember who Captain Park (and was too lazy to check it out while reading but will definitely take a look at the characters now) is. I wonder why Corporal Lee started to take back his words about Howie being the courier guy. Anyway, can't wait to see how things would go further. But will be back later to read more ^^
790 streak #5
Chapter 8: Yay! Dino has made his appearance! Of course, as a rookie, you have to be cautious on what you do on company time. You should have waited to do research until you were at home or in the place a lone ;) Of course, now that you got a promotion, you better be quiet about Tiger Kwon *shhh!* Also.. Boo, Mayor Boo, you are on Jesse and Tiger Kwon's side? Seriously? What, are you getting money from them selling Z too? Ugh, you can't make this any easier, huh?
Okay, but when Howie took his phone out and it worked, I thought back to that one Vlive Hoshi was complaining/crying that his phone was -not- water proof, and he lost all of his data XD kudos for Howie for having a good phone! But then he looked through everyone's files to see how they looked before they died. I was on the edge of my seat, hoping to see Santi as well. But Wolfgang, why you gonna shoot our boy Howie? There must be a mistake, or they really are just using Howie. Or maybe Wolfgang is the double agent. Oh boy.
790 streak #6
Chapter 7: Poor baby Howie :o I can just imagine his vision getting blurry and his head becoming light as he remembers bits from his past. The song Santi was playing then was the song that was playing with his last memory with Charles. I literally laughed my off with the scene with Wolfgang and G interrogating Howie and Santi. Like yes, to an outsider's view, it seems like they hate each other. They just have this sort of relationship where it sounds like they hate each other, but in reality, they're the closest to each other. I have a few relationships like that. It seems toxic, but really, it's just personality types. I tend to attract the meanest Northern people. *shrugs* I see, Howie is planting evidence to tire Tiger Kwon to the case. How come the PD didn't recognize Howie though? I know that hair changes how a person looks, but the eyes never change. Hm~ Mystery~ Now him jumping like that, it won't kill him, but he might turn a little if he gets hurt too badly. Let's see if he can control himself if he does turn.
790 streak #7
Chapter 6: Okay, but Isaiah Chew being an underground surgeon.. I dunno if I would trust it, honestly XD Like irl, Vernon gives off that vibe that he could probably do anything. So I guess it's not too out of the question- I still have my doubts 😂 But I'm glad he could operate on Howie and learn more about his state.
Now what surprised me was that Charles- Y'know, that guy that is a detective and all, had Howie as his partner- yes, that Charles... Ahem.. YuR iN On IT?! Like bruh.. He and Jeon were talking as if they had known each other for awhile. Please don't tell me that they're using Santi and Howie as experiments. Especially Howie, he doesn't need that. ;( I was waiting for Jeonghan's appearance! Oh my, I wonder what happened for him to have a prosthetic arm, was it a zombie attack? Jk! Maybe? 🤔But Howie's taking on this role differently that Santi is, I wonder why that is. I suppose I'll learn as I read on. Apparently, this author likes to make plot twists. I'm all for it 😈
790 streak #8
Chapter 5: I feel like Santi was right, he wasn't the right person to explain everything. I like the detail that you put into the explanation: the different stages and how it affects the person. I'm sure Santi is still traumatized with the memory of just suddenly coming to while eating a corpse. I know that would get to me. >...<' Santi's been through it a lot, but he can remember things before he died. It's only a matter of time before Howie remembers too. I feel bad for Charles. He lost his colleague but somehow he's still around, it must confuse him as well. He's so smart, looking at this case from every angle - even to the point where he "goes missing" his own self. The dedication to cracking the code is admirable and nothing short of what I would expect from our leader. I'm really happy with Malcom's relationship with Carmen. She seems like the best fit for him: so supportive and caring.
Howie's character is slowly coming together too. As he gets to know Santi, it feels like he's getting to know himself as well. Because Santi was just in the same boat until recent, it feels like. Although their relationship isn't the best at the moment, I feel like, in the end, they will be best friends. If not best friends, then definitely worst enemies hahaha XD
2030 streak #9
Chapter 12: Ah, it was here he realises what G and Wolfgang are as well... That was some terrible fight and do they retain their memories of what happened when they had turned? I wonder about that since they would be waking up any time now and also wonder how they would react to all that happened there and finding out their identities. Also, who's the man Tiger Kwon tortured? Is he the one who supplied the Z drug to Howie earlier? Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
790 streak #10
Chapter 4: Okay wow. We started with a nightmare and ended with one. I have a feeling that Minghao saw his dead body in his nightmare, but I'm not for sure. I was like super happy when G and Wolfgang were hanging out with Howie. I love the chemistry between G and Howie, it feels so natural. I had a client the other day with the name of Wolfgang. I didn't know it was a famous guy. I was like, "wtf? why would you name yur kid that?" XD Just me being ignorant lol
My heart jumped when Tiger Kwon got a hold of Howie. My poor baby got beaten up, yet Kwon couldn't kill him. So does that mean Kwon left Howie after beating the snot out of him, ad Santi came out of the shadows to get him? Was he watching the whole time? It seems like Kwon has something against Howie and Santi, not only something that happened when they were alive, but now too. I guess he doesn't like the undead. 🤔
Poor Howie doesn't know who to believe though. Like Santi did just have a little bit of a panic attack, you can't get mad at him for not wanting to open up about himself. BUt yeah, if someone was trying to stab me with a needle, I'd freak out. So how often do they inject though? Because if Howie's been a zombie for a few weeks, how many cravings has he had? Or was this his first craving? Or can he drink something that will suppress his cravings?
I'm so excited, we're getting into the meat of this story! (pun intended). <3