lotte™ it's waffle vanilla ice cream

I [22F] accidentally summoned a demon but shes hot so idk what to do please send help
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Minjeong decides that Karina needed some time to be 'home trained' before they went out again. Her last straw was when the two of them went to 7-Eleven so Minjeong could show her convenience store food, only to be completely mortified when the demon took ‘initiative’ and tried to pay the cashier with a tuft of fur from Cerberus. The cashier gave the most perplexed face he could muster and in a panic, Minjeong made an excuse about how her friend was very drunk and apologised profusely before leaving. That’s great. Now Minjeong doesn’t know if she could ever step back in there again. Not to mention, how the hell did Karina get that anyway? She would never know, but to avoid a situation like that again, Karina needed to be taught some basics. 


Minjeong was surprised that Karina knew so little of money considering people traded their souls for it all the time, but luckily she understood the concept rather quickly with her help. 


That was a pattern that Minjeong noticed. Karina was a very skilled learner. It wasn’t just that she observed very closely and used logic to figure out how things worked, but also that whenever she didn’t understand anything she was sure to ask questions, even asking for further clarification if she didn’t feel like she fully grasped the concept. 


It would be wrong to say Karina is exactly like a child. Yes, she has some of that natural innocence and curiosity, but it's paired with impressive dexterity, intuition and critical thinking skills that made it easy to pick up and learn things that she’s never done before. 


Within the week, Karina even learns how to cook basic things, even though she’s never had to make food. It started off simple with just a fried egg, but after some work, Minjeong teaches her how to use the oven to roast vegetables, and how to make soup. If anything the easiest thing should have been the rice cooker, but it took a few tries to get used to it because - 




Yeah. Because of that. Even after Minjeong explained that it was just making noise to show that it was cooked, she was still a little freaked out by it, bless her heart.


Possibly the best and worst thing that Minjeong gave Karina access to was her devices. After explaining the concept of the internet and giving the demon her password of 0101 for her iPad, Karina can spend hours online learning about whatever she likes. 


At first, Karina was completely fascinated, referring to the iPad as a portal to another world. Even though she had seen TV screens before and messed around with Minjeong’s phone, controlling a tablet herself was still pretty exhilarating the first few times.


It’s both a blessing and a curse because that way Minjeong doesn’t have to answer questions about everything all the damn time, but at the same time giving completely unfiltered internet access to someone who didn’t know what money was more than 48 hours ago might have been a bit reckless. 


“Minjeong, is the earth flat?”


That led to a whole other lecture about how not everything on the internet can be trusted and the dangers of conspiracy theories with how there was a lot of nonsense uploaded on there for s and giggles. 


Taking the writer’s advice, Karina decides to consume content that’s actually useful. Essential, important things. Things like Girls’ Generation, the greatest K-Pop group to ever exist. It might have been because Minjeong kind of looks like the leader of the group which caused the demon to start watching in the first place, but by the end of the week, she becomes a full-on super fan, a SONE, if you will.


Minjeong, getting sick of hearing Run Devil Run blasting from the living room, decides to hand over her BOSE 700s so she can get some peace.


To kill two birds with one stone, Minjeong also thought that their time at home would also be perfect for limit-testing, as in finding out what Karina needed now that she no longer feeds off souls.


Over the next week. Minjeong learns a few things about Karina and her needs. It started off with testing how often the demon needed kisses and how long she could go without them. Karina started feeling lightheaded after around twelve hours, but truly couldn’t take anymore after around two days, acting like a drunk mess.




“Kim Minjeong! Why are there three of you!”


Minjeong was gracious enough to help make up for the starvation, which led on to the next phase of testing. Turns out, Karina doesn’t solely live on kisses, but rather, touch in general. Hugging, cuddling and hand-holding are all little things that replenish and satiate the demon, keeping her from headaches and feeling woozy (or as the demon liked to say ‘weeweewoowoo’). Since finding this out, Minjeong and Karina have become increasingly touchy. Maybe a small hand lingers around a certain writer's waist when she's standing up and cooking, or maybe lazy fingers tap lightly on her thigh when they sit down and watch TV. 


And then there’s the topic of kisses. Karina insists that she needs at least one a day ever since her torturous fasting period.


Testing has proven inconclusive on that matter because every time Minjeong wants to hold her ground to see what happens if they hold off for just one night, she just can’t resist. The demon’s lips are too red, too plump, too inviting to be ignored - and how could she possibly hold back when those perfect lips turn into an irresistible pout every time she’s denied?


The two women had carved a comfortable routine for themselves. Morning cuddles were a must; it was a quiet moment shared before the day's chaos ensued. Minjeong would start her day writing, while Karina, ever the curious creature, would embark on a new hobby or project she discovered online.


After Minjeong deemed her basic training over, she wanted to treat the demon to something she knew Karina would enjoy. It started off with a basic thought to bring Karina to an aquarium, but seeing as the closest one was LOTTE Aquarium, Minjeong thought about taking her to the amusement park too. It was Halloween after all, and the theme might be something extra special that she wouldn’t want the demon to miss out on.

Besides, she wouldn’t even need to get a costume! Karina could just go as her usual self and that's when she had the perfect idea to go dressed as an angel to be her counterpart. Karina disapproves of the costume idea at first. After all, angels are not pretty creatures. Multi-winged monstrosities with creepy eyeballs that followed you around - super gross.


But when Minjeong steps out in an all-white dress, with white fluffy wings and a golden halo attached to her headband, all of Karina’s protests are thrown out of the window. 


Karina always found Minjeong pretty, but especially so today, her delicate features almost appeared shiny and more sparkly than usual. (It was the makeup, this was the first time Minjeong had properly dressed herself up).  


Karina fully and shamelessly checks Minjeong out, even hangs slightly open. Minjeong smiles at the demon’s expression, making a show and twirling around to show her outfit. 


The demon reckons that if all angels looked as cute as Minjeong right now, the world's sin would be cut straight in half.


“Your turn!”


It’s only then that Karina remembers that her current form isn’t her actual one. She had been shifted into a human for so long that she forgot she didn’t naturally have white skin and brown eyes for a moment. 


“Oh yeah, r-right.” 


In front of her eyes, she shifts her form, her grey skin returning. Minjeong giggles for a moment.


“I don’t think a demon is expected to go out in oversized plaid pajamas.” She comments, covering with her hand. 


Karina glances down at the checkered pattern. “Oh yeah.” She then strips in the middle of the living room, revealing the skin-tight black leather fused to her skin, just like the first night they met. 




Two things were running through Minjeong’s mind at the moment.


First of all, she couldn’t believe she had forgotten how y Karina’s demon form was. The shiny leather moulded perfectly to the demon's body, accentuating every contour and curve. Not to mention her shoulders and back were on full display, showing off her perfectly sculpted muscles. Minjeong had to literally shake herself out of a daze.


Second of all, are they going to get dress-coded? I mean people say Halloween is the one holiday where women could dress as ty as they wanted and not get for it but this must be pushing it no? I mean they were going to an amusement park for god sake!


Swallowing hard, Minjeong cleared . "Well, I have to say, you look... incredible. But maybe not exactly amusement park appropriate."


She runs into her room and pulls out an old cloak from a vampire costume a few years back. Is Karina’s costume still on the y side, yes, but at least she had a higher chance of making it into the park this way.


The human could only hope and pray for the best.




Karina is fascinated by the concept of a taxi. She peers out the window to see the outside passing by quickly. She takes in the smell of the car, a stale scent of metal and smoke that lingers. She presses her fingers up to the glass as she looks at the buildings that whoosh by. 


Minjeong, who’s tired because she ideally would have liked a few more hours of sleep, simply disassociates for a moment, resting her mind, but when she glances at the demon next to her, she can't help but smile.


She leans over and lowers the window to about halfway. Karina is surprised that the taxi could do something like that and leans out the window, feeling the breeze across her face. 


Minjeong thinks that Karina is like a big old golden retriever at the moment, completely unbothered. When Karina finally has enough of the breeze, she brings her head back into the vehicle, but her hair is all tousled and messy, making Minjeong break out into laughter. 


She brings the window back up and brings the mop of hair closer to her, smoothing it out and fixing her parting. She has to resist the urge to peck her on the forehead for just being so needlessly endearing. 


“There you go, silly.”


“Thank you, Minjeong.”


There’s a comfortable silence that fills the space between them. Aside from a light hum of surrounding cars and Youngstreet playing on the radio, there aren’t any other sounds vying for anyone’s attention. Minjeong closes her eyes and Karina keeps looking out the window, taking in more of the scenery. 


From her position suddenly some of the sun gets into the demon’s eyes, causing her to squint. She looks over at the sleeping figure, and lucky for her, nothing is obstructing her and getting in the way of her power nap.


Karina ducks and weaves her head and notices that the rays stay in one concentrated place. She would ask Minjeong about it, but she’s sleeping and doesn’t want to bother her. 


Is sunlight edible? She wonders to herself.


Slowly she tries to position herself back over the rays to take a bite. Karina thinks that it might be useful to save the sunlight for later- demons might be able to see in the dark, but humans can’t, so maybe Minjeong would appreciate it. She doesn’t notice the taxi driver looking at her through the mirror, visibly confused. 


As a result of her investigation, she realises that you can in fact not eat sunlight. A bit of a bummer, but then she remembered that people have lights that they can control at their will and she felt relieved enough to keep looking out the window again.


Minjeong wakes up just before they arrive, hands over some colourful paper and leads the way to the amusement park.


The duo make their way inside, taking in the festive sights and sounds. The entrance is furnished with spooky ghosts, giant spiderwebs, oversized pumpkins with glowing eyes, and mascots in cute costumes. There are plenty of people at the park, children running around with parents chasing after them, but there are also plenty of teens as well, dressed up as vampires, pirates and even other devils and angels. 


Karina looks around in absolute awe, her eyes darting around all the black and orange decorations. “Why can’t it be Halloween all the time?” 


“Because then it wouldn’t be special! Now come on, let's go!” She pulls a dazed demon’s arm, dragging her further into the park with her nose buried in a map. 


Karina stands frozen, staring up at a colossal circular structure, standing upright with little cages hanging along the outer edge. But not only is this thing massive -  it also moves! 


“What is that!”


“That’s a Ferris wheel! Let’s try it.” 


The two of them get in line, waiting for their turn. As they slowly move forward, Karina watches the wheel with fascination. The mixture of anticipation, excitement, and nervousness evident in her eyes. After a while in line, they mak

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HELLO??? OKAY IDK WHO PROMOD AGAIN BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I haven't written anything yet but I'll try my best to get something out for Halloween 💕


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quichetouche1 #1
Chapter 10: so cute!!
154 streak #2
Chapter 11: They DEVOURED with that art, damn it’s good
Taitai84 1226 streak #3
Chapter 11: Honestly when the tail appeared I thought the story would be going in another direction….
375 streak #4
Chapter 11: holy that fanart and imaging jimin as queen vel from mage and demon queen is stirring something in me
154 streak #5
Chapter 1: Woah just started this and all I can say is that this is beyond good
Chapter 11: jimin being after growing giant horns on her birthday is very symbolic if i do say so myself 👌 her stamina is no joke. she really manifested a and put minjeong to work for hours on end. holdddup can demons can pregnant?? i kind of assumed they just spawned out of thin hell air but a demon-human relationship seems unheard of.
Chapter 11: omgthatcoverisAMAZING 😍
Rayxxx #8
Chapter 11: Omg this is so ing hot, i feel pity for karina because she has to bear such pain and i will be confused to if i were winter. Thank you author for this amazing chap!
Psykotato 24 streak #9
Chapter 10: Minjeong's dad and Karina at such dorks I love it😭
910 streak #10
Chapter 7: cutieessss 😍😍😍