Chapter 2


KyungSoo and YiSeul walked outside the theatre's building. It was past 22:00 and the moon was covered by pitch-black clouds blended with the evening sky, leaving just a small shining shade of light.

- I parked my car in the parking lot-

said KyungSoo while pointing by hand on the right side of the building. He had to let her know quickly because she was heading straight to the main footpath. That was the first time he paid attention to her shape as she moved around four steps ahead of him. Her dark long hair was tied in a loose bun lying on her neck. Her height was...hmm...maybe half a head shorter than him, maybe more. 5,5' or 5,6'. Difficult to say. Her figure was slim and reminded him of an hourglass for some reason. It was probably because of the belt tied in the middle of her belly, holding her loose dress in place. It was dark but the color of her dress was still vivid as the green, like a spring grass was living even in the shadows. On top, she was wearing a black denim jacket. Her dress was cut at the knee length and flat dark shoes on her feet. She stopped and covered with her hands to hide laughing from her embarrassed face.

- Oh, I'm not driving so I'm instinctively just moving forward, sorry for not asking how you got here -

- You don't drive? Did you come by bus?-

- Yes, my hotel is just nearby so I can walk -

- Come, follow me. Let's take my car - he waved his hand in a welcoming manner and smiled proudly - can I ask which hotel you are staying in?-

- Hmmm... 5-star hotel - and laughed proudly at her joke, making him laugh as well - It's called La Luna, just 20 min...-

- Really? That's my hotel! - KyungSoo announced while smiling widely and pointing his finger to the chest - so we can go together then! -

- Shocking  what a coincidence! Let's go. By the way, can we go where I will choose? I have seen a nice, cozy place -

- Ok - answered KyungSoo and they turned right and slowly walked to the nearby car park.


When they jumped into the car she asked:

- Do you have a big family? -He wasn't even trying to hide his baffled expression. This grey, spacious family car barely fits into one car space. Inside, At first glance, there was a room for min 7 people. The beautifully finished cabin was kept in creamy color.

- No, it's just me. The size is useful as I'm always driving with all the equipment from the studio or whatever is needed for work. Also, often I take my parent on a trip, plus usually, my brother with his family is coming so, like I's useful - He didn't have to give her so many details. Why the feeling of comfort suddenly? He wasn't sure if that was a good move, but it already has been said so he can't return now.

- Wow, that's so great having a big family and going on trips together! - this statement wasn't exactly what he expected, and left him with double thoughts. Should he ask about her family's situation or act like it never happened? He didn't know at which point in the middle of those thoughts he twisted the keys and started the car. She jumped on her seat suddenly.

- Do you know where is the fountain near the hotel?-Surprised, he opened his eyes widely, but inside felt the sudden relief.

- I'm not sure. Usually, I'm just moving from the hotel to the theatre when coming here...-

- So listen, ok? It's just inside the park behind a big mall in the city center. You can walk there from the hotel, just going up the main road for around 7 minutes -

- Oh, I was in the mall a few times. I know where it is. How many times have you been here? In Incheon? -

- It's my first time, I'm living in Yeonhui-dong in Seoul - After finishing this sentence silence fell in the car so she looked at his reaction, feeling like she just said something silly. His head was lying on his seat head support while his chin was raised high, eyes looking to the front behind the widow and white teeth were highlighting his pure satisfaction which was not yet understandable.

- Same as me *ha ha ha*- he laughed deeply still not looking at her. - I'm starting the car - and he pressed on the pedal to finally move.


The car has been parked in the public car park. It wasn't wide, but the length was probably the longest in this city. Not much space left for a family car with trunk size a car by itself because all the spaces were filled already, but they finally found a room just at the end, just next to the passage leading to the park. The road was old, between one of the mall's subbuildings and an apartment building. At the end of the road was a street food shop under a tent in yellow colors and painted flower signs here and there. This kind of street food with high chairs where tasty fast food, alcohol, and hot drinks were served. KyungSoo's eyes were learning every piece of this view. He had not often visited this kind of place and excitement was rising with every second. He was meant to go back home straight after work. What is this feeling growing inside him now? Where is the exhaustion he felt not long time ago?

- Do you like street food? - YiSeul asked.

- I don't mind this kind of food, and to be honest, I think I'll enjoy it today especially-

- What's the difference today? - she asked while entering the tent.

- Good evening- both of them greeted the owner who, apparently was an elderly woman, wearing a headband holding her messy and curly, brown hair mixed with silver highlights. Her eyes seemed like they were smiling all the time even when she was focused on deepening the stuffed on a stick meat. She looked at them slowly and her lips smiled gently.

- Good evening, what can I get you? -KyungSoo hadn't seen the menu and wasn't quite sure if there was any dish served regardless of the shop, so he kept silent and looked at YiSeul with SOS painted in his eyes reflection.

- Any chance you have Tteokbokki? - she asked.- Will be with you next 5 to 7 minutes. Would you like anything to drink? -

- Yes, just orange juice, please. Are you drinking anything KyungSoo? -

- Same for me please- answered without hesitation, after that they both sat on the high chairs standing there, just under the bar counter. Time was passing slowly, and Tteokbokki was finally served.

- So why did you laugh in the car when I told you where I live? - she asked with faint resentment in her voice.

- Because I'm living in the same suburb - he answered with visible enjoyment on his face. They were sitting next to each other. Same as in a car, just he's not driving anymore and the lights in this tent are successfully imitating the sunshine rays in the summertime. The only bangs on her forehead were baby hair, and the color of her dyed hair was Mocha, still dark but not as much. Her face contours were very characteristic as her face check bones were visible and sharp compared to the rest of her round face. Proportional nose pointing straight on its edge and full lips with the lower one slightly tucked in. The time has stopped for one second. Without a reason.

Just a second of silence while looking at her picture...

- listening? -That question just shook him from the dream.

"Ee?" The sound came out of his mouth, surprising even himself. - I live in Yeonhui-dong too - quickly continued the topic so she wouldn't think he hadn't listened.

- Where about? - she asked

- Near the main road, we have a nice flower shop, and..hmm.. oh! Do you know the street full of bars near the lake? -

- There! Shocking! I'm living near the preschool -

- It's literally 10 min from my place, maybe 15. Wow! - They looked at each other with excitement- I was laughing because meeting you seems like an incredible coincidence *ha ha ha* - he laughed- and we seem to have so much in common, that's unbelievable. The most spontaneous day in my life -

- We can always meet again, just in Yeonhui-dong- ...after her words he stiffened.That was supposed to be the one-off, just tonight, but why does this seem like one of the most unexpected, long-lasting friendships he will experience? Why every time he repeats in his head "It's just today" she keeps on tempting him and making him want to know more and more? -...yeah...let's meet in Yeonhui-dong -

- By the way - she suddenly changed the topic - what's wrong with this manager Kim? You don't need to answer if you don't want to - ...Suddenly the water boiled in KyungSoo's body and he wanted to walk away. He doesn't want to talk about it...but she's asking...he should answer...He needed a longer few seconds to compose himself.- Well...- constructing sentences became more difficult - I am a composer and producer. My initial task was to be in a boy group. I...appreciate my privacy - suddenly he speeds up his words and added hand gestures - being famous is like selling your life to the public, they are watching you and commenting, tormenting you with complaints. You can't satisfy everyone - - Is it just that? Or do you have any memory which is keeping you from it? - Silence...His big round dark eyes became empty. He was looking at her but hadn't seen her.

-, it's just that. I always loved creating music and singing, but I also enjoy my life without flashing lights...-

- Is that so? I get it. There's no point in forcing yourself if you don't want it - KyungSoo's chest suddenly flattened, he switched off his defending mode and his breath became stable.

- It's late, let's go to see this fountain you've been talking about - he proposed, as he needed to stand up and move. That will help him regenerate strength after a heavy dosage of frustrating emotions. They stood up, thanked the lady owner, and walked away. The street food tent was standing just at the border between the buildings and the park area. There was no doubt where the park was beginning, as the concrete set the boundaries between his space and vivid, spring grass, similar to YiSeul's dress color. They walked in casually and headed to the large fountain placed just at the center of the park. The round shape was highlighted by the wood benches, which looked old but it gave this sentimental feeling that was irreplaceable, and changing them for a new one would be a big mistake causing the loss in part of the astonishing feels in this place.

When they reached the fountain, YiSeul started to look for something in her bag, eventually taking out her wallet and opening it.

- You're ok? - asked KyungSoo confused. Why does she need money in the middle of the night and standing next to the fountain...Then she threw a coin just in the middle.

- What are you doing? - KyungSoo asked one question, but in fact, there were hundreds of more of them in his head.

- I just made a wish!- she said with a wide smile and hope in her eyes, which created even more questions in KyungSoo's head. He looked at the place where she throw the coins and remembered about this kind of fountain:

- There are many, but that one is not one of them...- one second of silence and he bursted out of laugh, holding his belly like somethings about to fall out from his brown jacket. His laugh made her upset slightly. She pushed him and shouted:

-Why you're laughing?-

- Because why did you even think that it's a wishing fountain? The surface is flat and there is no notice or statue, it's just a regular city fountain *HA HA HA*- He was still laughing but she looked at him with resentment.

- Well...sometimes you need to try everything right?- He straightened his back:

- For what? - and became all ears. She then explained:

- My life is a mess. I am taking care of my sick mother and don't have any relatives. This job is everything I have now, but they gave me another, and last 3 months to improve saying today that my content wasn't really what they expected...but they are crossing their fingers for my progress in this field! Progress, my as*! I spent the last couple of years at school just for this job. I was working as a waitress in a dirty pub and as an office cleaner so I could survive and build a future for me and my mom...! - he then grabbed her hand which was trembling from frustration and all the dark memories which have just bombarded her mental state. She doesn't deserve this...this sudden thought just guested in his mind. His problems became nothing compared to hers. He is tough, he survived all of the grenades throwed into him within the last couple of years, but he was always standing up, and she...she looks like her limit is coming to an end.

- I'm working many hours and have long business trips once in a while, but... if you need my help, I'm here for you. If I'm not at home then call me...we live only 10 minutes away from each a walk - and he smiled. The decision has been made. This one-off spontaneous trip just opened a new chapter in their lives. She smiled gratefully:

- Thank you KyungSoo - Just a few more seconds of staring at each other in silence. They both have agreed just by looking into each other's eyes. The empty park space has become more silent than before. The time has stopped for them...He grabbed her arm gently and said:

- Let's go back, I believe it's very late and we both are tired. There will be more, even better unexpected trips like today so let's look forward, but for now...-

- Yes, let's go... - she admitted with a faint smile as the tiredness appeared on her face. So they slowly walked back to the car in this quiet, empty nighttime park. Their hands were walking next to each other, without touching. It was meant to be only a one-off trip...


Can't wait to lie down in bed..."

KyungSoo thought, but his smile was painting all the emotions from today.

Good night KyungSoo-yah. Sleep well with the hope that there will be no sleepless nights anymore...

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NME6778 #1
Chapter 1: Ohh, their meeting is so awkard... and kyungsoo is so shyy..
Chapter 3: This is so cute! ^^ Their relationship together seems pretty sweet so far.