chapter 5

you're so annoying (i love you)

There are things Wendy likes about Irene. 

And there are a lot more things Wendy doesn’t like about Irene that always irks her to death. 

One of them is happening right now, when she doesn’t reply to her text in the morning, and Irene decides to take the matter into her own hand.

Wendy woke up to find out that her body temperature is higher than normal and she has a great headache, a condition that causes a curse to slip out of her chapped lips naturally. Her fever only allows her to call her secretary to tell him that she will not come to work today—and she can only speak in gibberish, hoping for him to understand simply from how weak her voice is.

She decided to sleep more in order to feel better, a decision that led her to turn off her phone so no one will be able to disturb her in the middle of resting. Sleep was about to fully overcome her senses when she heard a loud rap of knocking on her door. Wendy let out a muffled groan as each of the knocking caused her headache to intensify and she tried to seek shelter underneath her thick blanket. When she realizes that the knocking will never stop, she forces herself to leave her bed and strutting towards the front door with murderous intent.

When she finds her standing behind the door, being the culprit who annoys Wendy to death, it brings another wave of pain into her head. “What the are you doing here?”

“Checking if you are still alive,” answered Irene nonchalantly as she didn't wait for Wendy to invite her to come inside by walking through her like this condo is hers. Wendy let out a weak snort from the attitude, the only expression form of annoyance she can do in her sick state. “Because someone decided to not reply to my text in the morning.”

Her eyes rolled, only for the action to send another sting of pain into her brain like her headache is not being a right now. “Now you know.”

“And I heard you are sick. As a concerned girlfriend, of course I’m going to check on you,” continued Irene, causing Wendy to stop dragging her legs back to her bedroom. “But seeing your attitude, I’m not sure you are really sick.”

Wendy turned around to face her with furrowed eyebrows. “How do you know I was sick?”

“Mujin told me,” shrugged Irene. The mention of her secretary makes her condition become more miserable than earlier. “I resorted to asking him because there’s no reply from you, and you didn’t pick up my calls. Can you blame me that I thought you were dead at such a young age because there’s completely no news about your existence today?”

“How did you even get his number?” hissed Wendy as she massaged her forehead to ease the pain of her headache to be slightly bearable.

“Is that really important right now?” asked Irene in a monotonous voice. She let out a scoff when Wendy simply gave her a look. “I asked for his number during my first visit to your office. Are you satisfied now?”

“Whatever,” grumbled Wendy in annoyance. She made a mental note to scold Mujin once she went back to her office in a healthy state for disclosing her current condition to Irene, and for giving his number to her. She waved her hand in dismissal as she walked back towards her bedroom. “Just do whatever you want and don’t disturb me.”

She let out a satisfied sigh once she slipped her body inside the blanket, her back hit the mattress and her head hit the soft pillow. She closed her eyes, wanting to go back to sleep only for her peace to last for a few seconds when she heard Irene entering her room with a loud bang. Wendy let her know about her annoyance with a loud groan. “Have you drunk your medicine?”

“No,” answered Wendy shortly, along with a small whisper. “I don’t know if I have one.”

It seems like Irene heard it because she got a snort as her response. “ing hell, you are such a pain in the , do you know that?”

Wendy furrowed her eyebrows in disagreement as she watched Irene leave her bedroom. Irene is the one who has been such a pain in the ever since she shows up in front of her apartment and disturbing her with her loud knocking like she is a member of the SWAT team who is on a mission to bust into her place. 

Her eyes closed again when she thought Irene finally left her to rest for good this time. But her hope quickly vanished when she heard her muffled steps. Wendy decided to cover her head, to let her know she wished to not be disturbed. “I want to sleep, Irene.”

“Drink your medicine first, Wendy,” deadpanned Irene as she heard her putting something on the nightstand beside her bed. Wendy exposed her head from the blanket, revealing the sight of unimpressed Irene along with a glass of water and a strip of medicine. “Thank God I decided to buy you medicine because I know your lazy would not want to leave your bed since you are sick. Sit up, or do you need my help for that too?”

“You are so horrible,” huffed Wendy weakly as she slowly change her position on her bed to not further ing up the condition inside her head. 

“Gee, not even a thank you.”

Wendy rolled her eyes from the sneer before she took the strip of medicine and took a tablet for her to drink. “There. Are you satisfied now?”


The sick woman ignored her girlfriend as she lay down on her bed once again. She doesn’t have enough strength to fight when Irene decides to join her in bed and sit just right on top of her body. “What is it this time?”

Irene doesn’t say anything as she looks at her in the eyes. Her gaze is so deep it pierce through the inside of her orbs like she wants to read Wendy and doesn’t miss a word. Wendy frowned when she leaned closer, she could feel her breath fanning against her pale lips. Her palm is the next thing she noticed as Irene placed it gently above her forehead. She can feel her ears turning warm from the gesture. Wendy will pretend it was because of her fever.

“I told you to not come to my dorm last night,” whispered Irene as her finger gently grazed her cheek while her eyes stayed on her.

She looked away as she remembered what happened last night. The distance from the parking lot to Irene’s dorm wasn’t that far, but running through the heavy rain from her car certainly will make her body completely drenched with raindrops. In her head, the only thing that matters is to safely deliver a package of Irene’s favorite spicy rice cakes without thinking about herself. That’s why she used her suit to protect the food instead of herself, looking like an absolute fool once she arrived at the front door of her dorm and Irene was already waiting for her with a surprised and worried expression plastered on her face.

“You told me you have been wanting to eat that for this couple of days,” mumbled Wendy once Irene forced her to look back at her gaze. “The place finally opened, what do you want me to do?”

Her girlfriend’s ears turned red from her explanation as Irene tried her best to not lose her cool in front of her in case Wendy wanted to about it, like how it usually happens between the two of them. Not that she wants to do it, when she got her sickness to think about. She got no time to just because she got Irene flustered with her gesture. “That doesn’t mean you need to buy me one as soon as the store is finally open. You can just text me and we can visit the place someday. And doesn’t a rich snob like you should have an umbrella at least?”

“I lend it to my worker,” answered Wendy, she can feel her sweat starting to pool on her forehead. “She needed it to go to the nearest bus stop.”

The answer somehow felt wrong because Irene raised her eyebrow and her gaze turned judgmental. Wendy swallowed her saliva out of nervousness. “Really? A boss like you being kind towards your subordinate? Is she pretty?”

“Are you really going to start this right now?” whined Wendy as she can feel sleep starting to kick into her system, the side effect from the medicine she drank earlier. She tries to budge, but her weak body is incapable to even make Irene shift for a mere inch. “I really want to sleep, and you are keeping me awake by talking to me and sitting on my crotch.”

Irene’s sharp gaze softened before a teasing smirk bloom on her face. “Why? Are you afraid your little buddy will get hard, ert?”

“I’m not a ert,” huffed Wendy as she tried to look unaffected when Irene playfully grinding her waist against her crotch. She is such a freaking brat. “Just leave me alone, can you?”

She doesn’t say anything, only staring deep into her eyes and Wendy felt like she was being stripped just from her gaze alone. Irene lowered her head afterwards, erasing some gap between the two of them. Wendy can feel her warm breath fanning against her lips, and she really doesn’t need this kind of right now.

“I can handle it from here,” assured Wendy, she doesn’t know why she did that.

“I know,” whispered Irene softly, the tip of their nose brushing against each other right now. Wendy can feel herself starting to panic. She really need Irene to pull back and step away from her or-

Her train of thoughts stopped when she felt her fingers brushing away her sweaty fringe, before her soft lips followed. The pair of red landed exactly on her sticky forehead, and the addictive scent of Irene started to fill her system. Her unique floral scent that Wendy always loves to snuggle at whenever she buried her face deep inside her soft collarbone. 

A scent of comfort, a scent of home.

“I know you don’t want me to get sick too, Wendy. But I also could tell you were begging me not to leave. It’s cute, and I like that about you,” whispered Irene with a wide grin once she left her forehead after giving her a long kiss. “And I know better than to kiss your lips. I also don’t want to get sick, you know? Who else is going to take care of you when both of us are sick?”

Irene leaves her bed afterwards, and fixes the blanket position on her body to keep her warm. Wendy can only stare at her with a slightly opened mouth. She can’t find a word in her to at least reply to her with something more than just a mere silence.

“Go to sleep, Wendy. I will make something for you to eat while you are resting,” instructed Irene as she walked towards the door. A smirk soon follows. “Or you’d rather for me to stay by your side, my blushing lover boy?”

Wendy scoffed as she turned around and buried herself further inside her blanket. Her face feels hot, she will blame it on her fever. “Just go away.”

The last thing Wendy heard is her beautiful laugh, along with the loud pounding of her heart as she tried to sleep peacefully.

When she woke up a few hours later, her body felt lighter and the headache had disappeared from her brain. As she tries to sit on her bed, a piece of damp cloth suddenly falls from her forehead. Wendy caught it before they landed on her lap, looking at the cloth long enough for her mind to process why it was on her forehead in the first place. She turned her head and spotted a bowl of water on her nightstand, probably being the reason why it was damp.

Something struck her mind, but she can’t remember what as her brain is still hazy to give her any information that she knew so far.

Her t-shirt is soaking wet from her own sweat and she feels sticky all over her figures. That’s why once she feels like she was strong enough to leave the cocoon of her bed—and after putting the damp cloth back into the bowl—the first thing she does is change her outfit into a fresh pair of t-shirt and shorts. Her stomach grumbled the moment she was done changing. She decided to step out from her bedroom to make something quick to eat.

As soon as she took the first step out of her bedroom, she was greeted with the sight of Irene sitting on the couch with an opened laptop in front of her. She did her long hair in a messy bun, showcasing her smooth alabaster neck that was usually filled with her artwork the night before. She looked small in her oversized t-shirt, a piece of her clothing that she stole from her wardrobe.

To say that Wendy was stunned from the extraordinary view is an understatement. She was starstrucked, her eyes slightly widened from how Irene beautifully glows by the help of the natural light coming from the huge window behind her. 

She completely forgot about the fact that Irene was in her apartment today, looking out for her sick self and taking care of her. Wendy doesn’t know whether it was the remnant of the side effect from the medicine she drank earlier, or because she was sick, but her heart has been thumping a little faster than normal often for today alone. 

Irene is beautiful. But to make Wendy feel like a teenager who just fell in love for the first time with her ultimate crush is a rare thing to happen for her emotionally constipated self.

“Oh, you are awake.”

Wendy got pulled back to reality because of the simple sentence being said into the huge hall of her condo, and she found Irene looking at her right now instead of her laptop screen. “Good morning.”

“You change your clothes,” pointed out Irene as she ran her eyes from the top of her head down to her toes, before she left her couch and walked towards her.

“Yeah, they got soaked with my sweat,” shrugged Wendy as she watched every movement Irene is making right now. 

Her girlfriend replied with a soft hum as she stopped just a couple of inches in front of her. She brought her hand towards her forehead, probably wanting to check if the fever is still as hot as it was a few hours ago. And Wendy found her gaze landed on her pink lips, looking so soft as they were glistening underneath the sunlight. To hold back the urge from kissing her is such a huge feat Wendy never knew she needed to handle.

“At least your fever got better,” sighed Irene, she sounded relieved somehow. Wendy just wanted to kiss her right here and there if only she wasn’t sick. “I already cooked dumpling soup for you. Why don’t you take a bath first before you eat? I have also prepared the hot water for you to clean yourself.”

A snort can’t help but to leave her lips. “Who are you? My caretaker? Not even my mom did this whole length when I’m sick.”

“Just be grateful that your girlfriend cares for your sick , you bastard,” Irene rolled her eyes from the snide remarks, but Wendy knew that she knew she was only joking. It was shown from how she tapped her lightly, although it does make her feel like she was the ungrateful brat between the two. “I will heat the soup while you take a bath.”

She simply rolled her eyes as her reply before she retreated towards the bathroom. True to her words, the bathtub is already filled with hot water for Wendy to take a dip and wash her body. She can only let out a sigh from the heartfelt gesture before she stripped her body and took a step into the bathtub.

The hot water immediately erased the ache in her limbs the moment she got completely submerged inside the bathtub, with only her head sticking out from the water. She leaned back against the custom headrest she got for her bathtub while trying to remember the last time she had enough time to enjoy her life as it was. Her busy lifestyle filled most of her schedules, there is no gap that allows her to take a breather and sit down for a little while.

At least, that’s how her life was before Irene came into her world.

Wendy remembered the last time she used her bathtub, an event that occurred a few weeks ago. Irene came up with an idea for the two of them to take a bath together. She was in the middle of reviewing a monthly report, and a straight ‘No’ as an answer already laid to rest at the tip of her tongue, ready to be said.

But when she raised her head and found Irene standing in front of her bathroom—all with nothing to cover the excellency of her body—posing in all her glory for Wendy to look with her eyes. The answer she was about to say evaporated just like that into the thin air. Especially when she beckoned her to come closer with a simple flick of a finger, and Wendy soon walked towards her like she got controlled under the mercy of the younger girl.

What do you expect her to say in the first place? There’s no way she can say ‘no’ to that!

It was an interesting bath, to say the least. Irene was sitting right on her lap with her back leaned against her front, allowing Wendy to sometimes run the tip of her nose against the slope of her neck. She inhaled her scent mixed with the soap they were using, creating such an irresistible pull for Wendy to bury her face on her skin. She kisses her collarbone until a familiar red mark blooms on the alabaster canvas.

The situation escalated after that. Irene turned around, and her eyes can’t help but to land on her soft s that look so enticing with the help of their pink s. Wendy carefully placed her thumb over her engorged tip, secretly listening to the soft moan Irene was creating because of her touches. 

She leaned forward to land her lips on her sternum, the sweat mixed with water from being soaked inside the bathtub. Her tongue moves like those droplets of water can quench her thirst. Wendy doesn’t stop moving down as she continues with her move until her lips bumped against her soft flesh. She looks up to find Irene staring at her with hunger and desire burning in her eyes. She also shows that by desperately grabbing the back of her head, gently pushing her towards her in a silent plea.

And Wendy decided to grant her wish by wrapping her lips around her-

“How long are you going to stay here?”

Her eyes opened to find Irene standing beside the bathtub with an unamused expression on her face. She let out a sigh before closing her eyes once more. “Until I’m satisfied.”

Wendy doesn’t need to open her eyes to know that Irene was judging her with her gaze because of her answer alone. “They said it’s not good to stay in a hot tub for a long time. And I don’t want to reheat your stupid dumpling soup. Get your out of the bathtub now. I will wait for you in the dining room.”

A groan slipped past as Wendy scoop some of the water and splash it on her face before running her fingers through her wet hair. “Can you please leave me alone and let me do my business?”

“Why?” asked Irene as she changed her pose and managed to look more annoying from down there. “It’s not like I never saw you before.”

“Because I still want my privacy,” deadpanned Wendy as she tried to look convincing enough in front of Irene and her sharp gaze. And she also tried her best in covering her excitement that becomes hard when her mind wanders to the past. “Leave me alone, please?”

Irene stayed silent for a few seconds before she turned around and left Wendy alone inside her bathroom. She let out a relieved sigh once she heard her steps gradually farther away. Wendy enjoyed another soak for a few minutes before she stood up and looked down to find her was still in their semi-hard state. A defeated groan left her lips, knowing she needed to think about something horrible that could make her buddy go back into their sleeping state.

“Why would I even think about that?” grumbled Wendy to herself as she tried to think about how sad it was for a polar bear to lose their home from global warming. The thought turns out to be successful for her shaft to become limp once again.

Once she was fresh and dry, she was greeted with a nice smell of a hearty dumpling soup coming from the dining room. Her stomach growls in need the moment her nose picks up the delicious scent, making her realize that she has been starving this whole time. She took her seat on one of the dining chairs, where a warm bowl of dumpling soup was already presented right in front of her. 

Wendy was about to start digging her food when she glanced towards Irene and found out there’s a laptop in front of her instead of a bowl of dumpling soup like her. “You don't eat?”

“I have eaten when you were sleeping earlier,” answered Irene while she continued with her college assignment. It looks like she was working on her paper, something she told Wendy once on their usual meet up last weekend, now that she recalls it. “Drink your meds once you are done with your soup.”

She rolled her eyes from the reminder. “Yes, mom.”

Irene sent her a warning glare before she focused back on her paper. Her apartment turns silent as the only thing her ears listen to is the sound of fast typing and the clinking sound of her spoon against the surface of the bowl. Wendy calmly enjoyed her soup, which turns out tasted much better than she expected.

“Where did you buy this?”

“Excuse me? I made it myself,” scoffed Irene, feeling offended that Wendy just accused her of buying it at the nearest restaurant. She typed a few sentences on her laptop before she turned around and faced Wendy, who only raised her eyebrow from the sudden attention. “We need to do something with the stuff inside your refrigerator.”

A soft hum leaves . “What about it?”

“What about it? There’s completely nothing,” deadpanned Irene, unimpressed with her living situation. “I barely got the scraps to cook dumpling soup for you. I need to go downstairs to buy more ingredients.”

“Stop complaining. I know you bought it using my card,” snorted Wendy, remembering when she found her black card lying on the counter top just like that after she woke up from her sleep. Irene only rolled her eyes from her reply, because she got no stuff for her to throw towards Wendy. “Let's go grocery shopping today.”

Her girlfriend was staring at her like a pair of horns just growing on her forehead. “Wendy, you are sick.”

“And?” shrugged Wendy lightly, like the fact that she is sick right now is nothing more than just sickness. “You just told me that I got nothing right now.”

“That doesn’t mean that we need to buy groceries right now,” groaned Irene inside her own palm, looking like she was tired with her shenanigans. “You are sick, okay? You need to rest and stay at home instead of wandering around the supermarket.”

“I will wear a mask,” assured Wendy. “And I’m not working right now. That counts as a rest.”

“You are so unbelievable,” grumbled Irene as she decided to give up from this debate. “Fine, whatever. We are going to buy groceries today, but I will be the one who drives.”

She squinted her eyes. “Don’t scratch my car.”


The trip to the supermarket was somehow much calmer than she thought it would be. There’s no wild driving Irene often showcasing whenever she decided to act like a brat when she gave her the chance to drive her car.

And Irene is mostly the one who picks the stuff for her, including a detergent that is much better compared to the one she has in her apartment. Wendy’s job is to follow her by her side while pushing the trolley cart that slowly got filled with the stuff she needed in her condo.

Wendy understands why Irene insisted to be the one who drove during their way back to her home. Because of the medicine she drank after eating her dumpling soup, she started to feel sleepy once again as the side effect kicked in. She fell asleep as soon as she got into the car, and Irene needed to wake her up after they arrived at her apartment building.

“So much for someone who doesn’t need to rest when they’re sick,” snorted Irene as she punished Wendy from not listening to her by making her carry all the groceries they just bought. Wendy could only roll her eyes and accept her fate as she towed behind her.

Her afternoon was spent in the form of more sleep for Wendy’s sick self. She woke up just in time when Irene finished cooking dinner for the two of them as the Sun started to set into the horizon. It’s another soup—a beef soup this time, because Irene can’t eat chicken—and Wendy doesn’t have the energy to pick a fight with the younger girl because she feels too tired and her sickness somehow got worse. It is all thanks to her decision to go out.

“I will stay the night,” informed Irene out of the blue, when she was still in the middle of finishing her soup. “I will be here until you get better.”

“Okay,” nodded Wendy, doesn’t even have the strength in her to over it. “You are sleeping with me, right?”

“Why?” asked Irene, who got a -eating grin plastered on her face right now as she decided to because of her question. “Do you need me that much, babe?”

She nodded again. “Yeah.”

It seems like Irene doesn’t expect that as her answer because she looks stunned right now, and there’s a speck of blush slowly dusting her cheek with red. Irene cleared to regain her composure, the fever is too much for Wendy to make fun of her reaction. God knows how much she hates to get sick just from today alone. “Whatever. Go to bed after you drink your meds. I will join you later after I’m done with the dishes.”

The only reply she can muster is a weak nod. She drank her medicine dutifully after she was done with her dinner, and strutted her way towards her bathroom once she was finished with everything. It took her tons of strength to brush her teeth, to the point the harmless chore slowly becomes unbearable as the second ticks away.

Wendy doesn’t know that it was possible for her to miss her bed so much the moment her back landed on top of the soft mattress. She let a satisfied groan escape past while slipping her body underneath the thick blanket, accepting the warmth of an embrace given by the duvet.

Maybe the saying was right. When you are sick, you tend to appreciate the things you have more than usual. Wendy really loves her bed right now, and no matter what is happening outside of her own bedroom, she will never leave this space.

Unless something happened with Irene. Hopefully, nothing will happen.

Her girlfriend joins Wendy in her bedroom when sleep was about to take over her consciousness. Wendy parted her eyes to silently watch Joohyun moving around in her safe space. She has changed into a new set of clothes this time—a t-shirt that looks so big on her small body—something that she also stole out of her walk-in wardrobe. She let her long hair loose this time, falling down her back and Wendy wants nothing more than to just bury her face inside.

“You’re late,” muttered Wendy sleepily as Joohyun finally arrived on her side of the bed. There is a bowl of water and a piece of cloth she brought along with her.

“I’m taking a shower too, Wendy,” explained Joohyun with a tired sigh as she placed the bowl on the nightstand. She took the piece of cloth and dunked it into the warm water, letting it sit for a while before taking it out and wringing the material to let the excess of water go back to their bowl. “Now listen to me and behave.”

She made a scowl on her face while Joohyun placed the damp cloth on her forehead. It feels warm and wet, Wendy isn’t used to this.

Joohyun properly joins her afterwards by taking the empty space beside her and turning her back on her. Wendy silently looked at the view of her back when an idea struck her mind.

“Go to sleep instead of staring at me, Wendy,” snorted Joohyun, somehow realizing she was looking at her.

But Wendy doesn’t pay any mind to her words as she turned her body to lay on her side and shifted closer to where Joohyun is. She watched her closely to see if there was any reaction that was made because of her action. Finding none, Wendy throws her arms around her waist and pulls her body into her embrace.

“What are you doing?” questioned Irene over her action, but she doesn’t make an effort to pry her hands away from her waist.

“They said body warmth is a good medicine when you are sick,” answered Wendy as she sneakily inserted her arms underneath her t-shirt to touch her bare skin. “So I’m getting the said body warmth from you.”

“Is it now?” reacted Irene with an unimpressed voice. Wendy only answered her with a lazy hum while she let her hands continue in exploring her body for the search of her deserved body warmth. When her palm landed on her soft , a satisfied hum managed to escape from . Her ears picked up the sound of a snort afterwards. “Does that include touching my when you sleep?”

“Yeah,” murmured Wendy softly as her face got buried deeper inside her thick hair, the hair that smells like her shampoo and she loves it. If not for the damp cloth on top of her forehead right now, her face would have touched her nape already. Her fingers pressed their pads on her soft flesh to appreciate her globe of chest. “It’s really warm.”

“Right,” scoffed Irene in a mocking way. “What’s next? Your stupid inside my ?”

If Wendy was a dog instead of human, her ears would have perked up by now from the interesting suggestion. “That’s actually a good—Ow!”

She exhaled a painful huff after Joohyun’s sharp elbow landed beautifully on her body, really close to where her ribcage is and stopping her from saying the full sentence. “Stop being a ert and just ing go to sleep, Wendy.”

“I’m not a ert,” protested Wendy in a whisper while her lips formed into a pout. She slowly closed her eyes, and didn't need to wait for sleep to take her into the dreamland.


The whisper of birds chirping wakes her up in the fine morning. Wendy slowly opened her eyes to adjust with the bright light that was pouring from the huge window in which she forgot to put the blinds on.

Her hand reached for something that was placed on top of her forehead, and found the cloth had turned dry overnight. She easily discards it away and uses her palm to check on her own body temperature from her forehead. Wendy finds out that her fever has lowered down significantly and she is feeling a lot better than yesterday.

Finally, she’s no longer sick.

Wendy was about to sit on her bed to gather more of her consciousness before she left her bedroom when she finally noticed the weight on the left side of her body. Her eyes tilted down to find a head using her chest as a pillow, and their limbs are completely wrapped around her body like she was a bolster.

It doesn’t come as a surprise to see Irene is still deep in her sleep. Her girl is a huge sleeper during the weekend. Somehow, her body was functioning differently ever since the clock hit twelve and the day changed to Saturday. It’s probably a special skill every college student in this world has. But still, it never fails in surprising Wendy over how they are just a different human when the weekend arrives.

She reached for the top of her hair, her fingertips gently following the line of her locks as she gave the strands a . There goes her chance in leaving the bed to start her day like how she usually is.

But having Irene sleeping on top of her body like this will never make the sound of leaving her bed appealing.

Their bodies might be covered in blankets, but Wendy knows her waist is exposed from how warm her skin is as they touch her side. From the feeling of the bare skin of her thighs, she also finds out that Irene only wears nothing more than an underwear from her waist down to her toes. The memory of last night soon resurfaces, and it doesn’t take a long time for Wendy to know that she was the culprit behind it.

The time ticks away and she doesn’t know how long she has stayed in this position without shifting her body for a mere inch. But Irene stirred awake soon and tightening the wrap she got around her body before she properly opened her eyes. Wendy let her take her time in gathering her consciousness as her fingers did not stop in playing with her hair.

“Wendy?” called Irene as she sticks up her head and turns around to face her. There is an ugly scrunch on her face, but Irene has never looked more beautiful with the dry stain of drool decorating the corner of her lips and messy hair as her strands are scattered everywhere.

“Good morning,” greeted Wendy softly as she brought her thumb close to her lips to erase the stain from her face. People might have deemed the action as disgusting, but Wendy doesn’t care in the slightest.

Irene let out a groan as she dropped her head on top of her body. She raised it again soon and brought her hand closer to where her forehead is. “Your fever has gone down.”

She nods her head. “I’m okay now.”

“Let’s not start with that,” grumbled Irene as she leaves her body to sit on the bed. The last time Wendy said that, her fever got worse because she decided to go to the supermarket and buy groceries. Wendy completely understands why she said that. Silence dawned upon them as Wendy let her take her own time to properly wake up from her good night sleep. “What time is it?”

“Nine,” answered Wendy shortly after she took her phone from the nightstand to check on the time.

A soft hum is the reply she got from giving her the answer as the second round of comfortable silence started. Wendy decided to watch her again. “I’m starving and you need to eat. Let’s make breakfast.”

Wendy nods as Irene leaves her bed first. She watches Irene do her long hair in a messy bun before she walks out of her bedroom, showing off those slender legs that always have their own place around her waist. The older woman followed afterward as she brought along the bowl that was filled with warm water turned cold and the dry cloth with her, because Irene forgot about their existence on the nightstand.

Her girlfriend was rummaging through one of the grocery bags when she arrived at the kitchen to put the bowl inside the sink. “How does having pancakes for breakfast sound?”

“Great,” Wendy agreed in an instant as she started to prepare the tools and stuff to make a batch of pancakes for both of them. Irene was about to tell her to rest and let her do the cooking but Wendy cut her before she could even say it. “I’m healthier than I was compared to yesterday’s afternoon. I will help you.”

“Fine,” Irene let out a displeased grunt as she gave her a box of pancake mix she found inside the grocery bag. “You are so hardheaded and stupid. Why would I even bother to fight with you?”

She rolled her eyes from the insult before she read through the instruction written at the back of the box. It’s an understatement to say that Wendy has gotten used to the insult to be super annoyed with her words. She has found a way to live with it. Once they had gathered all the added ingredients to make a pancake, Wendy decided to start making the batter. 

And Irene decided to not shut the up. 

“I really don’t trust you with this,” started Irene before a train of sentences followed through. Either Wendy making the slightest mistake or they were both fighting on how to do it right, Irene will always open to say something. 

It’s loud, it’s noisy—it’s annoying for Wendy who usually starts her day with calm music instead of an endless rap of complaints coming from her girlfriend.

“See? This is how you do it,” demonstrated Irene before she gave the whisk back to Wendy who was in charge of the hard labor. Wendy let out a defeated sigh as she braced herself for further ramble, even though she had grown sick of it. “It will make the pancake fluffy and soft to eat. What will happen to you if there’s no me by your side, anyway? I bet-”

Wendy was serious when she said that she can’t take it anymore.

Her head turned around to look at Irene who had her gaze fixated towards the mixed batter. She wrapped her hand around her neck and she caught Irene was surprised from the contact based on how she got her eyes on her right now. Wendy didn’t say anything as she gently kept her in her spot with the help of her palm around her neck before she kissed her lips to stop any words coming out from .

It took Irene a while to kiss her back as she got her arms wrapped around her neck. The younger girl was busy matching the intensity of her kiss to realize that she was about to fall. That’s why Wendy quickly released the gentle hold she got on her neck to wrap her arms around her waist and have her secure inside her embrace. She can feel her braless chest as their front got pressed with each other. It has been more than a day since the last time Wendy kissed her, and she is adamant to have their connection as long as she could until their lungs burn and finally do their protest for another batch of oxygen.

Their lips were connected with a string of saliva when Wendy finally broke their intense kiss. Her eyes were in a daze the moment Joohyun opened it again, and her lips were shining underneath the light of the kitchen because it was covered in Wendy’s spit, the courtesy of her tongue kept her soft red flesh. She got breathless from the kiss alone, and Wendy wanted nothing more than to connect their lips again.

That’s why she gave her lips a soft peck before she asked her. “Is that enough for you to stop rambling and can we just cook our pancakes in a calm mood?”

She didn't wait for Irene to say something as she turned around to focus again on the ignored batter and started to heat up the pan. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Irene’s face turn as red as a tomato because the whole thing that just happened a few seconds ago started to dawn on her. Wendy can’t hold back the smirk from growing on her face, even though she knows Irene will be so pissed if she saw this.

And Wendy is never wrong when it comes to Irene. “I hate you.”

“I love you too,” replied Wendy lightly as she received a hard smack on her broad shoulder because of her clapback.

Irene let out another scowl as she finally listened to her and started working together with Wendy in a much calmer way. “If I got sick because of the kiss earlier, you better take care of me.”

“Of course,” answered Wendy as she kissed her temple and watched the blush on her face deepen. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


idk why but lately i've been super obsessed with them. this week im supposed to only upload this chapter alone, but i got distracted and bored thus why chapter after chapter of one-shot...

the things i like about them is that the two of them are actually brats. irene is being a brat for the whole time while wendy being a brat only on a special occasion (when shes sick or ultimately tired) theyre just... i just love them you guys i really do like theyre so precious to me 

anyway, please leave a comment and let me know what you think about this story so i can use it as my motivation to start writing for the next one! if you want to interact with me, you can find me on twitter (just follow, i will accept)! feel free to also buy me a coffee!

i think that's all from me. thank you for reading, i hope you enjoy and like this, and see you in the next chapter!

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Favebolous 0 points #1
Chapter 6: Good
RoyalSone #2
Chapter 6: Re reading this hehe. Thank you authornim
Please give us jealous Irene too
109 streak #3
Chapter 6: i love the bratty ceo ssw 🫣 more of this authornim 🥹
Chapter 6: Awwwww I want more please 🥺
They are just so cute
Taitai84 1225 streak #5
Chapter 6: I am also down with flu while reading this. But no I didn’t fall sick from a romantic gesture nor have an Irene to take care of me…



Anyways, there’s so much humour sprinkled in this chapter! My fav was Wendy thinking of poor polar bears losing their habitat due to global warming to calm herself down. Ahahaha!
Chapter 6: Sick Wendy is as bratty as Irene on regular basis. Hahaha What is funnier about their dynamic is when one decided to be affectionate, it made the other party flustered and blushed. Cute!

Though I’m not sure how polar bear will feel about Wendy using them for such special situation. lol!!
1692 streak #7
Chapter 6: Totally understand you being childish when sick, very amusing seeing 2 tsundere haha
Chapter 6: they're actually tsundere to each other and it's so amusing to watch, thank you for the update!
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update 👍
mklarisse_ #10
Chapter 6: I missed this fic!!! The banters were enjoyable 😭 thank u for the update am so happY