Full circle

Lily- A story of rebirth
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__ Bec, can we pin this conversation on the wall and let it rest for now? We’re still learning how to be parents. Plus, having kids was not part of your plan before turning 30. And I gotta deal with several of my insecurities as a 32-year-old woman. 

The brunette expressed herself in a gentle tone and her lover didn’t feel disappointed or anything bad. 

Becky sniffed the handsome woman again and kissed her cheek. 

__ Anything you want, teerak. I guess you’re right, after all. 

The older one smiled cutely and murmured:

 __ Thank you. Hey, wanna make a video call with Nam?

 __ Sure! 

They chatted with their friend for almost an hour and showered together after the call ended. 

The brown-haired female needed to memorize some lines for the following day, and her co-star helped her. 

After that, they checked their child and made sure she showered too.

 Freen prepared some light sandwiches and Becky set the table they had in the yard. 

The Thai-British invited her grandparents for the meal and the small family talked while eating. 

Bon Bon lay near Freen’s feet, Boba begged for Becky’s attention and Fluffy jumped on Lily’s lap. 

Later, the 27-year-old washed the dishes while her partner supervised their daughter, brushing her teeth. Then, she joined the brunette to sing a song until the 5-year-old fell asleep.

They went to Freen’s bedroom and studied the script one more time. 

When the artist noticed that her gorgeous roommate was dozing off, the 32-year-old smiled and told her to sleep. 

After the Sunday shooting, the cast worked together for one more week. 

Yaya heard the girls planning their baby girl’s birthday party and offered them some help, as an experienced mother of 3. 

Both felt thankful and loved her suggestions. 

A few days later, Freen was invited to design her collection of jewelry for Tiffany & Co. and the artist dedicated herself for days.

 She didn’t let Becky see any of the models, which made the younger one whine. Smiling, the dark-haired female declared there was a surprise. 

On December 2nd, the famous brand published an ad with Freen Sarocha’s creations and the fans went crazy. However, the 32-year-old saw the post and immediately asked Tiffany’s CEO in Thailand to delete it.

 Freen had designed a ring, especially for Becky and the brand added it to the catalog. 

The entire situation called attention because the adm of X needed to apologize and explain that Freen’s personalized ring was exclusive and the single piece couldn’t be sold. 

Some Freenbecky fans screenshot the original post before being deleted and started speculating about the jewel. 

Freen, on the other hand, was busy secretly organizing Becky’s birthday party and finding time to spend with her child.

 The Thai-British didn’t hear about the jewel mess because she had a quick trip to Los Angeles and didn’t log into her social media accounts for 2 days. 

The brown-haired female came back home on December 4th, after 11 pm.

 She sneaked into Lily’s bedroom and sniffed her tiny girl’s head. 

Making sure not to wake the child up, the gorgeous female tiptoed to the corridor and went to her room to have a shower.

Becky knew how much Freen loved washing up and being fresh and clean. Obviously, she loved it too. But her main reason to do that before talking to the older one was to please her.

 It was already 11:45 when the younger one found her lover sitting by the pool. 

The handsome woman had a glass of wine in one hand and her phone in the other. 

__ Welcome home, teerak.__ Freen’s voice sounded warm and y. 

__ Thank you, babe. Can I have a sip of your wind?__ The Thai-British smiled and stood in front of the artist. 

Freen smirked and pulled her closer after standing up, which caused their bodies to rub against each other. 

The brunette crossed her arms around her partner’s neck and kissed her. 

Becky felt the wine entering along her lover’s soft and delicious tongue. 

She felt aroused and happy to be in her woman’s presence. 

When they stopped kissing, the 32-year-old sat again and pulled the stunning actress to her lap. 

__ Our daughter missed you. I’m glad you could come back soon.__ The handsome one commented. 

Beaming, the international star teased: 

__ Was she the only one who missed me? 

Making a poker face, the taller one replied:

 __ Of course not. Bon Bon, Boba, and Fluffy missed you too, na ka. 

Becky giggled and squeezed her roommate’s cheek before placing several pecks on her plump lips. 

__ I miss this mouth so freaking much! Ugh! 

The 32-year-old smirked and whispered into the brown-haired female’s ear: 

__ This mouth misses your taste too. I can’t wait to and bite your lips. All of them. 

__ P’Freeeeen!__ Becky laughed and blushed. 

Even though she was a daring woman, the Thai-British still got slightly flustered by the rare times the older one flirted with her for real. 

Becky could act self-confident in front of the cameras. But in her mind, she was still the introverted girl who struggled to approach her Phi years ago. 

__ Listen, BB... Don’t accept invitations tomorrow. I’d rather not say anything and surprise you 200%. But you would end up saying yes to a dozen dates.  

Showing her cute dimple while grinning, the younger one asked: 

__ Why not? What are we doing tomorrow? 

Nibbling Becky’s earlobe, the charming brunette whispered: 

__ Secret. Just do what I said. Okay? 

The Thai-British smirked and kissed her partner’s shoulder. 

__ Alright, boss daddy. 

Freen laughed and hugged her partner affectionately. 

They sat side by side and watched the stars and the moon for a while. Then Becky’s phone vibrated at midnight and she glanced at her partner with a funny expression: 

__ You didn’t... 

__ I didn’t what?__ The older one seemed suspicious. 

When the brown-haired female logged on to her X account, she saw Freen’s post for her birthday.

 Just like in the old times, the brunette found a way to be the first one to congratulate her. 

They exchanged a soft look before the artist grinned and said:

 __ Go watch it! I tried my best. And even programmed the post. 

__ Babe, you’re so cute!__ Becky shook her head and pressed play. 

It took the actress 3 seconds to start tearing up, and she ended up sobbing. 

__ Oh God, teerak! I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday in our classic way. Not make you bawl your eyes out.__ Freen murmured and patted her lover’s hair. 

Becky hugged her woman and rested her head on her shoulder for a long time. 

__ You mean so much to me, P’Freen! Sometimes I think I’m gonna wake up from a dream. Even if we’ve been together for practically a year, it feels unreal. 

The 32-year-old nuzzled her partner to look into her eyes. 

__ The past is where it should be, Bec. And I am here in your present. Don’t be afraid. Okay? 

Wiping her tears, the birthday girl beamed and nodded in agreement. 

__ Now... Let’s have a pleasant night of sleep. You must be rested like a queen for your... surprise. 

__ Hoooy! I’m dying of curiosity.__ The shorter one pouted. 

Freen kissed her forehead and dragged her inside the house.

__ x __

The Armstrongs knew about Fre

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sunmooskywin #1
1198 streak #2
Chapter 29: Awww baby Jasmine!! Welcome to the chaos! I mean family! 🤣🤍
Chapter 28: Hurricanes or Typhoon? 😂 Its good that after so long they managed to release whats within with quickies 😶 piece of life chapter is the way to go now 😌 thank you the update 😊 take care and stay safe
Chapter 28: Hahaha...the hurricane 🤣🤣
Chapter 27: Im so happy for them! 😢 As long as they are safe, healthy... Other occurances will be just a passer by 👍 This is avery good chapter to me... Thank you for the update! Take care stay safe 😊
story19 #6
Chapter 8: Hmmm, becky, arent u a laywer yet, hahaha.
story19 #7
Chapter 7: Dun dun dun.. Go Becky, just kiss and make up alreqdy.
story19 #8
Chapter 6: Ohh, i though the meeting will happen, i got excited but well, it will happen eventually.
story19 #9
Chapter 5: Good chapter, would becky cry a river or go berseck once she found out about the baby.
story19 #10
Chapter 4: That was fast, freen is pregnant. I feel bad for becky though, she deserve to know but she gave up on freen, better not.