Rocky Road toward Happiness

A Treacherous Wife
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This chapter is additional and optional. For those who prefer Seulrene end up together or simply curious what happens next then you may proceed to read. Happy reading :)



It’s been 6 years passed since she had abruptly left Irene along with her daughter. Never a day passed without her thinking about how Irene was now; was she happier, knowing that her wish had been finally granted which was Seulgi’s leaving? Was her daughter beautiful like her mother? Had Irene found another lover whom Irene could love with all her heart, someone that was much better than her, someone that deserved Irene’s love for real?


Seulgi missed Irene but she knew it was futile. What was the purpose of her loving Irene when the latter could never reciprocate her love? It was unrequited love and Seulgi would forever live in a misery life should she force Irene to still stay with her under one roof. So yes, she was sure that her leaving was the best decision for them. Little did she know that Irene had learned to love her the same way.


Today was their supposedly 7th wedding anniversary. Seulgi closed her eyes; sighing and wondering why bad things must happen to her. She loved Irene so much that she was willing to give her everything; sacrificing for her happiness. Seulgi smiled sadly, turning her chair around, seeing the view behind the large window. It was raining hard, just like the day when she left Irene 5 years ago. She then pulled the drawer and retrieved the brown envelopes. Inside were photos sent by Wendy, as she requested to Irene in the letter.


She gazed at her daughter’s face. Her name was Yeri and she looked beautiful. She had big eyes with a pointed nose. Her lips were thin yet well-shaped. If she didn’t know better, she would have confident that Yeri was her daughter for real. Her palm moved on her own and caressed the person who carried Yeri. Yes, it was Irene. Irene was smiling in the photo and she couldn’t be more beautiful. Years of separation didn’t age Irene’s features even a bit.


“She is still so breathtakingly beautiful. But she is no longer my wife.” Seulgi murmured. Tears slowly fell down and made her cheeks wet.


She had contacted Joo Won and believed she got everything had been taken care of; the divorce finally came to an end or so what he told her. She undoubtedly trusted him. She also asked him not to ever let Irene know her number. She didn’t want to have any communication with Irene if it was possible. Seeing Irene’s face in the photo was enough to make her heart beat faster like how it used to. The fluttering and nervousness hadn’t changed after all these years and it scared her; how her love for Irene was still blooming made her frightened. Why? Because she now had another person; a person who should be as much as or even more important than Irene.


As required, Wendy never failed to send Yeri’s photos with additional Irene’s photos every time; around 5 – 6 times a year, much more than she had asked before. Seulgi still sent them an adequate sum of money for their living. Seulgi even added bonus for a special occasion, like Yeri’s birthday or Irene’s birthday. She wanted them to live in prosperity and happiness. her thought was disrupted when her phone on the table rang.


“Yes?” Seulgi cleared first before answering.


“Someone is here to see you.” Her secretary said.


“Who is it?” Seulgi asked.


“She didn’t want to say her name.” The answer came soon.


“If it’s someone that you don’t know then don’t let her-“


“It’s me, your fiancé. Got a problem meeting me?” The door of her office room was opened and the woman appeared before her eyes. Seulgi quickly smiled and hang up.


“I didn’t know it would be you.” Seulgi stood up and hugged the woman.


“I missed you.” The woman said.


“I missed you too despite the fact that we just met last night.” Seulgi chuckled.


“I came to see Daddy and once I am done, he summoned me to your office.” The woman reasoned out.


“Always have a reason to retain your pride, eh? Even when we will get married in several days.” Seulgi gave the woman a peck on her cheek before going to the door and locked it.


“Are you busy?” The woman sat on the couch and gestured Seulgi to come over.


“Not really. I am free until 2 because I have a meeting with the Board of Directors at 3 pm. Why?” Seulgi sat beside the woman. Automatically, the woman rested her head on Seulgi’s shoulder.


“I am nervous.” The woman said out of nowhere.


“Why? I thought you are ready to level up our status.” Seulgi teased.


“You know I am. But I just.. I am afraid I couldn’t be a good wife to you.” The woman exclaimed.


“I don’t need a perfect wife. I only need a wife who can love me as much as I love her.” Seulgi smiled at the cute reason the woman made.


“I love you.”


“Then I don’t see a problem here. I love you too, you know.” Seulgi intertwined their fingers together.




“It’s almost lunch. Let’s get out from here and grab something nice to eat.” Seulgi stood up first and offered her hand to the woman.


“Sure.” The woman welcomed Seulgi’s hand and walked hand in hand.



Meanwhile, on a different continent, Irene was in her bedroom. Yeri was being borrowed by Tiffany. Her sister wanted Yeri to get closer to Jason, her son. Irene let her because she knew Yeri was fond of Tiffany. Well, in fact, Yeri was easy to get along with. She was a very cheerful daughter that often smiled even at the slightest thing. She took it from Seulgi even though she wasn’t her biological daughter.


5 years. That’s how long it had been and life was never getting better since Seulgi left her. Vice versa, it was worse. She had told her and Seulgi’s families the real story, including the fact that Yeri was actually not Seulgi’s daughter. Surely, she got heavy scolding along with cursing and bad remarks thrown at her but she knew she deserved it. She just didn’t want them to mistaken Seulgi as the bad person here. Seulgi was the best wife in the whole world and that’s why she could never be replaced by anyone.


There’s a rainbow after the rain or so what people said. After the scolding and bad treatment that she got for weeks, their families finally came around. They forgave her because at least, she knew how to differentiate what’s good and what’s bad at the end. She too had cut tie with her ex; she didn’t even care if the man had died because of sickness or accident. What she cared about was her daughter and Seulgi. Period.


Good thing, their families never once treated Yeri differently. They still loved the cheerful kid no matter what. Yeri made everyone around her happy with her smiles, laughter, and innocence. Irene hated the man but whenever she saw at Yeri’s face, she was grateful that Yeri was born even though the reason behind Yeri’s appearance to the world was her sinful cheating with that bastard.


Seulgi was the best one she had ever met and wanted. Irene knew how hard it had been for Seulgi during her life living with Irene so Irene thought that now it was her turn to do the same for Seulgi. Irene decided to wait for Seulgi. Yunho once told her with full of regrets that Seulgi didn’t want any communication with Irene. The latter couldn’t lie that it wasn’t hurt but she respected Seulgi’s choice and decided to just wait instead. She would wait for Seulgi no matter how many years or even decades it would take. She believed her heart and her heart said to wait; her heart didn’t want anyone but Seulgi.


Irene missed Seulgi every single day and just like Seulgi, Irene too wouldn’t let a day pass without thinking of Seulgi; how she had been? Had she found a new lover? Had she remarried again? Tears were her friends when Yeri wasn’t around. She didn’t regret a single tear she shed for Seulgi because she knew, what she had done to Seulgi was much worse.


Irene hung their wedding picture on her bedroom. She told Yeri that Seulgi was her other Mom. Yeri often asked where her Mom was and Irene always answered the same thing; that Seulgi was abroad to do her duty and would go back soon. The only question she couldn’t answer was when Yeri asked her when Seulgi would go back home. Irene chuckled bitterly, knowing she wasn’t even sure if Seulgi would come home back to her. She had left her after all.


Irene looked at their wedding pictures. Some were framed and some were put in the photo album. She grazed Seulgi’s face. How evil she was for hurting an angel, like Seulgi. She was not only a cheating bastard, but also a demon who had hurt a fallen angel. She teared up every time she remembered what good causes Seulgi had done for her while she could only reciprocate her goodness with something totally bad; cursing at her, shouting at her, hitting her, kicking her out, and calling her awful names.



“Seulgi-ah. I want to seek accessories for our wedding. Do you want to come with me?” Seohyun was her name and lover were her title for Seulgi.


“Should I? Ugh.. You know how I hate little things called accessories~” Seulgi groaned and it made Seohyun chuckle sweetly.


“What will you do then? Being alone at home? But it’s the weekend. Won’t you be bored?” Seohyun smiled and touched Seulgi’s cheek.


“You know I will be lonely~ Can you not go?” Seulgi pulled Seohyun’s waist closer and kissed Seohyun’s neck. Their bodies were still bare and so resulted from last night’s activities.


Seulgi left Irene and went to London to search for something new; a new environment where she might be able to heal her wounded heart. She was a stranger there and totally brought nothing but medium-sized luggage and enough money to live for a month or two before she could get a proper job.


She only had her brain, adequate English skill, and overconfidence to get her a decent job. Three companies had rejected her for the past two weeks and she was getting desperate until she found her miracle in a person named Seohyun. The taller yet younger woman was an accounting and also the owner’s daughter. Accidentally, Seulgi met her when she applied to Seohyun’s father’s company. Seohyun said that Seulgi had captured her attention when Seulgi showed her the particular smiling eyes she had hidden until Seohyun smiled first at her.


Seulgi was being interviewed by HR when in parallel; Seohyun was persuading her father to accept Seulgi. It was a rare chance to meet a fellow Korean in the city or so what Seohyun told her father. That’s where Seohyun’s and Seulgi’s love story started. Seulgi was being accepted as an analyst while Seohyun well.. She could be in any position she wanted since her father owned it all.


After a few lunches and weekend movie dates, Seulgi finally asked her out officially. Seohyun sighed in relief and Seulgi could only stare at her in wonder. There, Seohyun admitted how Seulgi had interested her and that she was happy Seulgi finally made a move because well, Seohyun was the one who asked Seulgi first for a date.


No secrets between lovers or so they said. Seulgi told Seohyun everything about her; her bitter past with her ex-wife and such. Of course, she didn’t tell bad things about Irene. Instead, she said she was being a bad wife that Irene couldn’t stand her anymore and that’s why Irene cheated on her. For sure, Seohyun didn’t agree with Seulgi’s opinion. Seulgi was the best lover she had ever had so there’s no way Seulgi could be a bad wife. Seohyun blamed Irene or being evil yet at the same time she was grateful that Irene was being Irene that Seulgi finally walked away and met her.


“But I am bored~” Seohyun’s answer brought Seulgi back to reality.


“Eeh? You have me and still feel bored? I feel so offended!” Seulgi pouted and crossed her arms.


“Yes, I am so bored of you Kang Seulgi~” Seohyun stuck out her tongue.


“But you love me~” Seulgi then started pouting. Well, she never managed to do this when she was with Irene.


“That I do. I love you.” Seohyun didn’t hesitate to say it and Seulgi smiled in glee hearing those three words. She never failed to feel her heart fluttering and hands slightly trembling whenever Seohyun confessed that words.


“I love you too. So, stay?” Seulgi tried again.


“Nope. I need to get going. I want to be the most beautiful woman when you marry me.” Seohyun whined back.


“But you are the most beautiful woman in my eyes already. What else do you need?” Seulgi’s blunt words made Seohyun blushed.


“Very cheesy, Kang Seulgi.” Seohyun said while smiling.


“Only for you, miss soon to be Kang.” Seulgi draped her left hand on Seohyun’s thigh, leaning closer and kissed Seohyun’s cheek.


“Will you at least drive me to Kristine’s house? She said she would accompany me.” Seohyun asked, letting her hand was held by Seulgi.


“Sure. What time will you meet her?” Seulgi brushed the back of Seohyun’s hand with her thumb.


“at 10.”


“Then we still have 2 hours. Can we do a quickie?” Seulgi grinned ertedly.


“I will be late.” Seohyun shook her head.


“I promise you won’t. You don’t even need to do anything. Just lay back, relax, and train your throat.” Seulgi insisted.


“You won’t take a no as an answer, right?” Seulgi grinned wider hearing the question.


“You know me too well~”


“Then with all means, please take me.” Seohyun descended her position and lay on her back, letting Seulgi straddling her and do as she pleased.


Happy was an understatement. She was more than happy to have Seohyun. Seulgi never knew to love and to be loved could make her feel this way; this unexplainable feeling only she and God knew. She made the right choice when her heart strived for new hope and it was Seohyun. But no, it didn’t mean she compared Irene to Seohyun. She never did that. To Seulgi, Irene and Seohyun couldn’t be compared. They were unique in their own way.



“Umma~” Yeri stood in front of Irene’s bedroom.


“Hey. You’re awake. Come here, baby~” Irene waved her hand to her daughter. Yeri ran and jumped on the bed before sitting on Irene’s lap.


“I will be 6 next month.” Yeri said cutely.


“Oh yes, you will. What do you want as a birthday gift?” Irene tidied Yeri’s fringe and kissed her forehead. She loved her daughter so much. She’s all she had.


“Mama.” Yeri answered in all honesty. Irene understood what her daughter meant; after all Yeri never forgot to mention Seulgi’s name as Mama Seulgi in her prayer every night before she went to sleep.


Irene’s smile disappeared in an instant. It was only a simple word yet it succeeded in shattering her heart into pieces. It reminded her of how worst she treated Seulgi; it made her remember how she was a and cheated right in front of Seulgi, name that is not Seulgi’s while the poor woman could only cry in the bedroom across her room. She never once let Seulgi touch her but she let that bastard roam his rough hands all over her body.


“Umma?” Yeri patted Irene’s cheek.


“Why are you crying?” Yeri asked again. She helped to wipe Irene’s tears away.


“No. It’s okay. I just missed your Mama.” Irene smiled.


“I want to meet her. When will she come home?” Yeri hugged Irene.


“I don’t know, darling. She is still busy but she never fails to send us money for you, for me. I am sure she will give you a great present too this time.” Irene rubbed Yeri’s back.


“But I don’t want any gifts. I just want her to come home. Doesn’t Mama miss me, Umma?” Yeri’s question again made Irene’s tears fall down.


“She missed you a lot, baby. I am sure of that.” Irene hugged her daughter closer.


“Pray to Father so He will send Mama home.” Irene added.


“If I pray, will Father in Heaven return Mama to us again?” Yeri asked innocently.


“Yes, baby. I am sure He will guide Mama home. Let’s pray now?” Irene cooed.


Irene had changed drastically and yes, it was for the better. She had enough lessons to be learned. Irene went to church every week and she also brought Yeri there. Seulgi’s name always existed in her and Yeri’s prayer. She realized it was selfish to pray for Seulgi to come home but she needed Seulgi in her life. Much more than that, Yeri needed her the most. She didn’t want someone else to take Seulgi’s place. She believed in miracle and she just knew God would do something beyond her imagination, like bringing Seulgi home.



“Seulgi-ah! Where the hell are you?! I have tried to contact you for the past hour!” Seulgi grimaced hearing such a loud voice.


“I am sorry. I fell asleep. What is it?” Seulgi asked the caller; Seohyun’s younger brother.


“Seohyun was involved in a traffic accident. She was brought to the emergency room and hasn’t been out until now.” Seulgi sat up immediately. She became so weak that she almost dropped her phone.


“Wh-what? How is she now? Which hospital she is in?” Seulgi asked. She was panic and afraid something bad would happen to Seohyun.


“It’s xxx hospital. Come here soon.” Seohyun’s brother said and Seulgi hung up. She didn’t need to confirm she would be there because oh God she would soon.


Seulgi frantically ran from room to room; bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth, bedroom to change her clothes, kitchen to drink some water to help her to calm down, and finally living room to get her shoes before running to the lobby. So many what-ifs questions inside her mind and she was so scared to know the answer. She had a bad feeling about this and she could only hope what’s in her mind wouldn’t be happened for real.


“Oh God oh God! Please be okay, baby. I will be there soon.” Seulgi talked as if Seohyun could hear her. Tears dampened her cheeks and she could care less about it.


Seulgi stepped on the gas pedal as hard as she could until the pedal touch the base of her car. She drove like a madwoman; honking anyone that might block her from going on full speed. Once she arrived, she left the car, didn’t even recheck whether she had locked the car or not. She met the nurse behind the table and she asked where the patient named Seo Ju Hyun was. The nurse directed her and again, she ran through the hallway.


“Jun Jin-ah!” Seulgi said while panting.


“You’re finally here.” The young man smiled.


“Where is she? Still no news from doctors?” Seulgi sat on the chairs provided by the hospital.


“Nope. And it’s been 3 hours.” The young man smiled sadly.


“How could it happen?” Seulgi sighed. Again, she cried and it was worse than when she was in her car.


“I don’t know either. Kristine was driving normally when from behind, a bus has its break damaged and the driver failed to dodge their car.” Jun Jin explained shortly.


“What happened to Kristine then?” Seulgi asked worriedly. Jun Jin could only shake his head and Seulgi already knew what had happened.


“I see. Have you informed Kristine’s family?” Seulgi asked again.


“They knew already. I think they are still here, taking care of documents before they could take her body from here.” Jun Jin sounded bitter.


“I know how you are feeling. I hope Seohyun is fine. Stay here, I will go to Kristine’s families and meet them.” Jun Jin only nodded his head and Seulgi went to the nurse, asking for some information.


Seulgi met Kristine’s families. As expected, gloomy air surrounded Seulgi. They were in grief and Seulgi could feel the sadness. She came and met Kristine’s parents, expressing how she felt sorry for what happened to their daughter. Seulgi hugged them alternately before excusing herself back to where Seohyun was. From afar, Seulgi saw Jun Jin was talking with a doctor whom Seulgi believed was Seohyun’s doctor. She then approached them quickly.


“Doc, how is she?” Seulgi didn’t bother what they were talking and she just butted in.


“Oh. And you are?” The doctor turned to Seulgi.


“I am her fiancé,” Seulgi said in perfect English.


“The name is John.” He introduced himself.


“My name is Seulgi and I am her fiancé.” Seulgi shook his hand firmly, didn’t forget to smile in gratitude for this man had taken care of Seohyun.


“So, how is she, Doc?” Seulgi repeated the question.


“She lost too much blood. She also got her head collided with hard surface and..”


“I don’t want to hear your long explanation. Just tell me how is she? Can she make it?” Seulgi interjected. She didn’t want to hear if it’s only bad news.


“It will be hard. Only miracles can save her. For now, she is still unconscious.” The man sighed and smiled sadly. He then left, giving Seulgi and Jun Jin some personal space.


“I cannot believe this. How.. how could this happen to her? She is nothing but a very beautiful person.  Jun Jin-ah.” Seulgi hugged the young man.


“I know, Seul.” Jun Jin could only pat her back to calm her down.


“I cannot lose her. We will get married in a few days.” Seulgi clenched Jun Jin’s shirt, crying all her heart out.


“Shussh. I am sure God will do His best for Seohyun. As you said, Noona is a very wonderful woman.” Jun Jin added, ensuring both himself and Seulgi that somehow Seohyun could make it.



Seulgi was then informed that Seohyun barely had a day to live. The wounds were too severe and it was close to impossible to make Seohyun survive if not because of medical tools attached to her. Seulgi broke down and cried. Not a second passed without tears fell from her two eyes. Jun Jin gave Seulgi time for herself and he took his leave. The doctor had allowed Seulgi to come inside Seohyun’s room and also said that the latter had conscious.


“Hey~” Seohyun tried to smile at Seulgi.


“Come here, Seulgi-ah.” Seohyun hardly tried to lift her hand and wave it to Seulgi.


“Baby.. Please don’t leave me..” Seulgi cried loudly while walking to Seohyun.


“I am not going anywhere. I am always here.” Seohyun touched Seulgi’s heart.


“We’re getting married in few days… We will be wives soon.” Seulgi held Seohyun’s hand and kissed it tenderly, afraid that if she kissed too hard, the latter would break.


“I love you.” Seohyun smiled.


“I love you more… Much more than words could ever convey.” Seulgi dragged the chair and cried on Seohyun’s stomach.


“I will always do even when physically I am no longer here. I will watch over you and ensure you won’t be a player, Seul.” Seohyun tried to joke but Seulgi couldn’t even smile. She continued crying. Her tears dampened Seohyun’s clothes.


“Don’t say that. You can survive, Seohyun-ah. You will leave and we will be happy with our kids and dog.” Seulgi said with a hoarse voice.


“Next week is Yeri’s birthday, right? Don’t you think it’s time for you to meet her? I am sure she must be curious about her daddy. Hmm?” Seohyun ran her fingers on Seulgi’s hairs.


“I don’t want to go anywhere. I will be here with you.” Seulgi answered.


“You cannot be with me. You have to live a happy life.” Seohyun chuckled.


“I will go wherever you will go.” Seulgi firmly said.


“I missed Seoul. It’s been a decade since the last time I visited it. How about you? Don’t you miss it too?” Seohyun diverted the topic, hinting Seulgi regarding what’s in her mind.


“What are you trying to say, Seohyun-ah?” Seulgi sighed and looked up.


“Go home and meet your family, Seulgi-ah.” Seohyun smiled sincerely. Seulgi felt that Seohyun looked so beautiful even when her face was pale and her lips looked dry. Strangely, Seulgi had a hunch that it would be the last time she could see the beautiful smile of Seohyun. More tears went out from her already swollen eyes.


“Not without you. It’s also about time for you to meet them. I want to introduce you to them right after the marriage is held.” Seulgi intertwined her fingers with Seohyun, like how it used to be. Seohyun’s fingers were slender and long yet it felt right in Seulgi’s hand.


“Don’t make this hard on me, baby. I know my time is about to end. Will you grant my last wish?” Seohyun finally went straight to the point.


“No. You will live and that’s that. Period.” Seulgi denied it immediately.


“I might not hear it from doctors but I can feel my body can barely withstand it. It is painful, Seul. I want to live but I know I won’t be normal because I will be dead the second all of these are removed from my body. Do you want me to suffer and let these odd things forever attached to my body?” Seohyun cried along. She used to be so afraid of death but now that she had to face it, she knew she had no other choice. She was thankful enough that God gave her a last chance to be with her lover or ex-soon to be wife.


“…..” Seulgi cried harder. She couldn’t imagine how life would be without Seohyun. The woman was nothing but flawless. She was a perfect creature given by God and Seulgi loved her so much. The first and hopefully last person Seulgi loved after Irene.


“Go back to Seoul and reconcile. Unite with your family. Be a good parent for Yeri and go back to Irene. I am sure you can love her again. However, she was your first love. I am sorry I cannot be your wife.” Seohyun silently cried while pleading.


“No. I don’t want to give my love to anyone but you. If you cannot live in the same world like me, then take my heart away with you.” Seulgi avoided Seohyun’s eyes.


“I now officially return your heart back to you. Please give it to someone who deserves it more; who can live a healthy life with you; who can laugh and cry along with you; who can grow old with you; who can love your daughter like a real mother loves her daughter. And no one can love a daughter better than her own mother. So Irene is the best person for you.” Seulgi brushed Seohyun’s tears and kissed Seohyun’s temple softly, trying to express how much Seulgi loved her and how much Seulgi wanted Seohyun to live.


“But she doesn’t love me, Seohyun-ah. I don’t want to be hurt anymore. No one can take care of my heart as you do.” Seulgi’s body was trembling due to crying too hard.


“She will eventually love you. Who can resist your charm and kindness? You are a good person, Seulgi-ah. It is easy to fall for you.” Seohyun reassured.


“Please don’t do this to me, Seohyun-ah.” Seulgi begged.


“I don’t have much time. Please make a promise, Seulgi.” Seohyun held Seulgi’s hand tighter.


“I promise.” Seulgi finally said even unwillingly. She closed her eyes and again let tears came and flew down her cheeks.


“Thank you. I love you. I will always will.” Seohyun lifted her right hand and caressed Seulgi’s cheek while smiling. Slowly but sure, her body was getting weaker and finally, her hand fell down and an angel came to pick her up and guide her to a new place called heaven.


“I love you too, Seohyun-ah.” Seulgi said to the already lifeless Seohyun. Little did Seulgi know that Seohyun had a very wide smile before leaving with an angel beside her.



Seulgi was the last person standing right in front of Seohyun’s grave. She still couldn’t believe that her marriage was cancelled and that Seohyun had left her for good, to a place Seulgi couldn’t reach until God decided to take her away from this world. Seulgi squatted and grazed her palm on Seohyun’s name that engraved on the stone. Tears flow freely from her eyes. She hadn’t slept since last night yet she didn’t feel sleepy at all. She could merely feel anything but sadness. She didn’t feel hungry even she had forgotten when was the last time she had a proper meal.


“Seulgi-ah, we’re going home first. Be strong. I am sure she wants you to be happy so take your time to cry and be gloomy but when it’s done, please move on.” Seohyun’s father held Seulgi’s shoulder from behind.


“I can never find a woman like her. She is the one and only.” Seulgi clenched her fist and answered with her cracked voice.


“You will find, my daughter when it’s time. I will see you around. Don’t be a stranger, okay? You are like a daughter to me.” The man smiled.


“Of course. You are also like a father to me.” Seulgi turned her head and barely could reply the smile.


“So, what time is your flight?” The man asked.


“It’s 3 days from now. I still need to pack and take care of things.” Seulgi said.


“Don’t hesitate to ask my help if you ever need it.” Seulgi nodded meekly.


“Inform me if you decided to go back here, okay?” The man lunged forward and hugged Seulgi.


“I will, father. I want to meet her again.” Seulgi hugged the man back, yet her eyes were still set to Seohyun’s name.


“I will see you then.” The man bowed and took his leave.


Seulgi spent another hour staring at nothing but Seohyun’s name, thinking that it should had been Kang Seohyun engraved. All memories went back; the day where Seulgi met Seohyun for the first time; the day Seulgi confessed; the day they shared their first kiss; the night they became one under the full moon; and the day Seohyun said goodbye for good. Seulgi could only cry because nothing she did would bring Seohyun back. It was a hard thing to accept yet she couldn’t do anything about it. Be happy? Seulgi thought it was the most ridiculous thing to be asked. How could she be happy when the source of her happiness had left her?


She spent the next days to pack, tidy up her belongings, lost in her muse, well practically anything as long as it could keep her busy and not to think of Seohyun. Three days passed too slowly for Seulgi’s liking. It felt like years when her calendar showed it was only three days. She felt so lonely; life was too different when Seohyun was not beside her. It was like she had lost hope to continue living. Good thing, she kept Yeri’s photo inside her wallet so whenever she felt like to give up, she would only open her wallet and reminded herself that she actually still had one reason left to live.


Seulgi dragged her luggage weakly to ticket counter. Then, she gave the luggage and brought her body to the boarding room. She pulled a photo from her pocket; it was the last photo taken before Seohyun die. Seulgi was accompanying Seohyun to fit on her wedding dress. Seohyun was astounding and it took Seulgi’s breath away. She looked so pure and flawless. Her long and slender legs along with well-shaped mounds covered by the lacey dress had made Seulgi’s heartbeat stopped for a second. She decided to take a picture with Seohyun. Seulgi was in casual attire while Seohyun looked amazing with the dress.


Tears streamed down Seulgi’s face before she knew it. She used her thumb to touch Seohyun’s face in the picture. Then, Seulgi brought the photo closer and kissed it wholeheartedly. Seulgi wiped the tears from the photo, ensuring it wouldn’t be damaged because, well it was practically the last memory Seohyun left for her and she must treasure it.


“I am going home to Seoul just like I have promised you, Seohyun-ah. I love you.” Seulgi said to the photo. Not long after, the passengers for her flight were called and she again unwillingly walked and prepared to leave the country.



“Yeri yaaa~ What do you want for your birthday? Uncle will give it to you.” Yunho asked her lovely niece.


“I want Mama.” Yeri smiled cheekily.


“Mama? But Uncle cannot buy you that.” Yunho tried hard to keep on smiling.


“Why not? Is it expensive?” Yeri tilted her head and asked innocently.


“It’s not like that, Yeri. Mama is unaffordable so Uncle Yunho cannot buy it for you.” Irene served the snacks and gave Yunho his coffee before lifting Yeri and making her sit on Irene’s lap.


“Mama cannot be bought everywhere? But Yoong hasn’t met her for… hmm..” Yeri counted with her fingers.


“Six years! Is Uncle’s saving still not enough?” Yeri showed her six fingers.


“Yeri~ Jason is searching for you. He is bored already with his game. Will you accompany him to play together?” Tiffany walked in.


“Oh! Oppa! Okay then~” Yeri jumped from Irene’s lap and ran to where Jason was.


“Thank you, Unnie.” Irene sighed.


“It must be hard for you.” Tiffany sat on the single couch.


“Yeah. Lately, her questions are getting hard to be answered. I am almost out of ideas to answer her. She keeps asking for Seulgi and I don’t know what else to say to Yeri.” Irene slumped her shoulder.


“Yunho-ah, is there any way Seulgi will come home?” Tiffany asked.


“Honestly? I don’t know either. The last time I messaged her was last month. Perhaps Wendy knows more.” Yunho regretfully answered.


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Chapter 2: in rl, i would hate anyone who behaved like irene here. but since this is an au, i like seulrene, and i like the happy ending for the two of them :3
Chapter 1: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
ifyouseeA #3
Chapter 1: Hello do u happen to have the original plot ft. TaeNy? I already read this plot tho. Im happy u made for seulrene version 🫶🏻
1060 streak #4
Chapter 2: Thankyou author! 🩷💛🩷💛
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Thank u so much author nim, hope u doing great 😭🤍🤍
264 streak #6
Chapter 2: Aaaawww happy ending for Seulrene! Yay! Thank you author
Chapter 2: Her boyfriend didn't accept her so she be like...Oh seulgi is here a stupid person who is crazy in love with me and will look after her and her illegitimate daughter how rubbish that sounds?

Why the cheaters are getting happy ending? Just because Seulrene are Main leads and those people who are asking for a happy ending I don't have words for them like—Leave it I can't...

Rest in peace 🕊️ SEOHYUN!
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The happy ending that they both deserved 🫶🏼
eunxiaoxlove #9
Chapter 2: Thank you!!
hanz316 #10
Chapter 2: thanks for the amazing story.. i love it when it's angst, and i love it when it's happy ending