Chapter 7

Hiding the Truth

Jeongwoo looked perplexed at the idea of telling more people Seobin's secret. It wasn't even Niki who suggested the idea. Seobin had been the one to suggest it after he nearly slipped when Seoho had tried to reassure him of what was happening with Chanyoung.


The fact that Seobin wanted to tell Seoho of all people caused even Niki to protest the idea. Jeongwoo voiced his opinion on the matter in their group chat, and Niki agreed that it was too soon to let anyone else in on the secret.


Niki: Don't even think about it

I know you want to tell someone but it's too soon


Seobin: but someone will end up finding out about this, I'm surprised Jake hasn't questioned our friendship yet!


Jeongwoo: honestly it's better to wait.

plus Jake knows you and Niki.

he wouldn't look twice when it comes to us being friends.


Niki: Jeongwoo has a point

Jake knows he can trust you and I to be friends with Jeongwoo


Seobin: I still find it odd that Chanyoung was fine with yours and my friendship though


Niki: I don't think he realized we became friends

also I need to get back to paying attention to class

we'll meet at the bridge at the usual time?


Seobin: if Chanyoung isn't back yet, yes

we'll see you there


Jeongwoo: I may be a little late today

Jeonggeun won't leave me alone for some reason?

he keeps asking about you, Seobin

we'll talk about it later


Seobin: huh

I wonder why


Jeongwoo looked up from his phone when he heard movement, seeing that it was Jeonggeun who approached him.


“Chanyoung is back,” started Jeonggeun as he watched Jeongwoo's reaction.


Jeongwoo nodded his head, looking indifferent at the news. He had suspected that Chanyoung would be back sometime today, judging from what Seobin had explained to him about Chanyoung's past sessions.


“I suppose you wouldn't mind telling me what Seobin is saying on your ”coloring app" right?" Asked Jeonggeun as he sat down in front of Jeongwoo.


That had caught Jeongwoo off guard as his eyes widened slightly, though he chose to put down his phone, sliding it over to Jeonggeun who picked it up and read through it.


“How did I know?” Asked Jeonggeun as he finished reading through the chat before handing it back to Jeongwoo. “I figured it out from the first meeting,” he explained with a shrug. “He's not that obvious, if that's what you're wondering,” he added. “It fooled me for a bit, actually,” he explained. “But I understand why he hasn't told anyone yet,” he reassured. “So I will keep your secret too,” he explained.


Jeongwoo nodded his head, knowing that Jeonggeun would keep their secret. He wished this was one of the times where he could speak, wanting to voice his own opinions out loud to hopefully not come across as an idiot, or simply ignoring Jeonggeun.


“Also, I know about this app, so you can add me to this chat of yours,” added Jeonggeun as he got up. “We may as well head to the bridge, yeah?” He asked.


Jeongwoo nodded and got up, heading out after making sure he had everything.


Jeonggeun followed after him, letting Jeongwoo lead the way.




Seobin was the first one there, leaning back against the railing as he waited on the others to show up. He didn't see Chanyoung yet, but he knew that Chanyoung was back since Niki had managed to find him on campus before he left for the day to meet them at the bridge. He was surprised when Jeongwoo told him someone had figured out his secret, and was curious as to who it was. Jeongwoo wouldn't say, but he would see them at the bridge.


Jeongwoo was the next person to appear, with Jeonggeun behind him.


Seobin blinked, looking up at Jeonggeun who smiled reassuringly at him. “You knew?” Was the first thing he asked as he took in Jeonggeun's reaction.


“I figured it out from the party a while back,” explained Jeonggeun as he nodded in confirmation. “Chanyoung explained the accident to me, and I started to put the pieces together when you two started hanging out more,” he added.


“You promise to keep my secret then?” Asked Seobin.


“It's a big one, and I understand why you are hiding something that big from him,” responded Jeonggeun as he nodded. “But you do realize that you will have to eventually tell him right?” He asked.


“I am not ready to tell him yet,” grumbled Seobin as he let out a soft sigh.


“You'll have to at some point, Seobin,” pointed out Niki as he walked over with someone new. “Also this is Juho, he's the one I told you about who was keeping an eye on Chanyoung when I couldn't,” he explained, introducing Juho to the others.


“Hello everyone,” greeted Juho as he nodded his head, keeping his hands in his pockets. “It was rough for a few days there, but it seems he's okay now,” he explained. “I think he's got someone else watching over him right now though, as we got another transfer student apparently,” he added.


“Ah, that's probably Jangjun,” mused Seobin as he looked thoughtful. “Thank- thank you for keeping an eye on Chanyoung when you could though,” he added, sincerely as he nodded his head.


“Why are you guys meeting at this bridge though?” Asked Juho. “Isn't there a better place to meet?” He asked.


“CCTV,” explained Seobin as he nodded towards the nearest one. “Jake was keeping an eye on me and he refused to let Jeongwoo or I go anywhere alone and when I mentioned the bridge he just let me go,” he added. “The bridge was a compromise, since he could use that to make sure I'm okay,” he explained.


“I'll make sure he backs off after today,” reassured Jeonggeun as he nodded his head. “But, I have to be more involved now so he doesn't ask questions,” he added.


“Well, I'm here to help too,” reassured Juho as he nodded his head.


Jeongwoo nodded his reassurance, knowing that Seobin could turn to him about anything and everything.


“You know me, I'm here to help,” reassured Niki as he nodded.


“Thank you, everyone,” Seobin mumbled, sincerely as he smiled in relief.

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Chapter 13. Time crunch!

Also I swear I'm not dead!


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