
Falling for The Past



Joohyun takes the clothes Nayeon suggested earlier that morning. To Nayeon's horror, she forgoes a chest undergarment.


Nayeon tries to lure her toward the vanity so she can put her hair in a beautiful updo. Instead, Joohyun grabs the brush on the vanity and runs it through her hair. With a few pins, she’s able to put her hair half up.


The girl also offers her with decorative pieces - a hairpin of silver flowers, an oversized silk headdress painted  and a beaded cloth purse.


She says no to all three and firmly draws the line at the leather gloves Hannah offers as a last-ditch attempt at "making her presentable." Nayeon's words, not hers.


Joohyun is already sweating to death, and she hasn’t left the room.


Finally, after three thank yous, she escapes and hurries back down the stairs. Johnny and Sooyoung are waiting for her.


If they thought she would calm down in the time it took to get dressed, they were wrong. The rage inside her feels like a beast growing in her belly with each passing second.


It wants to rip the front door off the hinges and follow Seungwan. It doesn’t matter that she has no idea where to go; she just needs to get him to listen to her.


“I’m leaving,” Joohyun announces.

Sooyoung stares at her in confusion. “I implore you to reconsider this idea.”


She plants her hands on her hips. “Why not? I’m his wife. Wives visit their husbands.”


“But that’s... that’s not the relationship you two have.”


“I understand that,” Joohyun says patiently, “but if I wait for our relationship to get better before I talk to him, I’m going to be waiting for a long time.”


“He left in a foul mood and you going to visit him will only make it worse.” Sooyoung stares at her with worry in her eyes.


“Everyone else in this family might be scared of him, but I’m not. I need to talk to him, and if he doesn’t listen to me, then I’ll make him listen to me.”


“I understand my brother may be... difficult. Believe me. But you can’t go.”


“He didn’t leave me any other choice, now did he?” Joohyun tosses over her shoulder as she walks toward the door.


Sooyoung is hot on her heels, pleading for her to think rationally. She walks right past Taeil and opens the front door. But once she’s outside, she stops in her tracks, making Sooyoung collide with her back.


“Perhaps you should wait until he...” Sooyoung continues to speak, yet Joohyun tunes her out because it’s occurred to her that she has no idea how to get into town. 


She faces Sooyoung and Sooyoung stares at her hopefully, as if there’s still a chance that Joohyun might change her mind. Without a word, Joohyun brushes past her, back into the house.


“I want to go into town,” Joohyun announces to Taeil with more bravado than she has.


“Of course. Jungwoo would be happy to take you.” Taeil doesn’t blink an eye. She could probably demand an ice sculpture in the design of a unicorn, and he’d have it delivered within the hour.


“You can’t go into town by yourself,” Sooyoung says.


“She’s not going by herself. I’ll take her.”


Joohyun smiles with relief at Johnny. “I thought today would be uneventful, but Joohyun gave a fantastic show this morning. I would be bothered if I missed the encore presentation.”


Joohyun gives him a smack on the shoulder. “I promise not to disappoint. Now let’s hit the road!”


“Oh, this is gonna be bad,” Sooyoung groans.



Joohyun walks downstairs alongside Johnny, taking in the compound spread before her. Before continuing, she pauses to admire this house so unlike any other.


Yonhap Feature) Commercial appeal of Korean traditional house 'hanok' put  to test | Yonhap News Agency


House is the wrong word. More like a palace.


It has an aesthetic glory that makes her feel as though she walked onto the set of one of King Jeongjo's period dramas. The enormous entrance boasts four carved stone pillars. They soar past the second-story balcony to the overhanging roof.


“Having regrets? Please don’t. Hyemulgat will be waitin’ for you after you speak with Seungwan,” Johnny says.


There’s a delicacy to the name Hyemulgat that somehow fits this grand site.


“I’m not nervous,” she replies, still gawking at the house.


“Then what are we waiting for?” Johnny curls his hand around her elbow and helps her to step into the gwanryong, a ornate horse-drawn carriage.


The exterior is lacquered black and the silk upholstery inside is embroidered with bamboo motifs. The window is rolled up to allow sunlight to warm them


Johnny tells the driver, whose name is Jungwoo, to take them to Seungwan's office.


The man turns in his seat, bushy white brows lifting. “Yes, sir.”


Jungwoo's face immediately becomes calm and collected. He faces forward and snaps the reins. The horses whicker and pull the carriage onto the dirt road. Joohyun slams a palm to steady herself and waits a few seconds before she seats back.


The swaying zelkova and pine boughs that line the driveway above cast them into cool shadow. For several minutes, they travel enclosed in a leafy darkness.


Joohyun looks outside from the window and watches  the steady clopping of horses' hooves and wooden wheels tracing the road as the mansion becomes a speck in the distance.


At the end of the drive, Jungwoo makes a left and pulls out onto a road that isn’t much better than the gravel driveway. There’s nothing but endless green grass and trees peppering the landscape.


Hanyang a vast city, and it’s bustling, with people coming and going. The town is only quiet at night, but even then, there are still people out.


But what she sees now? It feels almost surreal.


The bumpy dirt road winding into Hanyang is lined with stands of swaying tall grass. Most rice paddies they pass lie fallow, rendering the flatlands seeming vast and interminable.


The ride to the city isn’t pleasant. She jostles back and forth in her seat, and there’s an incessant rattling of the wooden wheels that makes her ears ring.


She distracts herself by watching the group of kids they pass on the dirt road. One is holding a pail of water and another a fishing rod. One kid has a pair of straw sandals; the others walk barefoot. Whenever she’s walked across gravel barefoot, she winced with every step, but these kids are skipping and jumping as though nothing is wrong.


She sits forward, smiling faintly. With no cell phone or clock dashboard in the car, it’s impossible to gauge how much time passes by. The green scenery seems to be endless until finally, the trees break apart. Sweet grass becomes interspersed with the marsh grass. She holds her breath as they cross a truss bridge that would probably be falling apart in her time.


“Are you gonna enlighten me on why we’re rushing to my brother’s office?” Johnny shouts over the wind and the loud wheels noise.


Joohyun glances at him, grateful for the distraction. “It’s complicated.”


“That’s not an answer.”


“It’s the best you’re going to get from me right now.”


Jungwoo's oblivious, drumming his fingers against the horse whip.


To her right, the Han River comes into view beyond the city walls. A bustling scene unfolds upon its banks - sail-laden ships docked at port while more ply the above the waters.


Despite the choppy current, folk still occupy the piers in their daily business. Vessels line the port as rough water slams into the shore; it doesn’t stop people from walking on the docks and going about their day.


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The road becomes a bit smoother as houses appear. Humble homes of thatch and wood crowd together, interspersed with community wells and markets. 


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At a intersection, the driver turns left onto a street called Geumcheon.. She looks at the homes and crowds, astonished by the lack of glamor.




 From atop his stead, Jungwoo clicks his tongue and glances over his shoulder. "My lady, it seems many folk in Hanyang now face hardship in rebuilding after the fire."


Fire? Joohyun turn toward him, making sure to keep her face passive. “Fire,” she repeats somberly, as though she knows what he’s talking about.


"We thought everything was ruined, but we're slowly cleaning up," Jungwoo says.


"It's certainly getting there," Joohyun says. Not because she believes it, but because it seems like the right thing to say.


In the outskirt of hanyang, the differences between the two eras is hardly recognizable. In town though, it’s obvious she’s in 1876.


The buildings are small and cramped together. She can see the damage from the fire in between structures. They’re taking right onto the main street, passing more blackened buildings. A large sign hangs above a corner shop—Hanyang Hardware.


Directly above the sign is a dangling oil lamp swaying gently back and forth. Narrow alleys run between buildings. She watches as people slowly walk down the streets. A few hurrying across, narrowly avoiding carts and horses.


They pass a hardware shop still being rebuilt. A furniture maker sweeping ashes. A shop says Hwang's Shoes. Another sign announces the Victory Market reopening soon. There’s a hanok with a attendant opening doors. Scholar-officials step out carrying their belongings and books.


They pass carts and horses. The scholars and their wives walking between shops are dressed in modest hanbok. And few hold folding fans or carry scholarly hats.


She feels as though she’s stepped into an old black-and-white picture. Except this one is in color. Bright, vivid colors that make her heart thump with excitement.


Jungwoo slows down, and they stop near a row of businesses. She has no idea where they are.


“Here we are,” Johnny says as he rubs his hands together for the show he anticipates.


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(imagine as if this building is Seungwan's office)


Jungwoo opens the door for her and holds out a hand. She gladly accepts it, because moving in this hanbok is awkward. She hops out, and Johnny joins her.


Johnny takes a few steps in front of her and opens the office door. She walks into the building with her heart stuck in .


A man behind a desk gets up and immediately speaks with Johnny. She tunes them out and tries to think of what she’s going to say to Seungwan.


"Hey, I know you think I'm your wife. But I'm not. Oh, and by the way, I time traveled!" No. That’s all wrong. Maybe she needs to go about it a different way.


Perhaps she should try to be sweet and kind? No, no, no. She’d rather eat glass than make nice with Seungwan. There’s something about that man that gets underneath her skin.


"Mrs. Son!"


Johnnyand the man standing next to him stare at her expectantly. She looks behind her, but no one’s standing behind her.


"Mrs. Son?"


Joohyun finally realizes the man’s talking to her. "Oh! Oh. That’s me."


The man smiles. "What can I do for you?"


"I’m here to see my—" Joohyun almost says husband, but it’s too damn weird. "I’m here to see Seungwan."


"Yes, Taehyung, you heard her right. I was as stunned as you are," Johnny chimes in dryly.


"Is he in?" Joohyun prods gently.


Taehyung nods and points at the door directly ahead of her. "Yes. He’s in his office. Although he has a meeting in fifteen minutes, so I don’t know if now’s a good time for—"


"I won't be that long," Joohyun says as she brushes past him.


Instead of knocking as most people would, she barges on in. Her abrupt entrance makes Seungwan's head snap up. He stares at her with blatant shock then groans. He leans back in his chair and rubs both hands down his face.



"Don't tell me you're still upset about that dress?" Seungwan says impatiently without waiting for a reply. "Very well, how much did it cost? A ryang? Two?" He reaches into his silken inner robe and withdraws a coin pouch, extracting several jeon coins which he tosses carelessly at her feet.


Joohyun remains still as the coins land softly on the polished wooden floor, the metallic ringing fading.


Is this how he usually treats his wife? Just tosses money (literally) at her and expects her to go away? No wonder she’s a Grade-A .


"Um. Once again, I don’t need your money. But thanks for the offer, Tony Stark."


Seungan frowns. "Tony Stark?"


Her shoulders slump as she sighs. If Sehun were here, he would laugh at her joke. Thinking about him brings a fresh wave of pain. She misses him so much.


"Never mind." Joohyun waves her hands in front of her, as though trying to erase all conversation up until now. "I need to talk to you for a moment."


"Can this wait until later?"


"As I was trying to tell you earlier before you rudely walked away, this can’t wait."


"Well then. I would hate to keep you waiting," he remarks dryly, eyeing her sharply.


Her heart is thumping a mile a minute because she’s not the one with the power. Right now, Seungwan has all the control. He knows it, and she hates it. She takes a deep breath and tells herself to calm down.


As he rests his elbows on his desk, she sees that his outer robe is draped over his chair. His inner garments are loosened, she had not considered how simple Joseon menswear  could appear distinguished on a man, but Seungwan here to prove her wrong.


"Well? What is it you need to talk about?" He stops moving paperwork around on his desk and impatiently looks at her, and it’s then that she notices he’s wearing a pair of wire-rimmed glasses.


Here Are 10 Times Red Velvet's Wendy Wore Glasses And Looked Like Your  School Crush - Koreaboo




She’s of the belief that glasses look damn good on men. They’re her weakness, directly behind a sense of humor and strong hands. On Seungwan, they’re endearing. They almost make Seungwan looks... cute.


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Seungwan now has two out of three traits. Something tells her he'll never grow a sense of humor.


Joohyun thinks her staring is making him uncomfortable because he looks away and slips the glasses off. Thank God. Now he’s back to looking like the douchebag she’s familiar with.


Seungwan glances behind her and narrows his eyes. “Johnny, I can’t thank you enough for bringing Joohyun here.”


“My pleasure. Before the two of you begin shouting at each other, I need to make an observation.”


Seungwan and Joohyun stare at him.


“Why are you speaking so oddly, Joohyun?”


Joohyun suppresses a groan and counts to ten before she exhales. “I’m not speaking oddly. If you want to get technical, you guys are the ones who are speaking oddly, with that strange accent.” Joohyun had noticed the moment that she arrived here, there is something odd in their accent.


“We’ve always spoken this way. Haven’t we, Seungwan?”


“Yes, to my knowledge this is the only way we’ve ever talked.”


“And you have talked this way your whole life too,” Johnny says.


“No, I haven’t. Not once.” They both stare at her as if she’s crazy. “You know what? This whole conversation is a perfect segue into what I’ve been trying to tell Seungwan all morning.” She takes a deep breath. “I’m not who you think I am.”


That’s not exactly the first thing she pictured herself saying, but she sees no right way to ease him into the story.


Joohyun doesn’t think there’s an easy way to tell someone, Hey! I’m not from this time!


Seungwan snorts and riffles through the paperwork. “I know that better than anyone.”


“No, you don’t get it,” she says slowly.


Say it! Her mind chants. Rip off the Band-Aid and tell him the truth!


Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Joohyun straightens her shoulders and walks toward the desk. Placing her palms flat on the desk, she leans in until they’re mere inches apart and he’s forced to acknowledge her.


Seungwan studies her from beneath his lashes. Her heart picks up.


“I’m not your wife,” Joohyun says carefully.


He blinks. Once, then twice. It’s impossible to tell what he’s feeling with his blank, shuttered expressions. Without breaking eye contact, he says, “Get out of here, Johnny.”


“What? Now? I didn’t her into town for nothing.”


“Out,” Seungwan barks.


Johnny grumbles, but he leaves, promising to return in five minutes to retrieve her.


Once the door is shut and they’re all alone, Seungwan stands. He mimics her posture—palms flat on the desk, head leaning forward,eyes furious. If you weren’t prepared for Seungwan, he could plow right over you; he has this potent energy that consistently throws her off guard.


“Pardon me?” Seungwan says, sounding deathly calm.


“I’m not your wife, and up until last night, I’ve never seen you before in my life.” With the picture not included, of course. “Last night, I time traveled.”


“This is ridiculous.” Seungwan doesn’t attempt to hide his disgust. “Ridiculous.” He walks to the door.


Once again, she’s being dismissed.


Before she walked into his office, she told herself she was going to be rational and calm. A fat lot of good that did.


She goes into panic mode; she knows her chances of getting Seungwan to help her are slipping away like sand through her fingers. “Seungwan!” She calls. “Stop.”


Abruptly, Seungwan turns. His eyes are blazing, and his lips are pulled into a taut line. Instead of yelling, like her, he walks back toward her and doesn’t stop until his left shoulder touches her right.


Seungwan dips his head and speaks in a deliberately quiet voice. "Everything is a game to you. For the past three years I’ve put up with your antics, but now you’re bringing it to my work. I won't stand for that."


Seungwan pulls back, curls his hand around her arm, and guides her toward the door. "You need to leave. Go have lunch with your friend, spend my money on clothes. Go buy a whole new wardrobe. I don’t care. Leave."


Joohyun has never had someone gaze at her with such disdain and hatred. If a raging lunatic came barging into his office with a gun, the chances of Seungwan using her as a human shield are incredibly high.


So not only does Joohyun have to convince him that she time traveled, but she has to convince someone who hates her with a fiery passion to believe her and then help her.


This is next to impossible. But what other choice does she have?


Like last night, she fights back. She elbows him hard enough in the gut that he lets go. Joohyun smooths out her skirt and glares at him. "Don't ever touch me like that again."


One second she's opening the door, her dignity intact, and the next she's jerked back into his office. The door slams shut before her back slams against the door.


Seungwan grips her by the forearms and dips his head, so they're eye level. "Don't you ever come into my office demanding a thing. I let you cheat. I give you money. I give you a home. I allow you to have parties filled with debauchery. All with one rule–that you never involve me."


Joohyun's love to tell him to off. She’d love to tell him that she’s not involving him, but that’s precisely what she’s doing.


She stands on her tiptoes until they were eye to eye. "You do not own me, and you don’t allow me to do anything."


His finger brushes against her jaw. "That’s where you’re wrong." His voice is deceptively low. "I paid a lot to give you the Son last name."


Joohyun doesn’t know how to respond to that.


"If you’re done, I need to get back to work. Tomorrow, be ready at twelve sharp."




"What do you think? Your parents are having some ridiculous brunch."


She swallows. I have a family here?


Joohyun wants to ask him so many questions. Questions he thinks she already knows. There’s no time to ask him or to say anything because he all but shoves her out of his office.


The door slams behind her.


Johnny gives her a sympathetic smile while Taehyung pretends nothing is amiss.


She clears and gives Johnny a weak smile. "I think I'm ready to go."


He gestures for her to walk ahead of him and she does, her head held high when all she wants to do is hang her shoulders. She feels so defeated.


"How did it go?" Johnny asks as they walk out the front door.


"Oh, amazing," she replies, deadpan.


Tears well up in her eyes, but Joohyun refuses to let them fall down her cheeks. She will not cry over that .


Seungwan dismissed her today, but she can’t reject her forever. She’ll find a way to make him believe her.







i will make this story in 3 parts,  part one will be around 30-ish..and yeap..i make old joohyun 'going' around with people cause only joohyun comes and sweep seungwan off the feet hihi


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Bltrx82 #1
Author, where did you go? I hope you are healthy and all right.
I'm still here waiting for next chapter
Bltrx82 #2
still waiting for the next update 🥺
1702 streak #3
Chapter 9: Author nim, please update soon~
Chapter 9: Author, where did you go? I hope you are healthy and all right. Happy lunar new year!
Nourredine89 #5
Waiting for your update authornim 🫶🫶
Chapter 9: Yay Seungwan has becomes less dismissive of Joohyun!! I'm curious to know if Joohyun is going to influence history in some kind of way?

Also, it's a little thing but I love how you use images in your stories. It's fantastic to see things exactly how the author intends.

Thank you for all these wonderful updates!
xIIxIIx #7
Chapter 9: Can’t wait for next update. What actually going on between joohyun and seungwan in the past?
Chapter 9: That's exactly the same thing that i would do if i ever have gone to the past. Investing in companies that i know will be big in the future. I remember me and my sibling having this kind of conversation.

For some first time meet up junmyeon is sure heated up. But maybe he is just concerned about Seungwan. Also, maybe they both knew each other (old/past joohyun & suho). I honestly can't help but think that joohyun definitely knows Suho. I wonder why is seungwan mad in the photo tho. Does the men in the picture harbor hatred and jealousy to seungwan since he's good at what he does? Or maybe because he's strict? And arrogant?? I mean Eunhyuk and junmyeon are accountants so they could just manipulate the cash flow or set up seungwan for something he hasn't done like money laundering. Although, i don't think seungwan is that stupid to let that happen. I know it's bad to be suspicious to Johnny because they're literally twins. But i can't help but think about that certain movie where a certain character is trying to dumb himself a little bit and appear more like happy go lucky person when in fact he is plotting something to destroy people's life which he succeeded because no one suspects that it was him since he appeared dumb.

Does seungwan harbor such attraction towards old joohyun? Even just a little? Because i couldn't help but think that he somewhat think of his wife when joohyun admitted the truth to her. Did past and future joohyun swap bodies and past joohyun is currently living with Sehun now??? Or it's just future joohyun? So where did the soul of the past joohyun go??? Is it still inside joohyun? Maybe hibernating??? Idk but maybe she's just there somewhere
1702 streak #9
Chapter 9: Oh? Seungwan frozen when Joohyun talk about Sehun? Well at least now he believes her
Chapter 8: I’m glad that Joohyun was able to protect herself. Being a modern woman has its perks. I wonder when we will get to see other sides of Seungwan?