Chapter 14: Going home

Sailor Moon
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Aishalynn was looking outside the window on the train when she said " I'll miss you girls, mom and dad, but I know deep down your still my family!" Lisa asked " mom, are we really gonna be alright in Osaka, Japan?" Aishalynn said " yes we are and I hope everything goes smoothly!" Suddenly it became foggy and very dark as Baekhyun said " this is no good, it looks like the train came to a halt!" The train speaker said " may I have your attention please, the fog is way too dense, it's impossible to continue I recommend you all to sit in your seats!" Everyone sat down as Lisa said " I'm scared!" Baekhyun holds her while Aishalynn holds Daeyanna...

Aishalynn said " this must be Nemesis, Sailor Saturn had sent Nemesis through a dimension but I never thought she sent him here!" Baekhyun said " she must've made a mistake!" Then Nemesis appeared and said " found you Sailor Moon and this time you don't have your friends with you!" Aishalynn widen her eyes as she sent a light circle to South Korea to warn them that Nemesis is in Japan...

At South Korea...

Momo said " I think I've made a mistake!" Krystal asked " why is that?" Momo said " I've sent Nemesis to Japan and now Japan is in trouble!" Nicole saw the ball of light as everyone gathered around and displayed a image where Aishalynn is face to face with Nemesis as Yunho said " you better fix this Momo or else he might devour Aishalynn who's Neo Queen Serenity!" Momo said " I may need Nicole cause she can reopen the dome doors and I can sent him far away!" Everyone ran to catch a train...

In Osaka, Japan...

The train finally came to the station as everyone got off and though the fog is too dense they can barely walk as Lisa asked " can't we transform?" Aishalynn said " no Lisa we can't, not in this type of situation!" Then Aishalynn heard " supreme thunder lighting strike!" Aishalynn knew the voice as she turns and sees Sailor Jup

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1198 streak #1
Chapter 1: We love a good love triangle 👀