Rescue ship πŸš’πŸ€

Surviving on the cursed island🏝️
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The next morning, Seungcheol woke up and had to get up so he needed to move his arm that the cutie used as his pillow all night and he felt it numb.

He chuckled, stood up, and went to the toilet.

Shua and Mingyu sleeping tightly on their comfy zoon.

When he went back, he found the younger waking, but he kept lying and looked at him cutely.

He was feeling dizzy but he didn't tell the man.

Clutched on the blanket and closed his eyes again.

He has a headache too.

The throbbing one.




The man was standing by the beach hoping to see any ship passing by, the wind blowing and it was too cold although it was daylight.

" Hyung, you okay?!"

Mingyu came asking, seeing the man lost and spacing.

" I'm good gyu, don't worry, I was just wondering if this is a test from god, is he punishing me for what I did ?! ."

Mingyu bite his lips.

He looked at the clean sand.

" You're not boss, I'm sure we will find the way out of here."

He patted the man's back and walked back.

Spotted Jeonghan waking slowly and he stood up, rubbing his eyes and walked to the toilet, for some reason he looked so pale, pale than anytime, shua noticed that too but he looked at Mingyu.

He went out and hugged himself, " Jeonghan you okay?!"

The younger nodded as he smiled weakly.

" I-it's just the usual thing."

He was looking for the elder man innocently.

Went out and the two followed him, he was barely walking.

" Ch-cheol Hyung."

The man was shocked to see the younger but he tried not to show that, he held Jeonghan.

" You okay Jeonghan ?'l

He nodded innocently.

" I-I'm fi-fine."

He held his head a little and smiled at the man.

Trying to show him that he's good.

" Stop lying, you're not fine."

He picked him up and ran back to the cottage, covered the lad well, and took a look at his pale face, he wasn't even able to open his eyes well.

" T-there comes a time when m-medicine doesn't work

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1582 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 11: He got to fully enjoy the hot springs this time. Then when Hannie was still nervous and scared about their first time together, he sort of forced himself to go for it even though Seungcheol urged him that they'd take it slow, and he turned out enjoying it by the end. That's somewhat of a relief. He deserves good things and Cheol will no doubt give them to him.
1582 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 10: It's really a shame about Hannie's parents. Maybe they'd come around now that he's better, but even if they don't, he has a new family with these three.

He's never been in a relationship but he's confident he'll be a good marriage partner. That's the spirit! Even if he wasn't so confident, Seungcheol would be patient with him, no doubt.
192 streak 0 points #3
1582 streak 0 points #4
Chapter 9: The surgery was successful and Jeonghan heard him while he was in that comatose state. He returned his confession and they'll live together.

But can't help but wonder what kind of life that will be, will it be dangerous because of Seungcheol's job? Even if he stays in that beautiful house, will Jeonghan always be worried that something will happen to Cheol and he won't return to him.

"Jeonghan, don't be nervous around me, l'm your man now." Wow - how can he not be nervous? Especially because he's his man now, haha.
1582 streak #5
Chapter 8: Punishment for what he did...? That sounds ominous. But maybe part of Cheol's kind treatment towards Jeonghan (aside from being smitten) is somewhat a form of atonement. Or he just really is a gangster with a heart of gold and he, and the other two, only ended up in that lifestyle because of misfortune and somehow didn't let it change their good natures.

It's truly a miracle that rescue finally came, especially with how dire Jeonghannie's condition had gotten, and it felt like tension was growing and an attack from the others could have happened soon. If they need another miracle to make it to a hospital to save him, then of course there can be one. It would be too tragic if help had come but too late, and they still have to confess and live happily ever after!
1582 streak #6
Chapter 7: Hahaha, so cute, even though Jeonghan didn't hear that confession. But the first kiss. Aww. He has so much to live for and so much to experience.
1582 streak #7
Chapter 6: Very lucky they found the hot spring like that. Maybe the island isn't completely cursed, then. But certainly this time feels like the calm before the storm with another resentful group out there.
1582 streak #8
Chapter 5: Cheol won't give up on him, even though he's barely more than a stranger. This guy really does have a heart of gold! His heart is probably already very gone for Jeonghan, too, so that probably plays a part in his hopefulness.

When that wish comes true and this is all over and Jeonghan has successfully undergone the surgery and recovered, at least it looks like he'll have new people who genuinely care about him to call family.
1582 streak #9
Chapter 4: Seungcheol is already giving in to his angel face, he's so accommodating and gentle with him. No wonder Hannie thinks he was joking about the mafia thing.

They keep calling each other hyung and kid, but did they ever talk about an or just assume? It would be amusing if they were actually the same age just like irl.

As sweet as their developing thing is, Jeonghan's health will only get worse the longer they're stranded and his medicine will run out eventually... they really do need to be rescued asap.
1582 streak #10
Chapter 3: His condition does seem quite dire. Hopefully it doesn't worsen too much before rescue comes and he can get that surgery.

"Jeonghan smiled feeling so happy that he got with a kind group, despite them being from the mafia."

Yeah, well even if they're criminals back in society, they may be the safer group to be part of because they already are used to an established order and discipline. It's probably going to devolve to chaos and power struggle with the other group, which is likely more dangerous.

Either way, these "kind" criminals have taken him in and cared for him like their own. Getting to sleep next to the mafia boss with a "handsome face" isn't so bad, either. Hannie is understandably very thankful, but he could probably show his thanks by listening and resting. He'll probably just overexert himself and risk his health further if he does too much...