# 5 (Wizard)

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Each time, Donghae comes through the front door. He knocks using the silver knocker. He leaves through the other door. The one near the shoe shop. Exiting the back of it.

It's interesting. Donghae knows where it exits. He can never find it. Can never even remember to glance back. Every time he leaves.

It only occurs to him at strange times. Like... when he's brushing his teeth. When he's about to fall asleep. When he's in the middle of a task. All the times where he thinks:

Oh, I have to remember that when...

I have to ask...

I have to mention that to...

And then it fizzles out. He can't even remember the thought.





"Oh, welcome! Come on in!"

This is Lily again. She's smiling widely. Donghae thanks her. Steps in. Lily's thrown a quick look. Behind herself. Her smile is back instantly.

"This way, sir..."

Donghae knows where to go. It's just... he likes to look. It's an interesting place. Sometimes, he hears faint noises. Voices. Arguments. Laughter. Donghae moves slowly. Reluctantly. His eyes sweep the counter. There's always something faintly glowing. Beneath it. Behind it. Maybe they're screens.

The bunnies always seem to be nearby. Or on the counter...

Like this one. It's different than the ones he's seen. This one is curled up. A round ball. Its eyes look half closed.

"Ah, that's another bunny," Lily says. Quieter. "Our cutest one, I'd say..."

Lily's held an arm out. To direct him. To the small dining room. Donghae turns fully though. To the bunny. It's white. Mostly. Black ears. A faint gray spot under one eye.

It's adorable. But it's not moving.

"He's trying to sleep," Lily says. "Don't worry, he's fine."

Donghae turns now. Nods. "What's its name?"

"Oh, that's... that's... um..." Lily has paused. Her eyes are on the rabbit. Small frown's on her face. "Va... nilla. Bean. Haha. Yes, Vanilla Bean. There's so many, I get them confused. Anyways, please find a table here -- I'll be with you in a minute."

She waits. For him to sit. Pick up a menu. Then she rushes off. Donghae hears a door closing. He glances down at the menu. But thinks. It's a few minutes past twelve. He'd hoped maybe Hyukjae would be here. Perhaps he's busy

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Thank you for reading :) I have very little time these days. But this fic takes less time than others.


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970 streak #1
Chapter 13: Oh dear!
They didn't get to pay for their dinner.
Now, who's the ogre?
Thank you so much for the update.
HelenDamnation #2
Chapter 13: Lol. You'd think they'd be afraid he'll turn them all into bunnies again.
ldh2013 #3
Chapter 13: Thank you for updating! I'm always happy to see a new chapter of this story. hehe. I half expected a gaggle of bunnies to meet Hyukjae at the restaurant, which would have been really hard to explain. Hayun/Coconut is nice too. I love how they all flock to Donghae who coos over them whenever Hyukjae is getting upset with them.
ldh2013 #4
Chapter 12: awww. nooo. The bunnies are going to mess up Hyukjae's date! To Hyukjae anyway. They really can't function without him.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 12: Of course they don't have to get Hyukjae. :D
Chapter 12: I love that Hyukjae brought all the things necessary to make sure they will be able to communicate. Very thoughtful of him. I'm looking forward to the next update full of bunny gang shenanigans 😄
970 streak #7
Chapter 12: This is really such an amusing story.
ldh2013 #8
Chapter 11: Hyukjae basically attempting to herd rabbits. hehe.
Chapter 10: Working in Hyukjae's inn must be quite the experience 😆 Thank you for this update I can't wait for the next
ldh2013 #10
Chapter 10: Thank you for sacrificing your sleep and giving us another dose of this cute story. Voice energy? Is Donghae's voice magic? Hyukjae may have less reason to be nervous about exposing Donghae to magic than he thinks. If Donghae needs healing, maybe Hyukjae can help.