
My Best Friend's Hot

A day later...



"Kyuhyun-ssi, could you please repeat that again?"

"Doctor, I really am in love with my best friend."


Lying on a plush recliner, Kyuhyun confessed his true feelings to the psychiatrist. Doctor Park smiled and nodded in approval.


"Congratulations! What do you want to do next?"

"I don't know... I want to win Jongwoon's heart and prevent him from dating another man, but do I have the right to do that? If I really care about him, should I let him go instead?"

"Kyuhyun-ssi, have you ever asked how Jongwoon-ssi feels about you?"

"He always calls me a best friend... B-But he always chooses me before others! Maybe I still have a chance...? Should I really pursue him though? What if things go south and I forever lose my precious best friend...?"

"First of all, I'd like you to stop worrying about the future. Think about the present. Kyuhyun-ssi, if your best friend is standing in front of you right now, what is it that you want to do the most?"

"I, I want to tell him how I feel..."

"There you go! Kyuhyun-ssi, my last advice as your psychiatrist is to follow your heart. If you're sincere in confessing your feelings, I believe that you'll be doing fine."


Kyuhyun felt confidence surging in his body at the doctor's encouragement. That's right. Jongwoon will always listen to him as long as he is honest with his feelings!



From that day onward, he decided to confess to his best friend that he no longer wanted to be just a friend.






"I have something to tell you..."


"I, I-I lo—"


"—I lost my wallet!!"


Kyuhyun wanted to bite his tongue and just die. What the hell was that!? His wallet is literally sticking out of his pants pocket now so how did he freaking lose it!? He felt so embarrassed and his face heated up in shame when Jongwoon snorted while shaking his head.


"Kyuhyun, you're so silly!"

"I know. Can you pretend that it didn't—"

"Your wallet is here. Let me help you~"


Kyuhyun froze like a deer in headlights after his beloved best friend suddenly hugged him. With one arm wrapping around his waist, Jongwoon smiled and used his compact palm to feel from his tummy to his thigh. While his brain circuit was electrocuted, the shorter man shoved his hand into the jeans pocket and rubbed in circles for a few seconds, before taking out the wallet with a teasing smirk. Kyuhyun took it and quickly looked away, hoping that his messy hair would conceal his reddened ear. At the same time, he tried to detach his attractive friend from his body before his lower body reacted inappropriately. However, Jongwoon squeezed his torso harder and refused to let go.


"Kyuhyun... Kyu, can I ask you something?"


"Say, do you think I'm cute~?"


Jongwoon asked almost in a purring manner and Kyuhyun's heart almost jumped out of his mouth.


"O-Of course! You're the cutest!!"

"Hmm~ That's all?"

"You're cute, handsome, y, cool, beautiful, gorgeous, manly, good-looking, attractive, and everything!"

"I see~"

"...Are you not happy with my answer?"

"Nope," Jongwoon beamed. "I'm very happy right now."


With that said, Jongwoon closed his eyes and rubbed his cheek against his chest in satisfaction. Seeing that his crush slash best friend seemed to be distracted, Kyuhyun wisely seized the opportunity to hug the other man and left a light kiss on the man's dark hair.



When Jongwoon didn't seem to realize it, just grinning wider, Kyuhyun grasped the opportunity to leave another soft kiss on top of his dearest friend's head.





"What's wrong, Kyu?"

"Well, you see... Do you want to go to this cafe with me...?"

"Oh? That's the place with a special menu for couples, right?"

"What? How did you know? It was open when you still were in France."

"I planned to go there for my first vlog back in Seoul. Actually, I was about to ask Siwon to—"

"Let's go now!! The faster we go, the quicker you can get your content!"


Kyuhyun unconsciously grasped his friend's hand as he dragged the man to the door. He realized this during the elevator ride and quickly let it go because he didn't want to make his best friend feel uneasy. However, Jongwoon actually slid his fingers into his palm and hooked it firmly while smiling at him.


"Kyu, I usually film my vlog by walking to a cafe but I'm not familiar with this neighborhood yet. Can you lead me and hold my hand? I don't want to lose my way."

"Sure thing!!"


He happily tightened their hands and led his cute friend to the destination. Not long after they left the apartment, Jongwoon started recording footage for his vlog with his phone on a selfie stick. The shorter man spoke fluently and even made a few jokes. Kyuhyun couldn't help but smile in slight sadness. He used to be the only one who happily listened to Jongwoon's rambling but the vlogger had many followers to replace him now. He wondered if his ears would still be necessary for Jongwoon...


"Kyu, greet the viewers!"

"H-Huh? Oh, um, hi?"

"Everyone, this confused penguin is my best friend, Kyuhyun!"


Kyuhyun's smile immediately dropped after his crush introduced him as a best friend to the camera. Then, terror invaded his heart when he realized that his status as a best friend might be immortalized if he let Jongwoon post this footage. No! The last thing he wants (second after Choi Siwon courting his crush) is being frozen in a friendzone forever!! A brilliant idea graced his mind and he pulled the chatty vlogger to a stop. Wouldn't he look really cool if he confessed to Jongwoon right now?


"Kyu? Why did you suddenly stop walking?"

"Jongwoon-ah, there's something I must tell you."


"It's been haunting me for a while now, this feeling in my chest. It's bitter and sweet at the same time and makes my heart speed up in many ways. I might die if I couldn't say it aloud to you!"


"Jongwoon-ah, I lo—"


Jongwoon's intense gaze put a dent in his confidence so he chickened out at the last minute.


"—Look horrible in pictures and videos because I don't know how to pose!!"




"... Jongwoon-ah...?"

"...Sigh. What am I going to do with you?"


His confidence further shrank at his crush's exasperated sigh. Even he felt so done with himself. Why was the last leap so hard? Now, he probably looked like a fool... His heart then dropped to the ground when Jongwoon took his hand back, but only for a few seconds as his best friend's small hand came to touch his face instead.


"Kyu, you're gorgeous just the way you are. Be confident in yourself."


"Plus, I promise that I'll not include any funny footage! My editing skill is good so trust—"

"You too."

"Eh? What is it about me?"

"You're gorgeous just the way you are too, Jongwoon-ah. Even if a star is exploding right in front of me now, I'll only look at you and you alone."


Holding a small hand resting on his cheek, Kyuhyun said from the bottom of his heart and stared into a pair of mesmerizing eyes of his best friend. He always said that to Jongwoon who often felt conscious of his appearance and he genuinely meant every word. Jongwoon is perfect in his eyes. Contrary to his belief, the black-haired man looked stunned rather than pleased. Then, his best friend glared daggers at him before shaking his hand off.


"...What!? Did you really just—!? You can say that so boldly but not the other stuff!? Ugh, Kyu, you're unbelievable!"

"Jongwoon-ah? Where are you going? What about your vlog and the cafe?"

"Not today! Jeez... How can I film anything looking like this...?"


His best friend murmured while touching his chubby cheeks. Then, Jongwoon abruptly turned around and walked away. Kyuhyun quickly chased after the smaller man and found out that his cute friend pulled up the scarf to cover his face until only his eyes were visible. Worrying that his future boyfriend might feel cold, he took off his scarf and put it on the man's head. After tying the scarf under his friend's chin, he beamed and pressed their foreheads together.


"Still feel cold?"

"...No, I think I'm boiling..."


Jongwoon's small hand came to tug at his cuff.


"Kyu, is there any supermarket around here? Let's go shopping. I want to eat your homemade pasta."

"Of course!"


Kyuhyun grinned ear to ear and shifted his hand to envelope the smaller one. Then, they walked hand in hand under the light snowfall.




After Kyuhyun spectacularly failed to confess to his beloved friend that day, he paused the attempt and changed his strategy to make Jongwoon fall in love with him first. Surely, it should be easy to tell if Jongwoon also loved him and he would feel more confident in making a confession. For that reason, he worked hard to spoil his friend rotten. He cooked every meal and prepare a lunchbox on the day Jongwoon went to work at a local boutique. He let Jongwoon sleep with him and sang a lullaby to help relieve the man's insomnia. He also hugged his dear best friend whenever he could and happily returned the touch everytime Jongwoon initiate it.



More often than not, though, Jongwoon's touches dangerously challenged his self-control...




"I'm home..."


Kyuhyun dragged his sluggish body to the comfy couch and slumped into it. Although he mostly work from home as a freelance programmer, he did have to work onsite whenever a fatal issue arose and basically lived in a server room. This time, he was away from home for three days and he missed his dear best friend so much.


"Welcome home, Kyu!"


Jongwoon ran from the bedroom to greet him with the cutest smile and jumped into his arms. Kyuhyun more than happily squeezed the smaller man on his lap to compensate for the lack of his friend's touch in the past three days. He could feel the exhaustion evaporating at his friend's presence. Ah, nothing in the world can beat having your crush comforting you—


"Jongwoon-ah!!? What are you doing!?"

"What else? I'm cheering up my dearest best friend after his hard work~"


Jongwoon answered nonchalantly while kneeling on the floor between his legs. Kyuhyun felt the tip of his ears heating up due to the other person's risque pose. Is Jongwoon... going to do that...? Shouldn't they go on a date and stuff like that first!? Conflict ate him alive as he felt both excited and worried. He didn't want them to engage in any ual activities until they became an item. However, he would be lying if he said that he didn't imagine doing this and that with his best friend turned crush. In the end, Kyuhyun didn't know what to do and waited for the other person's move. Jongwoon smiled sweetly and put his hands on his belt... And Kyuhyun gulped...


"My massage technique is awesome. Leave it to me!"



His crush's adorable small hands shifted to his thighs and began to massage them. Kyuhyun blushed in shame and looked away. Of course, someone as pure-hearted as Jongwoon would never have such a dirty thought like him! His considerate best friend worried about his well-being but he only cared about things below the belt! Further sinking into the couch, he groaned into his palms and stretched his legs to accommodate the temporary masseur. He didn't know what went wrong with his brain. Ever since he accidentally witnessed Jongwoon kissing another man and saw Jongwoon's semi- body, he couldn't look at his friend the same way he did in the past. Although it interfered with their friendship, without the burning desire in the pit of his stomach, he probably would never realize his true feelings towards Jongwoon.


"Kyu, what's wrong? Do you not like my massage technique?"

"Huh? Oh, I absolutely love—"


Kyuhyun was taken aback when he realized how close Jongwoon's face was to his unsuspecting crotch. The black-haired man put his head atop his folded hands resting on his thigh. His best friend's smile reminded him of a crafty fox scheming something behind that gorgeous face. Getting his full attention, Jongwoon grinned and straightened up. The compact small hands then began to wander playfully on his thigh.


"Kyu~ Do you feel anything when I touch you?"

"I-I, I don't know..."

"Huh? Why is your face so pale? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?"



Kyuhyun's body turned into a stone as if he got cursed when his best friend suddenly rubbed his tummy. If that hand inched just a bit lower...


"I-I should take a bath and make dinner for both of us!!"


He jumped and ran to the bathroom just in time before the Little Kyuhyun woke up to greet the world.




Before long, two months has already passed but Kyuhyun has yet to make any progress with his plan. He always chickened out at the last minute when he tried to confess. He couldn't tell whether Jongwoon loved him or not because nothing changed at all in their relationship. If anything, his best friend's behavior just reverted back to the time when they were in high school, loving and touchy. On the one hand, he was overjoyed that he got to hoard his friend's attention like in the past. On the other hand, he was scared that he already lost a chance to win Jongwoon's heart. If Jongwoon treated him like when they were still friends, wouldn't it mean that...?







A light kick at his buttom snapped Kyuhyun out of his worrisome thoughts. He groaned and spun around, ready to complain for interrupting his dinner preparation. However, every word got stuck in his throat as his brain failed to comprehend the sight gracing his eyes— Jongwoon in his old t-shirt that dropped to just above the knees. Noticing his agape mouth, Jongwoon shrugged and explained.


"I did the laundry and had nothing left to wear so I borrow yours."

"Nothing to wear? Did you mean...?"

"Oh?" Jongwoon grinned mischievously. "That's right~ I wear nothing beneath the t-shirt. Wanna see?"

"Why would—!?"


Kyuhyun's thought process completely shut down due to overloading stimulation. Still showing a toothy grin, Jongwoon gripped the hem of the loose t-shirt and, very painstakingly slowly, lifted it up. Bit by bit, the shorter man's flawless thighs were revealed and Kyuhyun was caught between feeling alarmed and expectant. He should tell his friend to cease the joke if he meant no genuine feelings behind it. However, he also wanted to see Jongwoon's legs and couldn't prevent erted fantasies rushing from his brain to his crotch. When they were young, he only thought that Jongwoon's legs were beautiful and perfect for sports. Now, however , he kept wondering how it would feel to have those gorgeous legs hooked around him.



Eventually, the hem was lifted higher enough for him to see... A pair of black fitting shorts...



"Ta-da! Pfft! Did you really believe what I said? I'm not that indecent to walk around in other people's home!"

"...Am I just your 'Other people'?"

"What? That's what you're sulking about? Really?"



Kyuhyun looked away and poured out his frustration on a poor tomato instead, by chopping very hard that one piece of the veggie almost flew off. The annoyance of being teased (yet again) couldn't even be compared to being seen as "other people" by Jongwoon. He knew that he acted and sounded like a kid but he couldn't help it. Only with his best friend... Only with Kim Jongwoon did he dare to show his childish and imperfect side.


"...If you're bothered by that, what do you want me to call you then?"



He gasped in surprise when Jongwoon suddenly yanked him by the arm and made them face each other. A playful smirk on his friend's face was replaced by a serious expression that convinced him to drop everything to listen to the man. Gripping his arm firm, Jongwoon spoke up with conviction.


"Cho Kyuhyun, you keep complaining that you don't want to be just a nobody to me but what is it that you actually want? Who exactly am I to you?"


"No running away and no more silly excuses."


As he thought, his best friend knew him the best, even catching that he was about to blurt out something nonsense again. Kyuhyun took many deep breaths and tried to calm his anxious heart. Jongwoon probably noticed that he had been acting strange and wanted to get to the bottom of it. He should think carefully before answering because their future could entirely depend on it.


"... You're very precious to me. Every day, I wake up thinking that I'm lucky to have met you. Every night, I go to bed feeling excited about what we will do tomorrow. I'm happy when I'm with you and I hope that you feel the same. I want to keep living with you like this for as long as we can. And... And I don't want to part with you again!"


That was basically a confession without saying"I love you". Kyuhyun put his hand atop his crush's grasping his arm and squeezed it, hoping to convey the unspoken words to the other person. Jongwoon looked at him without saying anything for a long while and he couldn't tell what his friend thought behind that stoic looks. Just when Kyuhyun started to get nervous, Jongwoon sighed and took a step back.


"If it was the me in high school, I'd be crying rivers now. However, I'm tired of obscure and ambiguous things so I won't be satisfied with just that."



Kyuhyun reached out to the smaller male but his friend slipped through his grasp. Jongwoon disappeared to the bedroom for a few minutes and came back fully dressed. Wait. Didn't Jongwoon say that he had nothing left to wear after doing laundry? He was about to ask that but Jongwoon ignored him and made a beeline for the front door.


"Where are you going? It's almost dinner time now."

"I'm going to crash at Siwon's place tonight and stay there for a few days."

"What? All of the sudden? Why?"

"Just because."


Jongwoon shrugged and strode to the door. Kyuhyun felt as if an apocalypse hovered right above his head. For some reason, his hunch told him that he would lose his best friend forever if he let Jongwoon go tonight... No! He didn't want to feel miserable again! He looked up and panicked even more when he saw Jongwoon already touch the door handle and make to push—






















The silence stretched too long for his comfort and Kyuhyun didn't dare to open his eyes. What if...?


Tap... tap...tap...Tap tap tap tap! 


"Babo! You finally said it!!"

"Eh? Jong—"


Jongwoon who spun around and ran towards him tackled him with all his might in a crushing embrace. Immediately after that, the grinning dark-haired man kissed him with generous gusto that elicited an excited moan from him. Kyuhyun instinctively picked up the other person when he felt a pair of legs wrapping around his hip, and he did it without breaking their lips apart. Lust was ignited in his core when he keenly sensed Jongwoon's fingers drumming against his nape and threading through his hair. He reciprocated the kiss with tenfold passion and devoured every and any sounds that slipped past the soft and sweet lips. He deliriously tasted his best friend until Jongwoon was out of breath and had to literally yank his hair to take a break.


"Jongwoon-ah..." Kyuhyun kissed and nuzzled the tip of the other man's nose. "Can I take it that...?"

"Yes, you biggest fool. I'm in love with you too, always have been."


After a short but sincere confession, Jongwoon yanked his hair backward and attacked his exposed neck with countless nibbles and . It was only due to their long-time friendship that made Kyuhyun realize what his precious former best friend meant by a ticklish murmur against his wet pulse. He hurriedly headed to the bedroom and almost threw Jongwoon on the bed due to his impatience, not that Jongwoon minded his rough treatment. Their lips returned to find their fated pair and their hands roamed all over their burning skin, trying to get rid of the garment that got in the way as fast as they could. Soon, they discarded other pieces of clothes and only the underwears were left on their anticipating bodies. However, Kyuhyun paused just before he almost disarmed his (now) boyfriend to a state.


"What's wrong, Kyu? Why did you suddenly stop?"

"...I have another confession to make. To tell you the truth, I-I actually fantasized about us having before."

"Uh-huh. Cool. Another thing we have in common. Can we continue now?"

"W-Wait! There's one more! So, um, it's been only recently that I studied how it goes between men. I probably and could ruin our first time..."

"Awww, Kyu, you worry too much~"


Jongwoon cooed and propped up on his elbow to peck his lips.


"I'll tell you if I like or dislike anything and you'll do the same. Okay? That's what lovemaking is about. Anything else?"

"Yes! Well, um, I-I want to know how far can I go with you tonight...?"

"How far?"

"Like, how many times or how intense can I—"


Kyuhyun didn't get to finish his inquiry because of the naughty hands enveloping that purposefully moved vertically. Jongwoon his lips seductively and took time to carefully spell out the next sentence.


"Less talk and more action, please, husband."




After something snapped in his mind, Kyuhyun proceeded to talk with their various actions until Jongwoon begged for mercy in lustful tears.





"What about Choi Siwon?"

"What is it about him?"

"We're officially dating now so you'll tell him to stop pursuing you, right?"

"Oh. About that..."


Jongwoon chuckled in mirth as he rolled over to lay on top of his body and left a quick peck on his lips.


"The truth is, we didn't have that kind of a relationship, Siwon and I."

"What? But you told me that he was your blind date partner!"

"Used to be, yes, but that changed..."


Kyuhyun sharply caught on how his boyfriend's smile dimmed. He ruffled the man's soft hair and kissed to distract him. It worked amazingly and Jongwoon soon smiled happily again, resuming his unfinished tale while touching his philtrum absentmindedly.


"Kyu... Do you remember the night we met at the reunion party? I didn't kiss that guy to rile you up. Hell, I didn't even know that you followed me back then. I... just wanted a distraction to help me forget you..."


"When you told me on the ride home that I'd always be your best friend, I was beyond devastated and disgusted with myself. You were such a good friend to me but I still betrayed you. That was when I decided to get over this stupid one-sided crush for real and, in order to do that, my heart needed to find someone else to fall for."

"... Cue Choi Siwon's entrance?"

"Yup. We met by chance when I took a walk in the town and we clicked pretty fast. Siwon was a great guy and I genuinely enjoyed his company. I even thought that I wouldn't mind settle down—"


Kyuhyun imprisoned his lover's nape and pushed the man towards him so their lips met in a ravenous deep kiss. Drawing back to take a breath, Jongwoon stared at him with knowing amusement twinkling in his beautiful eyes.


"Kyu, you do realize that I talk about him in a past tense, right?"

"I do. But my jealousy is timeless."

"Salty much, eh~? My penguin~"


They kissed a few more times before Jongwoon continued the story.


"Anyway, the gist is that I did think about dating Siwon but changed my mind when a kind and helpful informant hinted me about your potential romantic feelings for me. I told Siwon honestly that I was in love with you and we agreed to be good friends."

"... What good friends chatted so happily while blushing?"

"Pfft, you still hold a grudge from that day? What you saw that night was actually Siwon teasing me non stop about your salty burning in jealousy from tables away! Kyu, you probably didn't notice it but we could see your grumpy face in a reflection!"


Now, it was Kyuhyun's turn to blush in embarrassment. He was so focused on cursing Choi Siwon's ancestors that he barely noticed the surrounding. Then, he belatedly realized that every sweet torture Jongwoon put him through so far could be a part of his dearest boyfriend's tease too.


"Hey, don't tell me that you've been seducing me on purpose to force me to confess?"

"That, and to get back at you for the heartache during high school. Just so you know though, it's not my idea."

"Then, whose idea is it? Wait. You said that an informant told you about my feelings for you. Who is this so-called informant?"



Jongwoon smirked knowingly.






"Kyuhyun-ssi, could you please repeat that again?"

"Doctor Park... I thought doctors were supposed to keep clients' information confidential!"


Doctor Park Jungsu, or Jongwoon's brother-in-law as Kyuhyun just found out from his boyfriend, smiled kindly but with a hint of playfulness.


"Normally, yes, but you're a special case."

"How so?"

"Because you're going to be my little brother-in-law."


Doctor Park raised a brow.


"Are you not?"


Kyuhyun paused. Without his psychiatrist's interference, Jongwoon would never find out that his crush wasn't exactly one-sided and might go out with Choi Siwon for real. By the time he realized his own heart, Jongwoon probably already got married to his love enemy.


"Doctor Park,"


"Do you like premium beef?"




A few weeks later...



"E-Excuse me? Are you Kim Jongwoon-ssi, the famous fashion YouTuber and cafe vlogger?"


Jongwoon looked up from his coffee and smiled at the flustered middle-aged man, presumably his fan.


"Yes, that's me!"

"Omo! I've been your fan since your time in Paris! Can I take a picture with you?"

"Of course! I'm glad to hear that you like my content~"


Jongwoon stood up and posed cutely to the said fan's front camera. Although his smile faltered a bit when he felt an uninvited hand on his hip. Ugh. So this guy is "that" kind of a fan.


"Hey, mind your hand, will you?"


A new voice cut in sharply in irritation which made Jongwoon smile; wider as the rude fan stepped away to glare at the speaker.


"Jongwoon-ssi, who is this man?"

"Oh? That sour-faced penguin?"


Jongwoon covered his mouth with his left hand as he chuckled. A small, shiny diamond ring on the left ring finger reflected the light in the cafe.


"He's my best friend~"

"AND his legal husband."


Kyuhyun snarled at the stranger while showing off his left hand where a matching ring hugged the ring finger.




Author's note:

Happy ending for our kyusung couple! The best friend finally upgraded their relationship into lovers 😌 Leeteuk was no doubt the mvp here. He literally carried this fic and kyusung relationship 😂

I hope you have fun bonking dense Kyu and laughing at his misery when Ye back 😈



There won't be any fic update until probably KyuSung Day next month. Your resident kyusung author unluckily got covid for the second time and now very sick 🥲 That's the reason why this chapter probably riddled in typos and late update. My head was just so heavy 🥲 


Really, take care of your health! 🥲

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mnfjchan #1
Chapter 3: Great happy ending!!
KH should be thankful for LT🤭
I enjoyed very much the story of the dense KH and the beautiful JW🥰
I look forward to more of your wonderful Kyusung fanfic!
Rinirin07 #2
Chapter 3: Happy Ending 🥳🥳🥳
Cute penguin 🐧😍
400 streak #3
Chapter 3: Those tease just soooo cruel dear Jongwoon! 🤣

Get well soon my favorite kyusung author. I thought covid wasn't a thing anymore 😬

See you next month (?) you're going to make me - us happy again, can't wait! 🥰
Honeymoon89 #4
Chapter 3: Arghh KH! Why are u so dumb???!!!! Luckily, JW are fool in love with u...if me, i will not stay anymore..🤭🤭😂😂
'Lucky im in love wih my bestfriend🎶'🥰🥰🥰💙💙🥰🥰🥰

Oh God! Get well soon dear authornim. Rest well and take u as always💙💙💙
bluesky0125 #5
Chapter 3: Thanks for this wonderful story and get well soon!
Chapter 3: Author-nim, wish you speedy recovery 💙
I'll be back later after thoroughly reading all the chapters
mnfjchan #7
Chapter 2: Kyu finally realized his feeling!!
Johnwoon worried about Kyu's pale face, and he was right there with Kyu. So sweet…!🥺
Can't wait next chapter!!
Rinirin07 #8
Chapter 2: Dense kyu is the cutest 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Honeymoon89 #9
Chapter 2: Hoho i think i know where this going💃💃and Dr Park & JW's cousin aka Heechul are somewhat the mastermind here i guess.. i cant with that part where Kyu went to see Dr Park and he get turn on there! Oh God, you're so helpless Kyu😂 than the most popular 3rd person in Kyusung world (SW) too maybe one of the 'plan' by Dr Park & Chullie🤭 oh oh 'his beloved future boyfriend' already ha Mr Kyu?😂im so happy with what he 'get' from hurting my precious JW🤭😂👏👏🎉🎉sorry kyu😌

Dear authornim...arghh why did Sunday only comes after 6 day??!!!😭😭😭i cant wait😭😭😭
400 streak #10
Chapter 2: I'm sooooo into this chapter! Finally Kyu! Finally! I'm looking forward to the final chapter! 🥰