Chapter 6

The babysitter (Gtae AU)
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The word handsome is not enough to describe Jiyong. He is wearing a tux and his hair is in style. The kind of man that is fit for a bachelor auction. Like a Greek God who went down the earth to save humanity. He gives a ‘rich and handsome’ vibes that any girl can notice even from afar.


“Appa! Are we going now?”

“We have to wait for Ms. Kim.”

“Jiyong-sshi, I am sorry for waiting. I am now ready to go.”


Speechless. How can one lose the ability to speak? He doesn’t believe in ethereal beauty, but he is witnessing one right now. Taeyeon is wearing a purple maternity dress. Consisting of a feminine chiffon skirt with a wrap top. The knee length skirt features a painterly watercolour print and drapes effortlessly over her bulging tummy. She is wearing flats, but Jiyong can’t take away his eyes from those milky legs. Tempting. He can see the valley of her from that dress too. Are you a ert Jiyong? It’s chilly but Jiyong can feel sweat running down his back.


“Hera, you are so pretty.”

“You too, nanny.”


Jiyong is like a stone watching both Hera and Taeyeon. It doesn’t help that Taeyeon softly curl her brown hair and those lips. Oh, her red lips will be the death of him! If he will be given a chance, he doesn’t want to leave the house and just keep her inside his room, doing something that involves kissing, touching and more. He wanted to ravage her. Badly. Behave Jiyong. He should stop all these thoughts and think about something. Maybe think about fruits and vegetables or anything far, far related to Kim Taeyeon.


“Appa, can we go now?”

“Yes, princess.”



It will be a long night. Jiyong thought as he glances again at Taeyeon. He can look at her all day and night without being tired. He massaged his head again. Not good. He had done countless of cold shower since Taeyeon arrived in his life. He really needs a distraction. Falling for Hera’s nanny? No way.


No damn way.




A baby girl. She still cannot get over the fact that her unborn child is a baby girl. She wanted to share this happiness with her partner, but she is aware that if he is still alive, he will not be as happy as her. In fact, he might not even care if she is having a child or not. She tried her best to keep away from sad thoughts. Today she is happy. Today she will not let any negative thoughts ruin her mood. She is overflowing with joy ever since the doctor’s appointment. She wanted this, a child she can call her own. A child she can love unconditionally. She doesn’t mind being a single mother at all. She can do it. She promised herself that she can do this despite being an orphan. She is lost in her own world, looking at the view from the car’s window when Hera suddenly kiss her cheek. Her little Hera is wearing a pink dress and shoes with matching tiara. She is indeed a princess. A kind-hearted and sweet princess. The moment they went inside the car, she held her hand the way she held it a while ago in the clinic. An assuring hold that reminded Taeyeon she is not alone. She is thankful for Hera’s presence. It makes her feel that someone truly care for her even though that someone is an innocent four-year-old.


“Why Hera?”

“I will show the photo to my classmates. I will say that little baby is a baby girl.”


Jiyong pretended that he is not listening and watching Taeyeon and Hera’s conversation. He can see how affectionate his little Hera towards Taeyeon. Hera is giggling while kissing Taeyeon’s cheeks and Taeyeon is ticking Hera. He wanted to join them but no, he promised himself that he will find distraction tonight away from Taeyeon. But Jiyong can’t deny Taeyeon’s hearty laugh. She sounded genuinely happy. Maybe because she discovered that she is having a baby girl. He secretly glance at Taeyeon’s protruding belly. Surprisingly, he is happy too. Are you the father of her child, Jiyong? Why the hell are you happy that she is having a baby girl? It took a lot of self-control not to touch Taeyeon’s tummy. He wanted to tell Taeyeon that she is a strong woman. How can she manage to be fine all along? She is a mystery for Jiyong and Jiyong is a fan of mysteries but this one seems so hard to unravel.

He closes his eyes. Thinking about food in the party and not about the pregnant lady who’s just an arm away from him.


Taeyeon successfully took a nap on their way to Chuncheon. After her and Hera’s mini playtime in the car, the little girl seems to be as sleepy as her. The venue is in a five-star hotel and Jiyong informed her a while ago that there is big possibility that they will be staying the night. They will not sleep in one room, right? Silly Taeyeon. It’s about an hour drive from Seoul and thankfully she is still feeling okay. Not exhausted or whatsoever. The clothes she is wearing is comfortable too even though she is showing some skin than usual. She wanted to cover her chest with a cardigan, but it will not match her dress. The neckline is a bit low and she’s feeling conscious about it a while ago but shrug that thought away. Little pumpkin too is very behaved except for that one powerful kick she gave mommy when Jiyong assisted her in going inside the car. It’s totally unnecessary to assist her in going inside the car a while ago but she did not say anything or else it will be an awkward encounter again.


They reached the venue at around seven thirty and Taeyeon can hear chatter and the band’s music from a distance. Jiyong walk ahead of them while Taeyeon and Hera went to the washroom.



“Oppa! Finally, you are here.”

“Happy Birthday, my dear sister.”

“Where is Hera?”



Hera excitedly ran towards her auntie Somi and asked her to carry her in which Somi quickly did. Jiyong look back and worriedly scan the crowd looking for Hera’s supposedly companion.



“Hera, where is Ms. Kim?”

“Washroom. When I saw Auntie Somi, I ran.”

“Did you tell her that you will go here? She might look for you.”

“No, Appa.”

“Oppa, who is Ms. Kim?”

“Ms. Kim is Hera’s new nanny.”


A minute later, Kim Taeyeon came into view. A very worried and nearly crying Kim Taeyeon. Hera waved at her and ran towards her direction. She is dead worried about Hera. Thankfully she heard her voice not too far from the entrance of the washroom. She hugged her tight and attempted to carry her but the little girl refuse.


“I am sorry I left you in the washroom.”

“I am looking for you Hera. I thought somebody took you away. Don’t do that okay? I am so worried. I thought bad guys took you away.”

“I am sorry, don’t be mad.”


Taeyeon is still talking to Hera when a lady wearing a pretty red and white gown approached them. She is the auntie that Hera is referring to. Jiyong’s younger sister.


“Taeyeon eonnie?”


Taeyeon can’t believe it. In front of her is the lady she’s very familiar with. Is she dreaming? Somi is in front of her. This is not Australia, right? This crazy but kind Somi who used to tell her that she needs a man in her life is in front of her. The lady who forced Kim Taeyeon to tried dating apps and blind dates. The woman who always been so wasted in the club and called Taeyeon in the wee hours of the night just to fetch her. The same woman whom she travelled with in Great Barrier Reef and Gold Coast. It is indeed a small world. Her former roommate-slash-best friend in downtown Sydney is here, looking at her as if she is a lady from another planet. The same look she is giving her whenever she will pick her up in the club, too wasted to be carried.


“Somi! I’m glad to see you. How are you?”

“You didn’t even have a social media account, Eonnie! I can’t believe I’ll see you here in Korea. I thought you are still in Sydney. And you are… pregnant?”

“Let’s talk about it some other time. For now, Happy Birthday, dear Somi.”


Jiyong and Hera are watching the two women. They look so familiar with each other. But Jiyong can’t deny the fact that he is observing only Kim Taeyeon. The way she smiles make his heart flutter. Corny, right? It took a Herculean effort not to stare longer at her red and kissable lips.


“Oh, I am here to accompany Hera. I am her new nanny.”

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tyeam0309 0 points #1
Chapter 10: I love the plot. Please keep updating.....
Yusril42 #2
Chapter 10: Ohh very good im happy
tyeam0309 #3
Chapter 9: So cute. Please update
Sugarluvfangirl #4
Chapter 9: Waiting for the next chapter 💕
309818 #5
Chapter 7: Excited for more chaps 💜
Sugarluvfangirl #6
Chapter 7: More please 🥹 ❤️
Sugarluvfangirl #7
Chapter 6: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 5: Pleaseeeee chap 6 u,u
Tiatioot #9
Chapter 4: Aaa thanks for update!!💜
Tiatioot #10
Chapter 3: Cute storyline😍😍💜