So Hurt

So Hurt
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"I'm so hurt." said Minho in a very sad and hurt way.

"Woof." said Comme des.

"Where is Key?!?!" Minho exclaimed.

"Woof." said Garçons.

"Woof woof key?!?" asked Minho, trying to communicate with the dogs. It did not work.


Sad and lonely, Minho resigned himself to his bed to brood in a manly and mysterious way. He was definitely not sulking in a silly childish way. Oh no. He was a super cool guy he would never.

"I can't believe this..." said Minho. He couldn't even open his phone to distract himself because every time he opened the phone he saw it. He couldn't even look at a phone without the knowledge that it could use the internet, meaning he would be able to see it.


"Woof." said the dogs who were probably sad and lonely too so Minho opened the door. They jumped on the bed in a whimsical manner and looked at Minho who then patted them wistfully with half-formed tears in his eyes.

"You'll never understand..." said Minho to the dogs, "You are dogs... you don't know what it's like to be a celebrity and have articles like this written about you..." the dogs woofed and interrupted his sad, heartbroken monologue. They were Key's dogs! they were super famous and had many articles about how amazing and beautiful they are! Minho was being such a fake fan and so condescending so the dogs left his bed and went to eat in the kitchen.


"Now i'm all alone again.." said Minho, sadly and in a lonely way. He began to contemplate walking the path of a sigma male, when suddenly he heard the door open.

"I'm home!" It was his husband Key. Normally he would jump up and run to tackle his husband into a violent hug which Key definitely enjoyed, or help him with the groceries he sometimes brought home, or just ask him about his day. But not today. Minho couldn't even get himself to get out of bed or say a single word. Even if he spoke, after what he had read, he probably wouldn't even be able to speak in his usual charming and charismatic way. His self esteem was gone.


"Minho where are you?" shouted Key. "Help me put the food away or I'm not making you any!" Key was obviously joking and being silly, but Minho didn't care. He didn't even care about eating anymore, and besides, being silly was not very sigma.

"Minho!" He heard again before hearing stomping footsteps

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