Chapter 3

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Our every moment

I start to replay

But all I can think about is seeing that look on your face






As Moonbyul sat at the bar, nursing her drink, her thoughts spun around the frustrating dinner. Each sip of her cocktail seemed to drown the annoyance she felt toward Eric and, to some extent, Solar. Her emotions swirled with the alcohol, blurring the lines between anger and sadness. When a charming woman with a kind smile slid onto the stool next to her, offering a listening ear, Moonbyul found herself pouring out her frustrations without restraint. The woman's empathy was comforting, and one drink led to another until the world around Moonbyul softened into a haze of forgetfulness.


The night blurred into morning, and Moonbyul awoke to find the room bathed in soft daylight, her head pounding with the remnants of last night's liquor. The events of the previous evening came back in fragments as she noticed the woman from the bar asleep beside her. The reality of what had transpired hit her like a wave, filling her with a mix of confusion and regret.


Meanwhile, Solar walked back to their shared apartment, her mind a turmoil of emotions. She had spent the night wrestling with her feelings—a confusing blend of concern for Moonbyul and an inexplicable hurt that gnawed at her heart. Despite the chaos, her steps were guided by an urgent need to reconcile with Moonbyul, to make things right. But as she opened the door to Moonbyul's room, her heart sank. The sight of Moonbyul and the stranger tangled in the sheets ignited a fiery pang of jealousy she couldn't understand.


"Solar, it's not what it looks like," Moonbyul stammered, her voice hoarse, eyes wide with shock and a hint of fear.


Solar's confusion morphed into anger, her voice rising despite her attempts to control it. "Then what is it, Moonbyul? Because it looks pretty clear to me!"


"I—I was upset, and things just happened. She was there and..." Moonbyul's voice trailed off, unable to fully articulate her feelings, burdened by her hangover and the sudden confrontation.


"Things just happened?" Solar's words were laced with sarcasm. "You know what, just forget it." Solar turned to the woman, who was now awkwardly trying to gather her belongings. "I think it’s best if you leave."


Once the woman left, the room felt oppressively silent. Solar stood rigid, her back to Moonbyul, trying to process the flood of emotions overwhelming her.


Moonbyul got out of bed, her movements sluggish, her mind racing to find the right words. "Solar, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for any of this to—"


"Save it, Moonbyul!" Solar interrupted, her voice cracking slightly. "Why does this hurt so much?" Her voice was a mix of anger and confusion.



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