

Kangin is Yesung's younger brother, yet he really protective over his hyung. What if these 3 guys -Siwon, Kyuhyun, Kibum- trying to get closer to his beloved hyung. What he will do to them?


Tittle: Warning!!!

Pairing: brother!2woon (KangSung), YeWon, KyuSung, KiSung (Yebum), Yesungx?

Genre: Brothership, Friendship, Comedy, slight!Romance

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: The boys belong to me, though it's just in my dream

Warning: English absolutely isn't my native language. So if you find Grammatical Error, Bad Language, any Typos, or any else mistake, itis not because u had a problem with your eyes. It's all pure my fault. Sorry!


My Second story everyone... and it's safe for underaged reader now. I'll post chapter 1 ASAP...

a new chapter of Warning!!!.. yeepee!!!!


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 7: Oh no!!!! Why has this hilarious and cute story not been continued....sad so sad :(
400 streak #2
Chapter 7: can you pleaseeeeeee update this???? T________T
400 streak #3
Chapter 4: OMG I LOVE this chapter! I love kisung!!! XD how Kibum suddenly changed from cool and cold became flirty one LOL
400 streak #4
Chapter 1: wow! this is good, I'll continue to read *____*
Chapter 7: This is so funny and cute, and I really wish you would continue the story.
Chapter 5: Kyusung meeting is the best,,,,
Hello, so I wanted to start off by saying, "holy moly!!! Those were amazing chapters to read, I enjoyed how you structured the story and the story line itself was good because of the details, imagery and dialogue you placed. It flowed smoothly, there were no rough edges where you quickly jumped into something, it was written quite well which brings me to the second part of my comment. I know being an adult means having many responsibilities and obligations which are annoying at times. I hope you don't plan to leave this in a WIP graveyard and plan to come back to finish it if you are ever given an opportunity to do so. I hope it doesn't come off as if I'm pressuring you, cause that's the last thing I want to do. Hope you're doing okay!
Chapter 5: I liked kyusung meeting best. Hehehe I am biased like that
charismavi #9
Chapter 7: hehehe...nice kidnapping plan hehehe...
gyahahahahahaha...the scary kanginnie was rendered helpless, with teukie's presence..maybe the practice will be succeeded this time..hail teukie!!
Chapter 7: Ahhhhhh so cute~~~ and I can't wait for the next chapter!! And the evil maknae is back!!! U better watch ur back! Trias unnie~~Lol ~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥