Sasaeng Fan Account Part 3

How I Lost My ity to Taecyeon Oppa


The rhinoplasty procedure, or nose job speaking informally kekeke, cost me a huge amount (school fees + savings I got from staying in a ty apartment) but it was worth it. The surgeon who did it was surprised that I wanted to get the job done since he said I got beautiful nose already. But aniyo~!! (>~<) I said I wanted it smaller. I had to time the surgery right since I need to take a time off from my sasaeng fan activities. Healing time took around 3 weeks. 
The timing was right. When my nose was fully healed, 2PM released their album 1:59PM. I resumed my sasaeng fan activities. I was present in all their promotions, music and variety show appearances and fan/press conferences.
Other fans were becoming so competitive. I have to step up my game. My group of the original One Day fans got smaller and smaller until there were only two of us. Me and my friend whose bias is Chansung oppa. The two of us were always together in our activities. We hired taxis to follow 2PM's vehicle every night. We staked out their favorite restaurants. We slept outside their dorm and sometimes outside JYP building too. 
Being one of the longest fans of One Day/2PM/2AM, me and my friend where honored (sometimes worshipped) by other Hottest, but most of the time hated by them. They were jealous of me and my friend since Taecyeon oppa knows about me and refers to me as 'the pretty one.' But he never made a comment of my new nose~ not sure if he hadn't notice it or probably he did but felt awkward mentioning it in front of me. 
summer of 2010~ they were scheduled to leave for US promotions. But before they left, something I totally didn't expect happened. 
My friend got sick so she couldn't accompany me for our nightly stake out. I had to do it alone. I wouldn't allow myself to be brought down by other Hottest. I went alone~ HWAITING (>.<) although I was a bit scared.
It was a bit past midnight, and wearing my (very useful) black hoodie I was hiding at the back of 2PM dorm. There's a secret enrance/exit at the back that a few knows about. And it was probably my lucky day because out came Taecyeon oppa and Wooyoung oppa. I approached them and greeted them.
The two instantly recognized me as the pretty sasaeng. 
"No autographs this time~?" Taecyeon oppa asked.
I shook my head and said that I wanted to just chat with them. <-did this with aegyo of course (^.<)♥ I guess being alone gave me more confidence to flirt with them kekeke.
Wooyoung oppa asked my name and I told them my name. Then I caught Taecyeon oppa staring at me intently.
"Ehh, there seems to be something different from you now" he said.
Omo, my heart skipped a beat~!! My oppa noticed it~ or so I thought.
"You seem older now ^-^;" he said. 
Aigoooo~ oppa (>.<) but then Wooyoung oppa spoke and said:
"If she looks older now, then that means we can bring her along right?"
Yep, they brought me along with them. Turns out they were about to go clubbing, and lucky me~ I get to come with them. And~ good thing that under my black hoodie I was wearing decent and fashionable clothes. (But note to my self: should wear more fashionable and y clothes when going to stake out)
That night I got closer to my oppa ♥ It was like dream come true for me. They had a private room and free flowing drinks. It was the first time i got to taste liquor (>.<) Aigoo, it was bitter but drinking it with my oppa beside me removed the bitter taste and replaced it with sweetness.
I got drunk that night and the events were fuzzy in my memory. Ahhh, bad girl I am (>.<;;;) All I remember was waking up inside my apartment the next day. Urmm, I guess when we went home I told them where my apartment was~ 
Omo, I just realized it now.. I was 16 when I first got drunk.. ahh bad girl~ (>-<)
To be continued.
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Kpop_is_energy #1
Chapter 7: Lol I imagined if this actually happened with me and taecyeon lol....I'll probably cry myself to sleep everyday haha.
taniangelia #2
Chapter 7: Omg my username is taniangelia loll
Chapter 7: That was greeat
Cool. Not to mention we have the same alias Hahaha Lols
teamkookie #5
Chapter 1: my user hhahha
kitty603 #6
Chapter 2: i like this story you worked really hard
aiyufangirls #7
Aiyufangirls? Its my username dawwwww 0.0
Chapter 7: I was so shocked when my username was there XDD
yolly77 #9
Chapter 7: Whoa??? Same name spooky???