The Day We Broke Up


It's today. You and your four year-boyfriend decide to end the relationship and make it a 'good' goodbye.

Reader Insert (Name) x Personal Bias Insert [Insert].


Hi /randomly rolling around like a buffalo.

So as you know (or should know), Super Junior's sixth album came out. One of the songs is called "헤어지는 날 (A ‘Good’ bye)", which roughly translates into "The Day [We] Break Up." As you read through this one-shot (or maybe two-shot?), you'll be able to notice the way the song influenced this short fic. I made the story a bit vague for your imaginations to soar. Truthfully, it was somewhat on purpose and somewhat on accident. Also, I really don't like to put unnamed characters into my stories, but I just didn't know who to put the boy as so I made him "[Insert]" so you can choose whoever you want. I really didn't want to name the girl either, but at the same time, I didn't want to make it a second point of view. I don't know why.

I hope this story doesn't confuse anyone. In fact, I hope it touches some part of your heart. Really, I do.

By the way, I started writing this around three-thirty and finished about one and a half hour later. I kind of feel unsatisfied with this one shot so if there's a sequel to it, don't be surprised. Derp. It'll most likely be set in the future (several years after breaking up?).


Without further ado, here is The Day We Broke Up. Enjoy.


Yes, I wrote this to make up for the lack of updates for my other story.
Yes, I'm hoping this will break my Writer's Block for my other story.
No, I do not know when I will update my other story. Sorry.



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Givaren #1
Chapter 1: Deleted my first comment. Rereading this made me tear up, while I was listening to Ga-In's Nostalgia. Anyways, just realized how good this was. Sorry.
Insoogirl69 #2
I hope u will put this name in ur ff pls i want luhan thank u this story is true in real life lol sequel
Good story...but it would be better if u apply the character name and it`s definition...and the whole thingy still a wonderful.story ^^
I like how you write! I did get a bit confused when it came to the character's names hehe. so I couldn't get a real picture of who the two were huuuuuu- all in all, you explain things very well and keep up the good work :D
Joyvin #5
Nice story!!