Chappie 7: Waking up

Jars and planes that keep us together


I don't think I explained this, but if they are speaking in another language it will be blue. If the colour is not changed just assume they are speaking korean.

The thing that most people don’t like about dreams is that they have to and, and for Zelo this pleasant dream of holding the petite girl against him was quickly coming to a close as he saw the outer edges of Paris and the air field come into focus. He rubbed the sleeping girls back gently and prepared to wake her up.

“Eri-ah, time to wake up.” He whispered feeling regret tear at him for reasons he did not want to think about. This was a girl he had just met it was his fault if he feels anything because he should have never talked to her. He moved into a more upright position and placed her curled between his stretched legs. She rubbed her face against his chest in denial at his statement that she needs to wake up.

“Come on baby bunny.” He shook her slightly, she leaned back with hooded eyes and a sleepy smile on her face.  It sees she was not yet aware of her surroundings yet so she tilted her head to the side and grabbed his hand. “I wanna sleep more. You are warm and comfy. Let me sleep more.” She whined, making him chuckle at how open the nap had made her.

Wake up silly. We are in Paris” He stated letting go of her small hand, feeling an ache. Her eyes went wide and she took in the situation she was in and immediately backed away from him.

“Oh, thanks. I, uhm, sorry for sleeping on you.” She mumbled a blush turning her back to the cherry tomato color.

“Ani. Did you sleep well?” He asked sitting normally again. She smiled sweetly and stretched her arms a bit.

“Neh. You are very comfy, maybe you are gaining weight?” She snickering at his surprised expression.

“Bwoh?! Gained weight? Who, eh? Who gained weight? I am perfect, you hear me?” He protested crossing his arms in a pout.

“I am kidding oppa.” She said sweetly, gathereing her belongings and checking to make sure she had everything. He relaxed and grinned at her.

“I know baby bunny, you are probably trying not to say how awesome my muscles are!” He teased back, making her blush hard again.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Muscles…”She muttered under her breath.

The next moment the bus driver’s voice crackled through the speakers and announced they had arrived and they could begin exiting and make their way to luggage pick.

Eri stood and grabbed her things as Ash was already to go and looking at the front of the bus. She looked at Zelo for a moment and decided it would be best to just say good by and leave with a nice memory.

“Goodbye Oppa, thank you for everything. I hope you have a nice trip.” She said shyly and handed him a small object wrapped very cutely in white cloth and a pink ribbon. “My sister makes these, I hope you enjoy.”

She walked away before she could say anything more quickly making her way outside and into the airport.

Ash did not like to be vulnerable, but place her in any mode of transport and she could barely manage a conversation before conking out. She would be lying though if she were to say that she did not like waking up held to Bang Yongguk’s chest. In fact she really, really liked the warmth that surrounded and how comfortable and strong his arms felt wrapped around her shoulders, Those nice feelings did not however stop her from realizing how much she had let the man in, so moments after she opened her eyes she pushed away from him and focused on gathering her things trying to ignore the deep and rumbling sounds coming from the wakening grizzly bear next to her.

She did not look at him again, fearing that if she did she would wrap herself around him and stay there forever. It was the first time she had felt so comfortable so quickly with anyone. I was the first time she had let a man touch her so casually without feeling anxious or knowing everything about him. Not that she didn’t know enough, she had once been a pretty enthusiastic fan, but she just didn’t know him as a man and that threw her off balance. He was sitting next to her as the man Bang Yongguk and had held her sleeping for more than an hour.

There were not many who could say they had held her so intimately, Ash sort of prided herself on being a strong enough person to not need love and relationships in her life. She lived alone and traveled with her sister, she spent time with friends and worked for a great company that had sent her on vacation to check out places in France. What did she need a man for?

However logic wasn’t working right now and she was running on panic mode, which for her meant silence and escaping as elegantly as possible without a glance back. She did look back though,  to see the confused look in Yogguks eyes and her chest panged with guilt as he rose to move to her. She quickly dragged Eri off the bus and to the building. She would not let herself feel anything more than admiration for the idol who had done so much for her that day, her brain took over again and convinced her heart that letting whatever happened on the bus stay on the bus.

“Bang, What’s up? You look upset.” Himchan asked worried about the crease between his bestfriends brows. Bang looked dazed.

“She just left. No good bye, just disappears and leaves this?!” His best friend said in frustration, shaking an object in front of Himchan’s face.

“What is it?”

“I have no idea, she said she made it and that she hopes my trip goes well.” Bang snarled gripping the cloth covered object. He suddenly ripped it open and stared at the object in his hand with such and expression it made Himchan worry even more. “No.” Bang whispered.

“What’s wrong?” Himchan asked freaking out a bit, he looked at what Bang held. It was jelly, Bang’s favorite from the mystery fan. “Oh my gosh. She is the baby?! The one who makes all of our goodies?”

Himchan could not believe how fate had twisted things, the one person Bang Yongguk would praise sincerely was the maker of the jarred concoctions they received twice a month for two years now. They stood in shock waiting for the manager to return with a van.

“What’s wrong hyungs?” Jongup asked walking over after seeing them both go into silent shock. Himchan looked at him with clouded eyes “The girl that Bang was sitting with gave this to him and said she made it and that she hopes he enjoyed it.”

Himchan had tilted the hand gripping the jar enough for Jongup to see it. He gasped and looked wide eyed “Is that what I think it is?!”

“Yeah. It is and I am a ing idiot.” Bit out Yongguk his whole frame shaking. “I meet a really cool girl, who is pretty and nice. Then I get to know her for five minutes, thinking things are going well, then she disappears and guess what? She turns out to be even more perfect, she makes the best ing food and sends us these wonderful packages to cheer us on and she is really nice.”

His voice had started out a frustrated growl and tapered off to a low whine. He looked into Himchan’s eyes and it was the first time he had seen his best friend look so lost. “I will never see her again and now every time I get a freaking jar in the mail all I will think about is her. That’s just not fair. She even drew a freaking Tigger on the label last time!” He growled frustrated again.

“Oh, Yonggukie!” Himchan called as he pat his deflated shoulder. “If you are meant to be together than fate will intervene again. I mean look at everything that happened today. Just enjoy our break.”

Yongguk nodded and a bit of spirit had returned to his face. That is until he saw the maknae, frowning and mumbling something to Daehyun and Youngjae. He then remembered how close the boy had looked with the girl from before. “Oh god, Jello got a jar too.” He whispered to Himchan who turned to look at a clearly forlorn maknae.

He was holding a jar and frowning at it. “Jello! Come here.” Yongguk called affectionately, he realized the maknae had probably never felt anything close to this before living his youth as an idol. Zelo trugged over to his hyungs and looked ready to collapse.

“I didn’t think it would hurt to see someone I just met leave, but it hurt a lot hyung.” He muttered as Ban and Himchan wrapped the boy in their arms. Jongup rubbed his back to comfort him, feeling guilt now for keeping information from his friend. Daehyun and Youngjae moved in and pat the tall boy on the head causing a weird noise to choke out of his throat.

“I won’t see her again will I hyung?” The boy choked out. His head resting against the leaders shoulder.

“I don’t know Jello.” Bang answered, sure that it was most likely the maknae was right. They would never meet them again. “But that doesn’t mean that we can’t have fun for the next three weeks.” Jongup added positively.

“I guess.” Zelo said weakly. The manager returned and loaded the group into the van for a quick and very quiet ride to their hotel. 

Okay, so I didn't think so many people would read this when I posted it. It really makes me so happy to see comments! You get all of my love <3 <3 <3 I love the good response, if you like the story or if you don't please tell me! :3 

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The pictures aren't mine, I found them on tumblr. This page is really great, it also connects to individual member pages!
So if you are looking for more cute pics and info about BAP then look here! :3
unnie i want to ask you something..where did you take all those picture??thay're so cute^^
Lol Daehyun and his food. XD
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
This is slowly becoming my favorite story I look forward to every new chappie
woww you've put the picture^^awesome.___.