Forever Mine


Hey guys, this is my first fanfic so please support me and i don't know how my story may turn out but i hope you guys like it

i will try my best to make a fanfic to your pleasing, i'm hoping it turn out well, and also i would love to hear your thoughts on my fanfic and

feel free to give me some advice on how to improve or add more to the chapters. if by any chance this story is related to an other fanfic

please don't misunderstand because it's totally coincidental! love ya guys <3


you are an ordinary girl who lives alone in her apartment and is a college student along side Chunji, hes your bestfriend since childhood, you

promised him you were going to be his forever we you got older but has he forgotten his promise alreadyyou were requested marriage but 

denied it, has you heart changed after meeting Heechul? you have started to like him so your having doubts on your promise.. Hankyung is a 

rich boy unlike any other, he secretly likes you but you haven't noticed yet, he tries to play around to see your reactions...



What will happen?  

Will fate bring you together,  

or will love bring you farther apart.? 




personality: kind, loving, caring, sweet..

bestfriend since childhood

age: 19


personality: shy, kind, caring, sensitive..

sensitive rich boy (not like those stuck up and snotty rich people)

age: 20


personality: outgoing, caring, sweet..

might steel your heart someday (OOoooooh lol)

age: 20 

You (insert name)

personality: shy, loving, caring, friendly..

loves surprises and suprisingly is good at sports

age: 19


(10 years ago....)


"hey can you promise me something?" Chunji said in a shy voice

"yeah sure what's up" i replied

"can you forever be mine when we get older?" he gently said 

"of coure" i stated excitedly as we held hands and walked off




(Present date)


"Yah! Chugule!" i yelld jokingly

"wae i didn't do anything!" chunji replied

"it's the first day of college and your making us late! Palli!!" i yelled again

"arraso arraso" he said calmly

as we walked out the door,

we ran to the bus stop and thats how our story started 



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Interesting idea. It's kinda like what I was thinking for making chunji a childhood best friend that's promised to the main character. Only mine is a bit darker and I haven't had the chance to really sit down and start my writing process (I'm a perfectionist so EVERYTHING is preplanned)