Chapter 8

Never Let Me Go
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I slowly turned my head towards my Aunt with slight surprise.

She stood beside me with a grin on her face, the grin she always wears when she’s excited about something. “Oh, Hana!” she exclaimed, “He’s very handsome and awkwardly funny—”

“Auntie,” I interjected as politely as I could and regarded her with a soft smile. “That’s really sweet but I don’t think I’d like to see someone for now.”

“Why not?” Aunt Sora frowned. “He’s a really nice guy.” she tapped my shoulder lightly. “And I think he really likes you.” she paused, “Even though he doesn’t really show or admit it to me when I confronted hi—”

“Wait, are you saying he’s seen me?” I asked, a little flabbergasted.

“Yeah, he goes here sometimes.” Aunt Sora shrugged, nonchalantly. “So, do you want to meet him?” she asked me again.

“No, thanks.” I said. “I really want to focus on my studies for now. I’ll have to impress my teachers so I can get a spot at HBCA.”

“Fine.” Aunt Sora sighed. “But if ever you changed your mind, promise me you’ll meet him? He’s a lovely guy!” she said gleefully, making me chuckle. “You two will make a really cute couple!”

“I will.” I promised and then I went back to my assigned section, the Young Adult Fiction.

By the next hour, after talking to a customer, I felt my cell phone buzzed in my jeans pocket. Only it wasn’t my cell phone. It was Jongin’s.

Another missed call, I thought miserably. A couple of minutes before my shift ends, I went to the bathroom and pulled out my own cell phone and called Baekhyun.

“Hi, Baekhyun!” I said. “It’s Hana.”

“Hana! Hey, what’s up?” Baekhyun said with his constantly bright voice.

“Hey, uh,” I stammered. I didn’t exactly know how to tell this to Baekhyun. “I, uh, just called because I was thinking if maybe...if you’re not busy, if you wanted to come and meet me...?”

There was a pause for a moment on Baekhyun’s line. I thought I lost him but then Baekhyun suddenly spoke. “You mean like a date?” he asked.

I couldn’t help but chuckle. I know it’s rude but it’s just the way he asked, it’s like he couldn’t believe it. “No, uhm...” I said, slapping my forehead with my hand. “Not really... it’s just—“ God, just say it! “I have Jongin’s cell phone and I was thinking maybe you could bring it to him.”

“Why don’t you contact him instead?” Baekhyun asked. I felt equally relieved and surprised that he didn’t ask why I have Jongin’s cell phone in the first place.

“Because I have his cell phone.” I stated and then Baekhyun laughed.

“Right, right. Sorry.” he said, chuckling. “Okay, I’ll meet up with you. Where?”

I thought for a moment. “At Grinds?” I suggested, thinking about the sidewalk café a few blocks away from here. “If that’s okay with you?”

“Sure! Sure!” Baekhyun said a little too eagerly. “I’ll be there! Wait, what time did you say once again?”

“I didn’t.” I said, I bit my lower lip to repress a laugh. “Maybe after thirty minutes? My shift is about to end anyway.”

“Great!” Baekhyun said. “I’ll see you there, Hana!”

Baekhyun repeated that for like three times before we hung up the phone. I got off work after a couple of minutes and told my Aunt I’ll be back to get Young Soo soon after. Jongin’s cell phone is safe inside her tote bag. I decided to just walk since Grinds is only a few blocks away from Spines. My cell phone buzzed as soon as I reached the café, it was Baekhyun, telling me he’d be late for a few minutes.

As expected, Grinds was a bit crowded perhaps because it’s Saturday. Fortunately, I was still able to spot an empty booth on the corner and then I ordered an Iced Latte and two brownies from this waitress who seemed to be not interested with her job at all. She purposely looked glum and she moved slow compared to other workers. My order arrived a few minutes later and it was served by a different waitress. I only had two sips from my drink when someone spoke behind me.

“Sorry, I’m late.” the voice said, making me jump a little.

I wiped my mouth with a napkin and looked up. “No, it’s oka—Jongin?” I said, surprised to see him hovering by my table.

“Hey.” he said as he took off the earbuds from his ears. “Can I sit here?” he asked, glancing at the seat across me.

It took a moment for me to reply. “Y-yeah...” I said, sheepishly.

Jongin took the seat comfortably, setting his backpack on a seat beside him. I’ve seen him on casual clothes before so I don’t quite understand why I find him a bit singular today—I just can’t seem to put a finger on it. He’s wearing a simple gray shirt and navy blue harem pants with a black cap. I assumed he just got off from his training. I watched him call the attention of one of the waitresses. The nearest waitress happened to be the glum one I noticed awhile ago. Her aura is a whole lot different now, though. As soon as she reached our table, she flicked her hair off her shoulder and eagerly asked Jongin’s order, clearly enjoying her job all of a sudden—she’s smiling too widely and batting her eye lashes wildly at him and barely noticing me.

Not that I care. I glan

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12/06: Yay! You guys got this featured! Thank you so much sweethearts ♡


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Chapter 4: Welll….. does Min Jee have a drinking problem?
Chapter 3: I’m so curious to find out what’s next- and I’m lowkey worried for Min Jee. What a bum that guy is
AiiSoo #3
Chapter 55: I just recently found out about this story and I am very grateful that someone recommended this. This is a really good read. I love your writing here. I just wish that I read this sooner. Well, better late than never
1873 streak #4
Chapter 4: hana almost had them for a moment shsjsk
1873 streak #5
Chapter 3: Jino is such a jerk
1873 streak #6
Chapter 1: Baekhyun is a nice friend hehe
Also, jongin is such a heartthrob!
JeMerald #7
Chapter 55: I was looking for the story about a bookworm and Kai, and realized in like the first five chapters that this wasn't the one, BUT i couldn't skip rereading this story TT. I can't believe i read this story at different moments/phases in my life and it always always always drowns me in so much emotions.
Pxnellyxq #8
Chapter 47: Communication is the key
KimHyeJoo #9
Chapter 55: Aw this is so gold!!
I keep crying at the chapters near the last tho, that’s so depressing i can’t help it

Thanks for sharing this story!! :)