Chapter 4

Ditch or Hitch: Like You Have a Choice
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Author’s POV

Kris groaned loudly, feeling the warmth and light of the sun striking his face through the blinds. With his eyes still glued shut, he used his hands to find a pillow to shield himself.   However a faint snore resonated throughout the room, prohibiting him from returning to sleep.   “What the hell is that?” he growled. Forcing himself up, Kris felt like a jackhammer was attacking his skull.   Well that’s what a hangover does to a person, especially one who had a low tolerance for alcohol.   You were still sleeping like a baby, curled up into a ball on the couch. Devoured by the blanket, the sunlight had no chance in disturbing your rest. This was how you always slept; it was a sort of habit you could never wash off but you didn’t mind. It was quite comforting and warm.   There were plenty of times you woke up late because of it but hey a habit’s a habit, there was nothing you could do about it. Suddenly you could hear shuffling yet you shrugged it off as you nuzzled into your pillow.   What happened next sure as hell disturbed your rest and you were not happy about it.   A pair of arms coiled around you, trapping you underneath the covers as you were hauled up into the air. It was as if you were a human burrito! “Who are you and what are you doing in my suite?!” You heard Kris holler.   This idiot. “Yah,” you began to defend but then he so kindly interrupted you a second time.   “What are you a thief? Stalker? Murderer? Hobo? Answer me!” he ordered, shaking you about as if you were some sort of raggedy doll.   He was beginning to cut off your blood circulation with his iron-tight grip and with every shake he gave you, your brain was boggling against your skull. “YAH WU YI FAN! PUT ME DOWN BEFORE YOU KILL ME!” You barked viciously.   Surprised by the feminine voice, Kris actually listened. He loosened his hold on you, allowing you to break free from the sheets. When your head poked out to scowl at him, he was a little shocked.   “Mi-miss Huang? What’re you doing here?” he questioned, scratching his head still obviously in a daze.   “Gee I don’t know, why don’t you tell me, my oh-so-loving-husband!” You hissed, throwing the blanket at him.   Then last night’s entire event played for him as he recalled every single detail. Now he knew exactly why you were there. “Yah!” he shouted, extracting the fabric from his face.   Kris eyed you up and down and blinked non-stop. “Miss Huang, what are you wearing?”   You furrowed your brows at him and shot him a peculiar look. What kind of question is that? “I’m obviously wearing a shirt and pants, what did you expect me to sleep in that dress?”   “Aniya, what I’m trying to say is, why are you wearing my clothes?”   You stared at your attire and your mouth fell open. You quickly pulled up your jaw and cleared your throat. You were so tired and lazy last night, you didn’t even bother to look at the clothes you picked out.   You were in a pair of plaid boxers and a big white men’s dress shirt that made you appear short. You tousled your bun in frustration and embarrassment, crossing your arms against your chest. “There were no other clothes for me to wear.” You reasoned.   “Is that so? Well make sure you wash them after for me.” He stated nonchalantly, sitting on the couch.   This just blackmailed me into getting married to him and now he’s ordering me around like his personal maid? I may be his secretary, but this is just too much. Aish!   “Is there a problem, Miss Huang?” Kris stretched his arms, turning on the television.   You held your fists so close together you could feel your nails digging into your palms. “No sir, why would there be a problem?” Before Kris was able to respond, something else captured both of your eyes and ears.   “The wedding of the decade is all Seoul is talking about today! Last night renowned business mogul, Wu Yi Fan, tied himself to the love of his life, Miss Huang Xin Lei. This wedding was so grand people are saying it’s better than any other fairytale ever known to mankind. Reporters are more than ecstatic to see what life has to offer this newly wedded couple. All we can do now is wish them the best and hope their love will survive anything life has to throw at them! More news will come on this match made in heaven later.”   “Match made in heaven? Newly wedded couple? Love of his life? Yeah right.” You muttered under your breath.   “What was that?” Kris raised a brow at you as he got up. You swallowed hard when you felt his hands grasping onto your shoulders. Ever so slowly he turned you around so that you were facing him.   You avoided any eye contact with him as you stared down at the floor. Kris circled you, with his forefinger and thumb holding his chin. He was clearly examining and assessing you. When he finally ended up face to face with you again, he nodded.   “I made a good choice, you’re not that bad.” He stated in satisfaction.   Not that bad? NOT THAT BAD?!   You were on the edge of insanity as Kris continued to inspect you. You wanted to sock him but you had to maintain composure and self control. Soon enough however you began feeling self-conscious, remembering what you were wearing. Casually you ran your fingers down to the hem of the shirt and tugged on it.   “I must say without your glasses you look like a whole new person, Miss Huang. Too bad that hair of yours is still up like that.” He rudely criticized.   You grinded your teeth as you allowed him to continue on. “You’re pretty tall compared to most women which is good. Short women aren’t my style. They make me seem like a giant.”   Giant? You’re like a goddamn Godzilla. You mentally replied.   “Look Miss Huang, I’m sorry about last night. I didn’t wish to threaten you like that but I was aware that you would not comply to my request unless I exerted force. Believe me if there had been any other option, I would’ve taken it.” he spoke sincerely as he walked over to the window.   Kris leaned his forearm against the pane as he let his head rest on it. You felt your heart sympathizing for him when you remembered what he had told you about Miss Im’s whereabouts.   But at the same time you also couldn’t forget how he blackmailed you into doing something you never would’ve pictured yourself doing in a million years.   In a way you felt as if he was looking down at you.   Belittling you. Degrading you.   You felt cheap and dirty, how could you not? You basically sold yourself for money. He must be thinking about how desperate you were right now.   “This marriage was supposed to be my happily ever after but now, now it’s far from it.” He sighed. And for some reason his words stung, you knew that this whole thing was only a ruse, a scam, a plot to preserve his image but was it that bad for him to be with you?   Were you that unworthy in his eyes for him to feel that upset in being forced to marry you for the sake of his reputation? Hell, if he was going to behave this way, why couldn’t he just marry some random girl he found on the street instead of you?   It would’ve made your life much easier. You wanted to punch him in the guts repeatedly, but at the same time you wanted to comfort him. That one tear you spotted last night wandered into your mind again and again.   That was the first time you saw your president display any kind of pain.   His voice and gaze when he stated Yoojung was out of the
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1873 streak #1
Chapter 5: I LOVE TAO
1873 streak #2
Chapter 4: Tao's reaction was priceless xD
1873 streak #3
Chapter 3: i wonder how tao is gonna react hehe
1873 streak #4
Chapter 2: haha tao is cute! and xiumin tho xD
1873 streak #5
Chapter 1: tough being wu's secretary hehe
Chapter 50: Done re-reading. Hihi
KimHyeJoo #7
Chapter 50: I love thisssss! Why i just find it now?
Thank you for sharing this
Chapter 50: OMG I reallyyyy live this story. And I like OC name so much.. Xinlei
Fairy_Exol #9
Chapter 50: I love the ending so much... So so much
Fairy_Exol #10
Chapter 50: God why tao is so cute