Chapter 47

Ditch or Hitch: Like You Have a Choice
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Author POV

Yejin fidgeted self-consciously as she pulled down the hem of her skirt in attempt to cover her knees. She has been gaining stares ever since the library opened and people have been coming in.

She tried to ignore the college boys sitting in the study area who were whisper as they gaped at her. She never liked being in the center of attention.  Or being noticed at all for that matter.

When she decided that she couldn’t handle the anxiety anymore, she ran back into the staff room and decided to work in there the rest of the day.

She went over to counter and started to place the books alphabetically onto the carts. “This one goes here, that one goes—“

“Good morning Yejin, how are you—whoa,” you paused and looked at her. “You look… different.”

“This is so uncomfortable,” Yejin said.

“Wae? You look good,” you tried to reassure her. “But what’s the reason behind this change?”

Yejin started to work again. “No reason, I just wanted to try it out to see how it would turn out but it’s so weird!”

“I understand, but I hope you won’t hide in here all day. We still need you to keep things in order out there.” You nodded your head towards the door.

“Arrasso,” she replied almost reluctantly.


Xiumin checked his watch. It was almost noon.

“Should I call her?” He asked himself as he stared at the vase of lilacs that was sitting on his desk. After Yejin had told him to take the flowers back, he had no other use with them other than to put them in his office.

Allergic to lilacs. Well what a coincidence.

He took out his phone and dialed the number that Kris had sent from your phone.

The phone ringed a couple of times before someone picked up.



“Oh. Yes, who is this?” Although Yejin muttered the next part, he knew what she said perfectly. “I don’t remember giving anyone my number recently.”

Xiumin smiled. Even over the phone he could hear her confusion. She’s too cute.

“It’s Xiumin. I’m actually nearby and I wanted to apologize for bringing you flowers. I didn’t know you were allergic. Are you okay now?”

“O-oh— Xiumin— yes. I’m fine now.”

He paused. It’s now or never.

“Could I take you out to lunch as an apology?”

“Neh?!” The woman choked. “Uhm… sure?”

“Great! I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

As soon as he hung up, he jumped from his seat. He adjusted his tie as he grabbed his jacket and left the office.

He nearly raced down to the library in his car. He didn’t want to keep her waiting.  When he got there, he stepped out of his car and waited outside the library steps.

He didn’t wait very long because he felt a light tap of his shoulder causing him to turn around.

His eyes rounded as he looked at the woman in front of him. “Yejin-ssi? You look different…”

He was utterly flabbergasted at her new look.

The woman tried to laugh it off, but it came out as an awkward stutter. “I wanted to try something new.”

Xiumin frowned slightly as he led her to his car and opened the door for her. “I see.”

He drove them to one of his favorite restaurants nearby.

He regretted it immediately. Right off the bat he could see men ogling at her and it irritated him to no end. Just who did they think they were lookin

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1873 streak #1
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Chapter 2: haha tao is cute! and xiumin tho xD
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Chapter 1: tough being wu's secretary hehe
Chapter 50: Done re-reading. Hihi
KimHyeJoo #7
Chapter 50: I love thisssss! Why i just find it now?
Thank you for sharing this
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