Eunhye Flashback - From Japan to Korea Again

사랑은 | LUV is...

They finally arrive at Japan.

            “Eun-chan, we’ll be meeting grandpa, grandma, your auntie and her son. We are going to life as one big family. Are you okay with it?” Mr Yoon tells about the big family. Although he had some worry in mind, but he believes this is the right thing to do.

When grandpa saw Eunhye, he falls in love with her. She has been the darling of her grandparent heart. She bullies her older brother and he will bully her back. The house is full of laughter.

Even though there is 4 years different between them, Eunhye doesn’t treat him like a big brother.

            “Yah! Yang Seungho! Did you eat my sushi?”

            “Yah! Respect your older! You don’t Yah-Yah! Me!!!”

            “Seungho, don’t treat your little sister like that” Grandma come to the kitchen when she heard they argue.

            “But grandma, she…”

Sneakily Eunhye walk towards her grandma. She put a sad face on.

            “Eun-chan, later we go to eat sushi at the restaurant okay” her grandma rubs her head warmly. They walk together leaving the kitchen. Eunhye turn and stuck her tongue out to Seungho, he’s leaf dumbfounded there.

The 20 years old Yang Seungho is her Auntie Kimiko son, she’s married to Korean man, but divorce when Seungho is 15 years old. He’s currently helping in Eunhye high school as Gymnastic coach. The entire student is afraid of Yang Seungho, he’s like the legend of the school. Even though Eunhye always get bullied by him at school, she will pay back at home, always does, because she doesn’t want to be in trouble at school. It’s a promise to someone dearly to her.

Eunhye has change, she is friend to everyone and she is bubbly plus happy all the time.  Some boy students approach her but they will get yell by Yang Seungho, such a protective brother. She even let her hair grow long. The boyish image disappears bit by bit.

They live as one big family.

Time past, she finish her high school in Japan. After she graduate high school, both of her grandparents passed away, leaving a hole in Eunhye heart.


Eunhye feel he’s sitting next to her.

            “Are you okay?”

            “Not really, you?”

            “Not really…but, we have to move on and they will always be in our heart” Seungho try to calm Eunhye.

            “I miss them a lot” she started crying, Seungho pull her into his arm.

Seungho know her story, how she grows up without her Appa by her side, how she like someone since she’s six years old, he laugh to the fact then Eunhye punch his stomach hard and how her school day and also when she has to say goodbye to her one and only good friend. He watch Eunhye grow up and change in High School.

            “Be strong okay, you’re a fighter” Seungho rub her head warmly, like how grandma always do to both of them.

Eunhye can’t handle the situation well. She became quite again, a loner. She even stops seeing her friend. Her grandparent has helped her lot to get thru her past, but those pains come again when they gone. She is stuck again. Weeks change to months. Eunhye parent worried of their only daughter condition.

            “Kimiko, what should I do… I’m hurt to see her like this” Mrs Yoon is talking to Kimiko at the living room.

            “She love grandpa and grandma a lot”

            “Yes, she did…”

            “I think you should talk to my brother about going back to Korea. I don’t think Eunhye heart will heal here, she need times” Kimiko give her suggestion. Mrs Yoon nods her head in agreement.

After 4 years living in Japan, they finally move back to Korea again, Eunhye do keep little hope in her heart that she might bump into Yonghwa again. Well… she hopes… hopes won’t hurt right?

Eunhye start her University life in K University, her parent started the flower nursery, her father has always have good hand with flower, her mother also take jobs to revamp any type of landscape, so both of them help their neighbourhood to redecorated again. 

The senior try to flirt with her, but she refuses and rejects them politely.  

One day, Eunhye has to stay back at University, to help the senior finishing up the graffiti drawing for the University Foundation Day.

            “Thank you everyone, we’ve done a great job!” one of the senior is standing on the platform. Everyone else cheered and claps their hand.

            “Okay, let’s go back home!” as the junior they has to clean up everything before going back.

It’s getting late and there is no one around, Eunhye walk slowly thru the park. Suddenly three men come and disturb Eunhye, she notices that one of them is the senior that she has reject.

Two of them hold onto her hand, she struggle to move. The senior try to kiss her.

            “Let me go!” she struggle to let her hand go while avoiding the senior kiss.

She wanted to cry.

            “Yah!!! What are you doing?” One boy approached them.

He drags away the senior from Eunhye.

            “What are you doing to my girl?!” He punches the senior cheek, he fall down.

He glare to the two boys, they let her go.

            “Let’s go” they just walk away.

Eunhye who is still in shock just stand there in silent.

            “Hey, Eunhye-shi, are you okay?”

Eunhye stare the boy, she feel confuse.

            “Y-you know me?” she asks.

            “We’re in the same class, don’t you recognise me?” he move closer to her, under the light Eunhye can see him clearly.

            “Oh, you are in my class, what’s your name again?” she hasn’t remembered all her classmate name.

            “Lee Hongki-shi! Nice to meet you too” he smile widely, showing his white teeth.

            “Thank you” she nods shyly to him.

            “Lets me send you home, it’s not safe for a lovely girl walking alone late at night”

That’s how Hongki and Eunhye became friends.

Her life went well, she meet new friend and join the Glee Club. Sometime she does think about Yonghwa, maybe she is not going to meet him again, never ever?


Sorry for the late update, i catch a fever and flu, but I’m feeling much better today ^^

Finally Eunhye Flashback has ended. ^^ and yes, i go way of track, many chapters... ^^

But please do enjoy reading.


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Luv is... mission complete ^^


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Chapter 45: I love all of your works. Because you put Yoon Eun Hye in it.
I'm a fan of her.
Thank you.
I'll wait for your another works, with YEH in it, of course. Hehehe...
Atreyu80 #2
Chapter 8: The story is really good!!!Thank you
Martina16 #3
Chapter 45: Thank you!i love your story!
ririyin #4
Chapter 45: make sequel please. . . you make me worried that eun hye will end up with hongki T.T
ririyin #5
Chapter 41: i hope you make sequel, i really hope that eun hye end up with yong hwa . . T.T
ririyin #6
Chapter 11: i like your story :)
tiffydn #7
Chapter 43: ... I actually wanted her to be with Hongki... but oh well...... I'm about to cry!!!! T^T
Iewiradar #8
Chapter 43: Wait for smile ^___^
tiffydn #9
Chapter 41: T^T POOR EUNHYE!!!! D'X T@T TOT WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! I feel as if the pain is mine also xD ... but seriusly!? Yonghwa is engaged!? like the !? so everything they did togheter was like nothing!? just us getting exited over nothing!? ... I think I now know why I felt the pain like mine... this is also happening to me... in a different but really similar way... sigh... at least I won't cut myself over it... stupid mans treating all womans in a special way witouth being actually special and making us exited over nothing.... LKSJDHFKJASFKBFVKJDCBQIUVBQWUVBQIWFUBN