Day Twenty-seven: Your Favorite Dance Battle

KPOP 30 Day Challenge

THERE ARE SO MANY HOW DO I CHOOSE. i like dance... so i love all dance battles. haha. 

maybe the one where SHINee sang boys on top? hehe 

btw, i may not be updating from tmr/sunday onwards kay. i'll try. cos i won't have internet, since i'll be away ><

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Chapter 30: yeah she's got pretty eye smiles ^^
unlike mine that turns into slits -.-"
Chapter 29: omg i love that song too!!! >.< and i manage to get my bro to like their song the reason so now i'm gonna try making him like this song xD
Chapter 28: how come i haven't heard of this??? >.< *screams*
its so nice!!
BlingMily #4
Chapter 28: omg. i love that performance~ ((:
BlingMily #5
Chapter 25: day by day~ right? xP LOL.
Chapter 24: lmao xD
this question cracked me up!!
Chapter 20: yup he sure is :)
BlingMily #8
Chapter 19: luna has a twin?? i didnt know tht...
BlingMily #9
Chapter 17: haha~ i want jonghyun as my brother too~
Chapter 13: good luck! hope you will get some merchandise ^-^