Morning Coffee


Title: Morning Coffee
Pairing: Kyusung
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I'm from Ohio...not too many hot korean idols to own or make money of off. So do you think I'm doing that with these boys?...didn't think so

Summary: What seems like a regular day, can actually be the day that fate takes an interesting turn and finds courage for you.


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 1: A sequel to this would have been perfect.....about their first date, their first kiss, and....................!!!! <3
400 streak #2
Chapter 1: it's so cuteeee, and sweet, my heaaaart~ >__<
Melodyewonkyu #3
Chapter 1: OHH So cute.
YS leave a note, so after work then they dating sweet.
Chapter 1: WHETHER HE IS SINGING OR ODERING COFFEE *squeeeeeeaaaaaalllllll*
Chapter 1: Wahhh~ this was so short yet cute!
I wish something like this would happen to me at work. xD [I work at a cafe as well]
I love the subtle KyuSung though~ so cute. <3
hippychick #6
Chapter 1: awesome story <3
princetongirl818 #7
Chapter 1: OMG! This was super sweet!! I truly enjoyed reading your story and hope to read more stories of you. A sequel would be greatly appreciated ;)
Chapter 1: WOW! YAY! So glad you could make it here to AFF for me ^^ Thank you :D Stupid lj being all lame and stuff >___> Anyway, on to review! I know you said you wrote this in like 2 hours and it was super early but there are a few typos :P Get yourself some coffee, gull! XD I tease, I tease! But, in all seriousness...this is by far my favorite fic by you ^^ This pairing, I'm in love! "But then I didn't find the courage, you gave it to me." My favorite line ^^ Kyu trying to hold back his fanboying is really adorable too; but, in the end he let it slip since he was practically caught anyway! Also, really threw me off when Yesung gave his real name...I don't know why that caught me off guard LOL... "I shouldn't expect your stage name." Lawl, that really got me xD This was really intriguing and the way Kyu was trying to hide the fact that he was watching him the whole time made me squee (in a non-creeper way!) Bravo! Well done, my friend! Welcome to AFF btw :) I demand a sequel!

P.S. Why waffles? xD
Chapter 1: THIS WAS SO SWEEEEEET!!! I LOVED IT!!! I wouldn't mind reading what happens on their date kkk~ thanks a lot for writing it (: if you do write a sequel please let me know ^^