Chapter 8

You're My Toy

When Eunhyuk woke up, Donghae was still asleep in his room. He went to the kitchen and saw Leeteuk.

"Goodmorning Eunhyuk," Leeteuk said.

"Good morning," he responded. 

"Is Donghae going to school today?" Eunhyuk asked.

"He better," Leeteuk said. 

Eunhyuk yawned and wasn't sure if he should wake Donghae up or not. He noticed Leeteuk staring at him from across the room. He felt uncomfortable and tried to walk away but Leeteuk stopped him.

"Yes?" Eunhyuk responded.

Leeteuk laughed and walked up to him. He gently placed his lips on Eunhyuk's. Eunhyuk quickly pushed him away.

Leeteuk smiled and said,"Too cute."

Eunhyuk was going to say something but then Donghae walked in.

"Morning," Leeteuk told him casually.

"Eh," Donghae responded.  He saw Eunhyuk was awake before him. 

"Are we going to school today?" Eunhyuk asked.

"I don't know."

"I think you should. You might get behind." Leeteuk said.

"Alright I guess well go then."

This was the first time that Eunhyuk has seen Donehae listen to his father. 

" C'mon" Donghae told Eunhyuk as he was walking out the door. Leeteuk said bye and Eunhyuk followed. 

While they were walking to school Donghae asked Eunhyuk a question.

"Do you like Siwon?"

"Wha-" Eunhyuk blushed softly.

"He likes you...I think," Donghae told him. He just wanted to see his reaction.

Eunhyuks eyes lit up,"Really?! Oh erm I mean o-oh okay"

Eunhyuks reaction made Donghae angry.

"No, he only sees you as a friend," Donghae lied.


The rest of the walk was silent. When they arrived at school Zhoumi and Sungmin weren't there.

"Hey guys, Zhoumi and Sungmin are sick today," Siwon said when he saw them.

"Oh wow Sungmin rarely gets sick." Donghae said.

"I guess everyones getting sick," Siwon said," By the way how are you two feeling"

"I'm fine," Donghae said.

"that's good, what about you Eunhyuk?"


"Donghae told me you were sick, so are you still coming over Saturday," Siwon asked hesitantly.

"Oh yeah I'm feeling fine and yes I'm still coming over."

"That's good"


Eunhyuk and Siwon locked eyes for a second but the bell rang and Donghae walked  in between them.

"We should get to class" 

"Oh um yeah" Siwon and Eunhyuk said.

They went to class and Donghae felt alone. He had no one to talk to. 

Siwons hogging Eunhyuk all to himself... Maybe I want to talk to him too. Ugh no whatever I don't need him. I just need to focus on class.

Donghae focused on what the teacher was talking about. He wrote down his nots and everything. When class ended he left with Eunhyuk and Siwon. Donghae felt the day was slower than usual. He was quiet and didn't say much. He pulled out his phone and senta text to Sungmin.

Hw r u? He sent.

It took a while but then he got a response.

Sick Sungmin responded.


Donghae wasn't sure what to send next but Sungmin sent something.

I something wrong

Donghae was hesitant but he sent, Siwons hogging Eunhyuk and Zhoumi isn't here either.

Aww jealous?

Hes just a slave Donghae sent

Ya but Siwon doesn't know that ur dad buys u ppl. He just think u and Eunhyuk and close friends


Wen lunch rolled around he ate with Eunhyuk and Siwon. He sat in between them. The amount of talking was limited. When Donghae tried to talk to Siwon,mhis answer was short, like he didn't want to talk. It seemed like Siwon was mad at him.

The rest of the day was like the morning. Long and boring. Donghae couldn't wait to get home. 

When school was finished, Donghae and Eunhyuk said goodbye to Siwon. Siwon said bye to Eunhyuk, but not Donghae. Donghae wondered why, but he didn't ask.

At home, he asked Eunhyuk if Siwon was mad at him. Eunhyuk didn't answer. Donghae rolled his eyes and texted Siwon.

Hey From:Donghae

What do you want From Siwon

Whats wrong, r u mad at me From Donghae.

Maybe From Siwon

Well will u forgive me for whatever I did? From Dongae

Probably not. Tbh it sickens me to consider u my friend right now. Just leave me alone and don't talk to me From Siwon

wtf I don't even kno what I did From Donghae

Eunhyuk told me what u did to him now leave me alone right now From Siwon

Donghaes eyes widend. He was angry and upset. Siwon was one of his closest friends and Eunhyuk might've ruined that. He called Euhyuk to his room.


"What did you tell Siwon?" Dnghae asked with anger in his voice.

"Um what are you talking about?" 

"He's mad at me because you told him something. What did you tell him?" 

Eunhyuk stayed quiet. He knew Donghae was furious with him. 

"Dammit Eunhyuk," Donghae screamed as he threw his phone at him angrily. When it hit him it broke 

"I can't believe because of you I might have just lost a friend," Donghae pulled Eunhyuk down by his hair.

"Ahhh," Eunhyuk winced in pain. Tars were welling up n his eyes. Donghae stopped himself before he caused any more damage.

"Get out of my sight."

Eunhyuk bowed and quickly ran out of his room.


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Chapter 18: they will be good to each other right?
Camomile15 #2
Chapter 18: Yesss...finally confessing..but it too short...hehe sorry coz i like this fic n been waiting ur updates ^^ anyway thnks
Chapter 18: Ohhhh, finally!!!!
Chapter 18: I m so happy that their relationship got better!! :-D
Chapter 18: Finally they confessed :)
Chapter 17: Finally they kissed
I'm glad Siwon saw that^^
Update soon please
gummysmilelover #7
Chapter 17: uh oh,,,,,,
Sasheen #8
Chapter 17: dun dun dun wow drama please update s00n long live eunhae
Chapter 17: Oh yeah....they kissed!!!!!!
Camomile15 #10
Chapter 17: Sjxiejbdjxjsj they kissed.....hae u shld run wid hyuk...haha poor siwon but eunhae r bias.....go go