Chapter 4

It's War

The castle hallways were crowded with people. Everywhere Himchan and his group went, there were people to bump into. The place was full of chatter and the sounds of shoes stomping on the floor when people run from one place to another. Eventually, Himchan's group wormed their way to the throne room where the King and Daomato awaited. Thankfully, Zelo did not get lost on the way.

The group filed into the room and respectfully bowed to the King and Daomato. Almost instantly, Brownie ran from its post where he was left and leaped onto Himchan, his face over and over to show his excitement in seeing his owner safe and sound.

"One of your members is missing..." Daomato contemplated out loud.

"Yes, we sent Daehyun to carry out his own mission," Himchan answered while trying to calm Brownie down.

"What mission is it, if I may ask?" King TaeSoon questioned.

"Your Majesty, I've done many calculations out on the battlefield and I came to a conclusion that we need someone to keep a lookout on the other side. Besides, if you can't beat them, join them. So I had Daehyun steal one of the Exotics' uniform to disguise himself. Then, he would search for a ship to bring him back "home" on EXO planet," Youngjae explained.

"That's a brilliant idea!" the King grinned widely.

"Oh, yes, it just might work," Daomato nodded in approval.

"Ahh! I mustn't forget my purpose for summoning you all here. Himchan, as the commander, I would like you to lead your followers to end this war between our planet and EXO planet," the King proposed, "But first..."

Himchan anticipated a hard and impossible task.

"... You should come up with a name to call yourselves," King TaeSoon chuckled to see Himchan's utterly surprised face.

"Hmm," Himchan held his fingers on his forehead as he thought, "How about The Mato Warriors?"

The others shook their head in opposition.

"It's too... bland," Youngjae commented, "I think we should be the y Beasts!" he put his handa on his hips while looking up at the ceiling in triumph.

Unfortunately for him, the others didn't like it. Zelo, still blinded, felt Brownie and thought he was Himchan, and said while facing Brownie, "Hyung, maybe a more creative name could be The Gods of Mato Planet!" he beamed.

Jongup smiled, "That's good, Zelo!  But I also like Himchan hyung's. And Youngjae hyung's too. Maybe we can be the y Warrior Gods!"

Everyone facepalmed at the innocent Jongup, even Brownie face pawed. Finally, Yongguk contributed, "We should be The Best And The Flawless.. Or Perfect. No, Best... Absolute Perfect! Or B.A.P for short."

As usual, Zelo is quick to agree to his master's ideas, "Yes! B.A.P, I love it!" Zelo spread out his arms, jumped and cheered at the wall.

Himchan was still contemplating, "Hmm, I think I still like my idea better..."

Youngjae slapped his commander's arm, "Hyung always love your own ideas. I think B.A.P is perfect. It even says so in its name!"

Jongup and Brownie nodded in unison, "Yes, I vote for Yongguk hyung's idea-" but stopped when he saw Himchan's piercing glare, "Uhh, nevermind I vote for Himchan hyung."

Youngjae laughed, "It's still 3 to 2! We win! B.A.P it is!"

Himchan pouted and crossed his arms, "Fine," he grunted with Jongup by his side patting his shoulder.

"B.A.P! B.A.P! B.A.P!" Zelo chanted as he idiotically ran and jumped around the room and bumping into everyone and everything.

"B.A.P..." the King chuckled, "Very well then. Let us go to the War Room and plot for our attacks and defenses."


At EXO's dorm...

"So, Daehyun, you can use telepathy?" Luhan asked.

Daehyun merely nodded, being careful not to give out too much information.

"That's cool! You're like me, then! Well, not really because for me, it's telekinesis," Luhan smiled.

"So basically we both control things or people with our mind," Daehyun stated.

"Hey, you guys want anything to eat?" D.O. shouted out from the kitchen. He was wearing a cute pink apron while making some food for Xiumin and Tao.

Daehyun didn't want to be a burden so he declined. Luhan asked for some ramen and said that he would share with Daehyun.

"You wouldn't mind sharing food, would you?" Luhan smiled.

"Nope, not at all," Daehyun grinned back.

"Ow!" Baekhyun shouted when he cut his finger with the knife that he was helping D.O. cut food with.

"LAY," Kris shouted on cue.

Daehyun turned around and saw Lay putting his hand over Baekhyun's wound. A white light shone from the palm of his hands for a moment, and later Baekhyun's cut was completely healed!

Wow, such impressive power, Daehyun thought in astonishment. Healing powers were new to him, since no Mato on his planet had that power. In fact, Daehyun was probably the only Mato with the special telepathic power.

"Amazing, huh?" Luhan said.

"Yeah.." Daehyun was still amazed.

"Lay has a lot of work to do with his healing powers," Luhan flipped through his magazine, "So far he's only able to heal minor cuts and bruises."

Daehyun understood, "It took me a while to be able to use my telepathic mind on M-- aliens like us," he dodged a bullet.

"Yeah," Luhan nodded, "Took me a long time to levitate a book!" he laughed.

"The others need lots more training too. Kris can't fly in the air for more than a minute. D.O. can only lift earth up to 10 kilograms. Sehun can't blow wind more than 25 miles per hour. Kai can only move 30 meters at a time. Chanyeol's fire can barely boil water. Suho can control around 9 liters of water at a time. Tao can only control time within 5 minutes in a half mile radius around him. Chen can only shock small animals like the turtle duck. And Xiumin can only freeze a normal cup of water. The only exception is Baekhyun. His light is blinding! He most likely had been practicing ever since he acquired his special ability as a child," Luhan explained.

Daehyun understood and nodded, This is valuable information. I'll have to report all this back to Himchan when I have the chance.

"Hey Daehyun, how about I teach you some of my telekinesis tricks and you teach me yours? That way we can both improve!" Luhan liked the idea of having a training partner. It was getting lonely being the only Exotic to levitate objects.


"You're doing WHAT?!?!" Himchan shouted at Daehyun's hologram.

"Shut up, hyung, I'm just learning stuff. I'm not gonna teach Luhan everything I know, so relax," Daehyun whispered.

"Did you get much information about them?" Youngjae asked.

Daehyun nodded, "Seems like these 12 Exotics were also trained since they were little to fight in this war, just like us. They each have their own special powers but they still need lots of improvement. Even so, we're still no match for them. They even have a healer on the team. That's their biggest advantage."

"Do you think we can capture him and make him our slave?" Himchan asked.

Yongguk punched his arm, "You idiot, what makes you think he would help us if we make him our slave?"

"Simple," Himchan rubbed his arm where he was punched, "we force him."

Jongup smiled, "It's not that simple, hyung."

"See? Even Jongup knows that!" Yongguk slapped the back of Himchan's head.

"Ow! Stop hitting me!" Himchan cried.

"Shut up, hyung," Daehyun shushed his commander, "I need to go now. They're gonna wake up soon. I'll call you guys again later," he said and his hologram dissolved.

"Why is everyone so mean to me today?! Why are you all like this??" Himchan pouted.

"Hyung is a horrible commander," Zelo laughed and pointed to Youngjae, "Let's switch commanders!"

"Aish, this kid," Himchan slapped Zelo's hand, "You're lucky that you can see again or else I would've thrown you out the windo-AH!" Himchan rubbed his head where Yongguk hit him.

"Stop threatening Zelo and go report this information to Daomato and the King," Yongguk ordered the commander.

"Hey, who's the commander here?" Himchan complained but the last of them had already left. Only Brownie was there to accompany him, but Brownie was taking a nap.

"Aish, fine, I'll go alone!" Himchan pouted and left to see the King.


It's been 1 day and 2 nights since the Exotic raid. B.A.P were back to training to further prepare themselves. Daehyun had been learning quite a lot from Luhan and had reported lots of information of EXO. He hadn't been able to meet Queen SaeMi yet but he was trying his best to gain all the Exotics' trust.

Daomato was alone in the communication room. Everyone else had left to take care of other matters like planning the reconstruction of the training bases.

Daomato was typing away on the keyboard when someone entered the room.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt-"

"Oh! You scared me, Himchan!" Daomato quickly closed everything he was working on and his chair to Himchan, "Aren't you going to join the others in training?"

Himchan shrugged, "I've already done my practice for the day. I'm just taking a short break. Could I borrow the computer and call Daehyun? I want to ask him something."

"Sure! I'll go see how the construction plans are so far," Daomato saluted Himchan and left the room.

Himchan was waiting for Daehyun to pick up when a message alert box popped up at the bottom corner.

Hm? What's this...? Himchan thought curiously and clicked on the message.

A message box opened up in the center of the screen and displayed the simple word:


What the... Himchan's eyebrows furrowed as he tried to make sense of the brief message from an unknown sender. He tried to trace where the message was sent, but before he could, the message disappeared, as if it self destructed.

Who was that from...? Himchan shrugged it off when Daehyun picked up.

"Hey Daehyu-"

"Yah! Hyung! What do you think you're doing?! I'm in the middle of practice and I had to make up some stupid excuse that I need to go to the bathroom outside in the field with my communicator! Aish I thought we settled that I will call you guys at night!" Daehyun snapped.

"Okay, okay, calm down. Hyung has a perfectly good reason to call," Himchan tried to ease Daehyun's frustration.

"Fine. What is it?" Daehyun asked impatiently.

"So remember when you told us how Lay has healing powers, and yesterday you said that he has improved from healing minor cuts to healing slightly deeper wounds when he treated that guy Chanyeol when he burned himself?" Himchan started slowly.

"Yeah...?" Daehyun was growing more and more impatient.

"Well, I just received information from some Matoki while I was at the market and I heard that they had just found out that their daughter can heal when she treated her own papercut." Himchan stated.

"What? A papercut? Doesn't that heal on its own in mere seconds if you leave it alone? That's not enough proof, hyung," Daehyun shook his head.

"No! Trust me! I know she's a healer! Not just the papercut, but I heard she also was asked many times to heal scratches and bruises of other little matoki kids." Himchan recalled the information he found.

"Hmm, she might be a healer like Lay... Hyung should ask her parents to let her help us in this war, and don't forget to reassure them that she'll be safe on the battlefield with all the guards accompanying her," Daehyun instructed.

"Okay. You should go now. You've been taking a dump long enough," Himchan snickered.

"YAH, hyung! Seriously..." Daehyun made a face and disconnected.

Himchan shutdown the computer and turned to leave when he bumped into Daomato.




Double update! :D 

Cliffhanger! xD Have fun guessing what Daomato's going to do next chapter~~



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julee22 #1
Chapter 2: haha I totally expected this to be a serious story but it turned out so comical.

BTW, MAMA, just means your highness so it has no relevance to the word mother. And those who watched Tadah it's BAP will know about the Governess. Lee Soo Man is also pretty famous. Just saying, I thought the king and queen roles would be reversed.
Chapter 8: HAHAHA, the ending was the best even though I'm sad this ended. I love having two of my favourite groups in one fanfic.
Chapter 7: Omg, I hope Daehyun will be okay! I also hope that B.A.P is fine as well.
Chapter 6: O: who's that!
Chapter 5: andhwae~~ Daehyun, you cannot betray them!
oh and please update soon! :D
Chapter 5: NO DAEHYUN! Don't!
Chapter 4: Another update? Jeez, you're amazing! I wonder what Daomato IS going to do. I also wonder who this healer might be...
Chapter 3: Oh my god, Young Jae, you genius. I hope everyone in B.A.P gets better and comes out 10x stronger later. As for EXO, you guys are getting tricked! ;)

Please update soon! ❤❤❤
Chapter 1: Good chappie.

update soon :D