Chapter 6




The club's music blares around us. He has me up against the wall, and we're kissing. His hand slowly creeps under my shirt.

“Lucy!” I hear Samantha's voice somewhere. I pull away from him and look over to where her voice came from. Samantha is standing there and waving at me. I look at the guy apologetically and tell him I be right back. I walk over to Samantha, turning back to wave cutely at the guy. By this time, he's already kissing another girl. Hehe, he's more of a hoe than I am.

“Yeah?” I ask Samantha. She rolls her eyes at me.

“Lucy, you do realize you have a boyfriend?” She asks.


“Mhm,” I say, already looking around for another cute guy. “I thought I already explained to you, Sam. I'm only together with Drew 'cause he's popular and cute, and he's only with me 'cause he needs my money and sneaking skills for getting alcohol to parties. It's not like we really like each other. I know he makes out with other girls, and I make out with other guys.” She rolls her eyes at me again.


“Well, whatever. Come on your cousin wants to see you.” My cousin is the bartender. A.K.A. the only reason I actually get to sneak into this place. I make my way through the crowds of people.


The next thing I see are cops. My heart jumps in my chest. Oh great. I quickly duck back into the crowd, trying to find Sam. I'm so busy looking around for her that I crash into someone. I barely look up as I mutter sorry and try to move on. I feel a strong grip on my arm and I whirl around.


“What the he.....” My words fall short as I look up to see a police officer standing before me. Lovely...


The next few hours pass quickly. It's mainly me being interrogated, blah blah blah. Mwahahaha, the power of the right to remain silent. At this point I'm still not sure if some of my friends have been captured. My parents eventually come in, giving me disapointed looks. Meh, who cares what they think anyway?




Sam. I really miss her. She had always been there for me. I've been too mad and disappointed with my life back then to call her. I open up my gmail account on my computer. Wow.  Ironically she's online.


lulugirl687: hey


sweetsammi: UR ALIVE!!!!!!!!


lulugirl687: no duh




lulugirl687: yea, i have been brainwashed and turned into a lucy-bot, ur wish is my command


sweeetsammi: -_-

still, u could have called


lulugirl687: awwww, did u miss me?


sweetsammi: its not as fun without u,

oh and u'll never believe what happened


lulugirl687: TELL ME!!!!



Sam and I chat like that for another two hours. I realize how much better I feel after telling someone about everything that was going on. Sam has never failed to be there for me when I needed her most, even when we were like a thousand-ish miles apart. How did I deserve a best friend like her again?


A nurse walks in holding a phone.


“Your mother wants to talk to you,” I take the phone from her.


“Hi mom,”


“Hi Lucy, how's it going?” my mom asked in an overly cheerful voice. This is bad.


“Okay.” I lie.


“Well, we just wanted to tell you that we all miss you, especially Liz.” I smile at the thought of my twelve-year old sister. She's so sweet and untainted by L.A. “Oh, and speaking of Liz,” Here we go. “She's coming over to stay with you.” I nearly drop the phone.





Finally!! well hope u like da update

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kikka6807 #1
Chapter 5: thanx!! :D
joanna_227 #2
This is really cool! Update?