there's always a big

Once upon a time

“You! What did you do to my hyung?!” Prince Dongwoon cried, devastated. “You killed him! You killed my hyung!” he continued and wept as he hugged his brother's seemingly lifeless body.

“I told you im wicked” said the old hag, smirking.

“Bring him back!..please! Give his life back I beg you!” Prince Dongwoon pleaded amidst his now turning ugly and overdramatic weeping.

“Okay”, came the old hag’s immediate response followed by a BIG and ugly wrinkly ! BUT!

“But you have to compliment my beauty first”, it said...followed by giggles here and there, while playing with its unkempt hair.

“Y-you want me to compliment you?” Prince Dongwoon repeated the old witch’s request, thinking of how he and his brother are doomed! There is nothing worth complimenting about the old witch’s beauty.It simply had no beauty.

“Yes, Yes! Just tell me im pretty amd I shall bring your brother back to life”

“You drive a hard bargain..but for my brother I shall try my best” the prince said as he lays his brother’s body carefully on the ground and stood up so he can face lady ugly.

“Mrs. Witch yo—“

“Oh I never married, princey” the old hag said, cutting his words off, batting its eyelashes out at him. It was trying hard to look cute and what not but it only makes Prince Dongwoon want to vomit.

“My lady, uhm..Miss Witch”, he started and stopped for a moment to think for words to say, “how do I say you’re the most hideous thing ever without offending you?”

“Zeeeeeeee!” hissed the old hag, literally, “careful princey, you don’t want your cute button-nosed brother to stay dead right?”

And so for his dear Yoseob hyung, Prince Dongwoon, forced himself to lie and say “ Why, you’re so pretty. You’re the prettiest witch in the land! and if I were a stop light, I’d turn red every time you pass by just so I can stare at your beauty more. You are so pretty that when I first saw you I thought I died and went to hell heaven! You’re so pretty that you made me realize how life without you is like a pencil, its just pointless!” trying his hardest not to vomit in each and every word.

The wicked witch believed his lie, for he was a great liar! He was the biggest liar in all the land, he lies everyday whenever King Seungie would ask him how his cooking was.

The wicked witch was pleased. It was so pleased it started squealing and blushing in its spot.

“Satisfied?..Now bring me my brother back!” the prince ordered.

“Okay,” the witch said pulling a wand out of its messy hair, “pippity poppity poop!” it chanted and waved its wand at Prince Yoseob. “There!”

Prince Dongwoon then went to shake his older brother awake, he kept shaking and shaking and shaking but to no avail, Prince Yoseob would not wake up.

“You witch! You lied to me! You betrayed me! You deceived me! You used me! You meanie!” he shouted and started crying like a little kid throwing tantrum coz his father refused to buy him candy.

“Im not mean, im a thousand years old and I just lost track of my moral code” it stated, “And besides stop being dramatic! I did not kill your hyung, I only said I was wicked I never said I was a killer! He simply got poisoned from eating one of my poisoned golden apples and is now in a deep state of slumber and will not be awaken until after a thousand years or so”

Prince Dongwoon, after hearing that statement, immediately stops crying and starts wiping his tears and runny nose.

“He’s not dead yet? I guess I’ll just go and take him home then” he announced and tried to carry his brother but Prince Yoseob’s fat is too much for him to carry. So he ordered the witch to magically transport them back to their palace.

The wicked old witch complied and did so. But only after forcing Prince Dongwoon to compliment its beauty again, “Old witch, if stars would fall every time I think of your beauty the sky would soon be empty”.

And with that the wicked old witch did, indeed, magically poof-ed  him and his brother back to their castle, where they were greeted by King Seung’s familiar loud and high-pitched voice.

“My sons! My two lovely handsome young boys! My precious darlings! My everything! Where have you two been? I’ve been worried sick?!” King Seung half shouted as he run towards the two princes.

“Sorry umm-I mean appa,” said Prince Dongwoon apologetically. He was going to say umma but then remembered how much his appa hates it as he still insists that he is not bottom in his relationship with King Junhyung.

“We were out playing in the forest and accidentally wandered into this garden filled with cakes and doughnuts and OH MY GOD appa! You should’ve seen it! It was heaven!! All the doughnuts scattered everywhere! Oh the doughnuts were so delicious! Each bite, appa! Each bite was—“

“That’s good, darling but appa’s not interested to hear about your doughnut . I am, however, interested to know what happened to your brother, Yoseob” said King Seung, once again interrupting Prince Dongwoon’s words. “What happened to him? Is he drunk?! He’s drunk isn’t he?!” he accused.

Prince Dongwoon shakes his head no at the accusation.

“Liar! He’s drunk!” insisted King Seung. “Junhyung-ah!!!!” he shouted, calling for his husband.“Junhyung-ah! Get in here!”

“IM BUSY!” came King Junhyung’s voice. The King was in their kitchen making out with coke, once again.

“Yong Junhyung! Get in here or its bye bye coke forever!” King Seung threatened  and sure enough, King Junhyung came a-running to him.


“Your son’s been drinking again! Look at him! Look! He looks pitiful he cant even wake up! Ah This is punishment! Punishment! I shouldn’t have married you! I should’ve just married that talking green frog with a yellow star on his tummy! At least he’s not addicted to coke! The only thing he’s addicted to are animes, robots and taking over the world!” King Seung said, crying.

“Calm down, Seung. Just calm down, okay?” King Junhyung, like the great and kind husband he is, said trying to comfort his husband…but King Seung would not stop crying so he gives up and walks up to Yoseob.

“Yoseob-ah” He called. “Yah Yoseobie, wake up” he ordered. “Yoseobie? Yah! Yah! I said wake up!” he tried again but failed, frustrated he kicked his son “lightly” on the side.

“Y-yah!  He wont wake up like that?! He wont wake up!” cried Prince Dongwoon.


“He wont wake up coz he’s cursed.”

“WHAT?!” both kings shouted, an exaggerated look of surprise painted on their faces.

“Cursed?” repeated King Seung, “Who cursed him? Tell me who cursed him and I shall have him castrated and thrown out of the kingdom!!!!”

“You’re going to castrate Yoseob?” asked King Junhyung.

“No you idiot! The perpetrator who dared cursed our son!!!!!”


“Well who is it, Woon-ah?”

“the one who cursed hyung is..” started Prince Dongwoon.

“It is I! ME! I cursed your beloved son! Huk huk huk!” proudly announced the old hag, cackling in delight. If you ask why the old hag is there the answer is this: Old hag felt a sense of sudden loneliness after sending the two princes home so it makes the decision to follow them.

“Aaaaaah! “ shouted both Kings in horror, never have King Seung seen a talking poo before nor have King Junhyung seen a talking wrinkly before.

“That?,” asked King Junhyung, “That cursed our son?”. Both Kings turned to look at Dongwoon, and the prince nodded his head at the question.

“GUARDS!” King Seung called and soon enough muscled guards came rushing in.

“Arrest that..THAT!” ordered King Seung, “have it thrown somewhere far far away from this kingdom!”

“N-no please! I just wanted to be loved! Why wont anybody love me?! Is it because im a witch?!” cried the witch as it was being dragged out of the room.

“But appas! With the witch gone how are we going to wake Yoseob hyung up? The witch said he’ll stay snoring and wont be awaken for a thousand years” asked Prince Dongwoon, concerned.

“Don’t worry son, we’ll have our adviser Kikwang think of something” King Junhyung said and patted his son’s back.

“Yes, he’ll come up with the answer,” continued King Seung “ he should, or else it’s off with his head”


And so prince Yoseob's life now rest in the hands of the loyal advicer. What faith awaits him? lol this is boring and totally not funny..the hell is happening? tagged as dooseob yet doojoon hasnt appeared yet OuO and i dont speak americano so grammar errors etc etc ignore them and the green frog's keroro from keroro gunzo .-.

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Aj_B2uty #1
Chapter 4: hahaha XD grabe ! Di ko kaya !! nakakatawa XD ang epic ng ending hahaha XD tsaka ung mga punchlines, hahaha XD
btw ....
natapos ko na basahin lahat ng DooSeob fangics mo ^___^ galing mo po author !! mahal na mahal ko po talaga ang DooSeob <3 kahit na wla na msyadong dooseob moments T^T stay strong pa rin <3 XD sana po magsulat ulit kayo ng bago hehehehe .
Chapter 4: This. Was. Funny. Eh mah gerd I'm still smiling like an idiot, LOL poor dujun, he just appear in the end but your excuse to not writing R scene LOL, this is hilarious
Chapter 4: Lol, seriously? That cracked me up. xD
I loved it!
Chapter 4: The most funniest fic I ever found... XD can't stop laughing at the hilarious and cuteness... Daebak!!!
sparks_ys #6
Chapter 4: ohmygod. haha~ was gonna write it 100 times but too lazy... this is awesome... lol...this story is just too great... funny. i dunno how u did that author-nim but this is hilarious... everyone's character was just really funny~ especially seungie's...
ah~ my face is red from laughing too hard... XD
pinkhamsters #7
Chapter 4: Omg this was epically funny hahha. Loved it, couldn't stop laughing <3
alternateB2st #8
Chapter 1: Lol, not born with arms n legs.(?) hahaha.. funny.... seobie even thinks woonie was immature, but only santa gets exited with milk n cookies... that's even more childish... hahaha... Update soon...