What is it, actually?

What is it, actually?

Cho Kyuhyun is a butthead. He is a nerdy everyone is talking about. Well, he doesn't really care. He's more concerned of the

math problems he's going to solve every math class. He has no friends. He just sits there on one corner of the room eating his lunch

alone. He's liked by no one, no, not one. He's loved by no one, no, not one. He's cared by no one, no, not one. Whether it's the

darkest part of his life or just those victories of solving math problems. He's alone. Even on the other part of the universe, it was his fate. 

He walked alone on the darkest roads of the earth. And most of all, he smiled alone. 

"No. I must keep living while I still can. Even if it means dying slowly, I must go on." he once said. "I must love my life the way it is.

Because it's me. And it's my life. And there is nothing more impostant than life itself." 

Well, we can't do anything about it. It is his principle. It is what he believes and there is nothing more to that. 

"Life, you say. What is life actually? Is it all about making friends, eating lunch with them? Is it about partying 'till six a.m. with French

girls, bathing in a bathtub of dollar bills? Is it all about discovering things and then making theories out of it? Is it about solving those

math problems and then deriving new formulas out of them? Is it meeting a girl, falling inlove wtih her and then marry her, have children

and become a happy family? Is it about working nonstop day and night, tucking your kids in and then tell them to pray? Is it about

singing, strumming your guitar on the road then hope for more coins? What is life actually? What is it that even the latest, newest

technology of science can't figure out? What is it that even the most sought-for mathematician couldn't derive a formula from? What is

it that even the loudest cry of a heart can't be heard? What is it that you can't even look at it with your eyes?" he smirked.

"You don't know the answer, do you? Well, none of us do." 


A/N: You have no idea just how much I love you and you have no idea just how special you are not just to me, but to all of the ELFs and spakyus out there. Today is a very special day because of you and I hope that you;d realize how awesome you are. You always have a big space in my heart and you know that. :) Of course, you were my first ever husband before I even cheated. HAHA XD 

Happy happy birthday to the most sophisticated, awesome, handsome, witty and evil maknae of Super Junior! :) 

P.S. Just so you know, I edited those pictures for you and only you XD

P.P.S I love you! :)))

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Chapter 1: awwww.... damn cute.
anotherElji #2
Chapter 1: ㅋㅋㅋ I thought you really had husband.. X)
Well, so it's about seeking the meaning of life? :)