Dinner and a Show

T4L || Co-ed Band Apply Fic


Joon is convinced to order chicken for the trainees and two members from Angel by Chunji's aegyo. Mir tries to see what songs the trainees want to perform holding the food hostage. Joon joins Mir stating it would be a chance to get the rookies used to variety. Yoon Jung whispers to Yujin who looks at her then slowly smiles nodding but as he stands Mir throws a paper ball a at him. Yujin blinks slightly confused then sits back down next to Yoon Jung. Chunji decides to try getting a more positive response than Yujin as Mir lets him try to show off his skills. He starts beatboxing, Mir jumps up starts rapping to the beat then starts moving his hands capturing everyone's attention. Joon stops Mir drawing his attention to Chunji making the younger boy explain what he was doing while Mir was rapping.
"Sign language", Chunji explains, "I was translating what Mir sunbaenim said into sign language"
"You should teach us sometime", Yujin suggests.
"It would be fun to tease hyung with it", Mir whispers.
"Ken hyung~", Chunji uses aegyo, "I want to hear you rap~"
Ken nudges Yujin, "You know the lyrics to No Mercy?"
"Yeah!", Yujin smiles.
Ken does Yongguk and Zelo's rap while Yujin does his best singing the rest with his big mistake being Daehyun's high notes. Yujoo sighs standing up pulling Yujin back out in front of everyone by the collar of his shirt. The two twins stare at each other before Yujoo whispers in Yujin's ear then Yujin asks Gin and Min Hyuk to help grabbing Mir and Joon's attention. They immediate harass the twins who focus on the performance Yujoo wanted to do. They start dancing to TVXQ's Humanoid with Gin and Min Hyuk's help slowly their combined voices could be heard singing the lyrics. After they finish Melly decides to step up walking straight to the piano to play an orginal song she wrote. Isis went up next dancing ballet but half way through her dance Mir and Yujin make Joon join her. Joon limps away after pulling something while Isis finishes her dance. Rina steps up pulling a smiling Yujoo out to dance with her, the music making Yujoo laugh. The two dance to Bubble Pop by Hyuna with Rina showing off y dance moves and Yujoo watching her with a large smile as he dances. Gin goes up showing off his rapping skills which makes Mir jump up to show his own rapping skills. Minhyuk steps up dancing without music then Alexis gets up heading towards the piano.
"Do you want help Lex Unni?", Melly asks.
"Yeah", Alexis smiles.
Melly plays a melody while Alexis sings a sad melody in english. Mir hurries over to Yujin questioning him about the song making Yujin translate the title. Good Enough by Evanessence. Hyemin steps out to show off her breakdance skills then after Hyemin Yoon Jung steps out doing her own version of Boyfriend's Love Style. Joon agrees to let everyone who performed to eat while Mir shoves Yujin away from the food. Yoon Jung sneaks around Mir giving Yujin some chicken she stole. He smiles trying to get her to eat it but Yoon Jung makes a face sticking the chicken in Yujin's mouth anyway. Everyone breaks into laughter looking at Yujin.
Joon asks Melly, "Do you have any idea what you want to do for your showcase?"
"I can't wait to see what you guys do!", Ling pops up.
"You didn't leave with your bandmates?", Mir blinks.
"Me neither", Alex comments.
"Oh! Joon hyung do you have....Junhyung's number?", Chunji stares at his own phone.
"Let me check", Joon mumbles.
Joon looks through his phone while Alex stares at him watching him carefully. When the other trainees question his curiousity in the matter, he only shows them his phone which had Alex's public profile up. It clearly said Junhyung was her ideal type. The trainees let Joon occupy Alex and Ling with his search as they each talk about song they'd like to cover and song they'd like to do. Two Yu was busy staying out of the spotlight; Yujin was eating the food Yoon Jung stuffed in his mouth while Yujoo was messing with Rina. Everyone had very different types of music they wanted to make but several people discovered they liked similar bands.
"Wait we could use this time to try to come up with our own type of music", Chunji smiles.
"Since some of us seem able to play instruments it would go alot better", Gin thinks aloud.
"I could try to come up with some lyrics with Lex Unni's help", Melly offers.
"Well you could perform the song after whichever song Rain hyung gives you", Mir shrugs.
Despite four members not paying attention, the eight set out to write a song with a melody that defined their varied tastes so each member was represented. Mir soon pokes his nose into Joon's business checking to see if he found the number. Alex was talking to Junhyung leaving Mir to guess that Joon found the number somehow. Ling was beside her messing with her own phone leaving Mir with one choice to oocupy himself annoying Two Yu. Yujoo ignored Mir keeping his attention on Rina although his twin proved to be an easy target. Yujin pouts as Mir messes with him but doing nothing to stop Mir leaving Yoon Jung to rescue Yujin.
"Yujin! Yoon Jung! Come on", Gin shouts.
"Neh, hyung!", Yujin turns to Yoon Jung, "Come on let's go see what they need us for"
Yoon Jung makes a face at Mir before following Yujin over to the others helping add their input then Mir drags Yujin away to play a game with him. Ling and Alex say their farewells as the ten finish up writing the lyrics. Minhyuk works with Alexis as she tries to make a melody. Yujoo pops up ready to contribute something to the song and pulls out his laptop recording a tune that Melly plays on the piano. Under Gin and Alexis's instruction he uses files of different music stored on his laptop thus creating a beat for the twelve's unique song.
"We'll need a title", Yujoo barks.
"Why not name it after our fan club?", Chunji cheerfully suggests.
"We don't know the name of our fan club", Yujoo growls.
"Yujin", everyone looks at Rina.
"Well we don't", Yujoo says calmly.
"For now why not call it Untitled?", Ken smiles.
Yujoo sighs but listens to Ken.
"Well you guys need to make sure you let Rain hyung or DQ hyung listen to it", Joon reminds.
"Rina will get him", Chunji smiles.
Yujin steps between Yujoo and Chunji just in case things heated up, Rina made sure that Yujoo behaved. The tweleve leave the practice room heading home talking excitedly with Joon and Mir. Most of the members spent the night dreaming of what Rain or DQ would have to say about the song they came up with together. Others spent the night dreaming of a certain member that caught their eye some more obvious than others.


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We need one more female! Just one! A vocal though...no more rappers


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Chapter 20: Awwww! What Yujin said to Yoon Jung was so sweet :3 hehehe I really like the story and something tells me that there is going ti be another group~~ haha
Chapter 20: A new company wants to find new trainee?
Hmm... I sense new group to debut...
Chapter 19: Hehehehehe........... It was fun when Yujin performed with EXO. ^^
Good luck for trying to make Alexis open up to you, Chanyeol-ah. To Ken, good luck with Luna.
Chapter 18: I wonder what makes Yujoo to change his stage name which made Yujin cried. When Melly will get her chance meeting Kris, hmm... I guess Chanyeol was planning to play matchmaker for Kris... I don't even know...
Chapter 18: o.o so many updates but I loved them! I'm happy that Yujoo isn't out of the story but I prefer him in T4L... :P and it is really sweet from him to use his father name as an stage name :)
Chapter 15: The vocalist duo, Alexis & Melly, sings a song from Linkin Park. Hehe...cool.
P/S: Now I'm in the mood to listen to Linkin Park because I like their song so much. ^^
Chapter 16: Yes, you're right. Wolf is the latest single from EXO, and they're going to follow up with Growl. And I recommend you to listen Growl. I'd better say, this song is good. ^^
Hey guys. Heres a new apply fic open for the curious...
Please take a look if you like the concept \, apply... but if you dont like it totally understandable
Chapter 14: hehehehe....
Nice trick, in order to distract Running Man team from getting Yujoo... I like it. ^^
Chapter 13: I feel bad for Yujin because his twin and little sister both hate him but they don't know what he has done for them... I actually glad that Yujoo knows at least that it was his brother who bought the suit for him. The Running Man episode was really exciting but poor Yujoo and his ribs :/
Anyways thank you for the many updates!!!! ^^