HighSchool Replay


Key is going to enter Korea's biggest highshools. There he meets Hyerin, a girl. He first hangs out with her as friends. But the promblem was he liked her more than friends but she has a boyfriend. Key would do anything to try to get her attention, he wants her to like him as much as he like her. See the risks he takes for Hyerin to notice how much he likes her. 


      Kevin is a boy who is new at Korea Highschool. He had a hard time in language so his teacher pair him up with a girl named Hyerin. He gets madly in love. He found out that she was the girl that he use to like in 7th grade but then dumbed. Now he figures out a way to say sorry and get her to stop being mad at him  and give him another chance.   



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misajinki93 #1
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^