Hello, Dodohan Girl!

Pursuing The Barista

Chapter 3: Hello, Dodohan Girl!


The chime hanging above softly rang as Ji Yong slowly opened café door. As he made his way towards the counter, he could hear the song “I Don’t Give a Damn” by rookie girl group New Evolution playing through the speakers, mounted on the café walls.

Ji Yong took a seat at the counter, near the spot where the girl was standing. Almost immediately, she stopped her cleaning and grabbed a pen and paper to take his order.

“Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to Starbucks. What will you be having for today?” the girl greeted him with a sweet smile.

“Uh, is Caramel Frappuccino available? I’d like a large one, please.” Ji Yong said in a casual tone.

“Yes, sir. One large Caramel Frappe. Is there anything else you’d like? Perhaps you would like to try one of our new pastries?” the girl said sweetly as she wrote the order on the paper.

“Uh, no thanks. Ummm, how about you? Are you available?” Ji Yong then said, flashing his winning smile.

“Excuse me?” the girl replied in an undoubtedly surprised tone. She was definitely taken aback by what he said.

“Well, when I passed by this establishment, I couldn’t help but notice you when I looked through your shop window. That’s why I came in here. So, are you available, Miss…Park Sandara?” Ji Yong repeated, with a smirk on his face, then reading the name that was engraved on the girl’s nameplate.

“S-sorry, sir. But we are not allowed to flirt with our customers. And in case you haven’t noticed, this is a café, not a bar. E-excuse me, I’ll be back with your order.” the girl said, walking away and going through the door by the end of the counter.

Ji Yong drew a deep breath and struck his forehead with his palm. He blew it. He sounded like a total jerk. He didn’t mean to use a pick-up line on her. He just didn’t know why he blurted it out all of a sudden. So much for sweeping her off her feet. It seemed more like he wanted to get swept off the shop and into the street. He wouldn’t be surprised if he saw her come out with a broom in hand.

After ten minutes, the girl returned, holding a tall glass of iced coffee. She was wearing a somewhat pissed-off look—different from the sweet-faced girl Kwon Ji Yong was instantly captivated with. Ji Yong, who was staring in thin air as he waited for the girl to comeback, felt his heart racing once again as he saw the look on the girl’s face. And it wasn’t because he was feeling giddy and all. It was because he was anxious with what the girl would have to say next.

“Here you go, sir. That would be 2,800 won.” the girl said in a monotone, her eyes concentrated on the cash register. 

Kwon Ji Yong handed his payment and the girl simply got it without looking at him.

“Look, miss. I’m sorry about that thing I said earlier. I knew acted like a total as$. I’m really sorry.” Ji Yong said in a gentle voice.

The girl just continued on punching the keys on the cash register, completely ignoring Ji Yong.

“I...I’m Kwon Ji Yong, by the way.” Ji Yong then added. He felt the atmosphere getting more awkward by the minute.

The girl casually handed the change back to Ji Yong and continued with her chore as if she didn’t hear anything.

“I hope you’re not mad at me. I-I I’ll see you around, then. A-annyeong.” Ji Yong said and then turned around to exit the coffee shop. 

Dara looked at the leaving guy as he swung the door open and went out of the coffee shop. She then continued wiping the counter, now with more force, and shook her head.

“The nerve of some guys.” she said to herself.

“Yah, Dara-ah. What’s wrong? Why are you looking so glum all of a sudden?” Bom, Dara’s co-worker and close friend, who was busy wiping and arranging the mugs and glasses, said when she noticed the sudden change in Dara’s facial expression.

“Some guy barged in here just a while ago and tried to hit on me.” Dara replied with annoyed look on her face.

“Really? Well, I’m not surprised since you’re really cute and pretty, Dara. Like I always say, your bright face would totally make boys’ heads turn.” Bom said in a cheerful and teasing tone.

“Aish! Stop that, will you, Bom? You know we’re not supposed to flirt with people while at work.” Dara replied as she joined in arranging the glasses.

“Well, if you ask me, I would like it if boys actually came in here to see me.” Bom said in a cutesy tone as she tucked her hair behind her ear and batted her eyelashes.

Dara just raised her eyebrow at her friend and they both joined in a hearty laugh.

“Well, anyway, this admirer of yours, did he say his name?” Bom said, nudging Dara lightly with her elbow.

“Admirer? Pfft. He did, actually. Kwon Ji Yong was it? Yah, I didn’t ask for him to give it, ok?” Dara said.

“I’m not saying anything. Why are you being so defensive?” Bom said, raising an eyebrow.

“Yah! I’m not! It’s just that…I don’t want anything to do with him. If only you heard what he said to me earlier, you would understand why I’m like this.” Dara said with an exasperated look on her face.

“Calm down, dearie. What exactly did he say to you, anyway?” Bom said, clutching both Dara’s shoulders.

Dara then told Bom the exact scenario that happened to her and that guy, earlier.

“…and then he’s hoping that I’m not mad at him? Is he an idiot or what?” Dara said, letting out a sigh and then shaking her head.

“That’s it? Shouldn’t you be flattered with what he said?” Bom said, letting out a soft chuckle.

“What? Aniyo! That guy has an aura of a playboy! I wouldn’t fall for such flattery.” Dara said in a dignified tone.

“But, you know what? He was pretty cute, actually. It’s a shame he’s like that.” Dara added as she crossed her arms to her chest.

“Oooh. What is this I’m hearing? You’re attracted to him, after all!” Bom said in a teasing manner.

“Huh?! No, I’m not! I might have said that he’s cute, but he’s totally not my type! You know what I like, right? Simple and sweet guys.” Dara replied.

“Oh, well. Suit yourself, Dara. Yah, there’s a customer waiting. I’ll go ahead and finish this off.” Bom said, as she continued arranging the cups and mugs.

“Okay, then.” Dara replied, getting her pen and paper once again.


“Yah, Ji Yong! What happened? Did it go well?” Young Bae called out as he saw Ji Yong enter the living room.

“Aniyo.” Ji Yong replied in a disappointed tone, joining the two guys on the couch. He then told the two guys what happened.

“Aigoo. How many times do I have to tell you that pick-up lines only work for Seung Ri?” Young Bae said.

“Yah! What is that supposed to mean?!” Seung Ri interrupted.

“Nothing, bro. Just tellin’ the truth.” Young Bae replied, snickering at him.

“Anyway, what are you going to do next, then?” Young Bae asked Ji Yong.

“Well, I guess I’ll have to go back there and try again. If she thinks I’m gonna give up on her that easily, she’s wrong. I’m gonna make her mine. And there’s nothing she can do about it.” Ji Yong said with a determined look on his face.

“Woah, so you’re really serious about her, then. Good luck, bro.” Young Bae said, tapping Ji Yong’s shoulder.

“Yah, Ji Yong-hyung. Since we’ve already helped you in finding your girl, how about that bulgogi you promised us? Don’t think we forgot about it.” Seung Ri then said.

“Hmmm. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I won’t treat you yet.” Ji Yong replied with a smirk.

“WHAT?! Not fair!” Seung Ri exclaimed with a slightly shocked look in his face.

“Since she rejected me, there’s nothing to celebrate yet. You guys will have to wait.” Ji Yong said, shifting his gaze from Young Bae to Seung Ri.

“Damn! Better act quickly, then, hyung. My tummy can’t wait forever.” Seung Ri replied.

Young Bae then laughed at his remark while Ji Yong, still sitting with the two boys, ignored them and started to think of a new plan.

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Chapter 7: Wahhhhh!! What will happen to them?? Update authornim pleaaase
Plz update soon, i can't wait 4 the next chapter
kathypufi #4
i find ji's character in this fic adorable...:)
he finally found her!
@ chapter one: that was like love at first sight ji. hahaha. and i know you're going to find her ji. :P
dnhaa2rd #8
i love it <3 keep updating dear author.
I just had to subscribe 'cause I miss this fic bigtime. I was actually able to catch this on YGL before, and if my memory serves me right, it was updated up to the sixth chapter there.<br />
<br />
And I do hope you find the inspiration to continue this since it's a nice story. Good luck on this story. :D
oohhh please update soon... kekeke