Spirit Me Away

Spirit Me Away [Oneshot]

The afternoon sun beat down on Chihiro's leathery forehead. She set a slippered foot on the ground, halting her wicker rocker's movements. Her brown, wooden cane met the ground as she pulled herself up weakly. Chihiro sighed distantly as she scooted across the planks.

I never expected being old to take such a toll on me... What happend to your spirit, Chihiro? Where did it go? Did you leave it somewhere?  Sighing, Chihiro pushed away memories of her adventures in the Spirit world. They only troubled her body and thoughts more than helped. Having tastes of what she once experienced but never would again was pure torture. Especially those memories of Haku. Chihiro, why couldn't your memories have failed you along with your weak old bones?

She grunted, stepping onto the grassy floor with difficulty. He's never coming back. 

Chihiro pushed away her tears, making her way to the cherry blossom orchard behind her small home. She stared down at her small feet as they shuffled across the petal stained grass. 

Suddenly, she heard a sound that sent chills up her bent spine. Chattering scales, windchimes, the sound of the river beating calmly against mighty rocks. Her weary eyes widened as her thin hands trembled.  Her cane fell to the ground. Chihiro's knees weakened as her body began to fall. 

A pair of young, sturdy hands grapsed her body from behind. 

Chihiro's heartbeat quickened. She hadn't touched those hands in decades, but she immediately knew who they belonged to.

"Haku...," she stuttered out. Chihiro's old voice was as dry as the wind.

The arms squeezed her tightly before letting go gently. "Chihiro," his voice whispered in her ear. "I've come back for you."

Chihiro laughed for the first time in what seemed like a lifetime. Haku suddenly was in front of her, clasping onto her wrinkly hands. He hadn't aged a day. The young boy stared at her with hopeful, loving eyes. Doesn't he see what I've become?

"You can ride on my back again and we will fly through the night sky faster than any spirit or demon that walks, swims, or flies in any world!" He squeezed her hands tighter. Tears began to flow gently from Chihiro's eyes. 

"Haku, can't you see that I am old?"

His eyes never left hers. "Kamaji has been complaining lately that the soot won't work. They miss you too much." Haku smiled warmly as he kissed Chihiro's hands elegantly. 

Chihiro didn't understand. Couldn't he see how much time had passed? How long he had neglected her?

Haku's smile faded suddenly. He touched her forhead, holding his fingertips there. His hand fell back to his side immediately, as if he had been hurt. His bright eyes suddenly showed pain and sorrow. "Chihiro... it's been... 80 years, hasn't it?" Chihiro nodded, the tears flowing more quickly now. Haiku's eyes narrowed. He cursed a nameless being. Chihiro suddenly felt afraid of him. "There is a time witch that has been lurking in the spirit world... it has caused insanity and confusion within tribes. The witch must have quicked our sense of time." Haku balled his fists up. Water dripped from them. 

Chihiro smiled weakly through her tears. Haku's two sides had always fancied her. She loved both his powerful, wise side and young, bright side. "You see, Haku," she began, her voice breaking. "I am old. I cannot come back with you like this. It would be too much for my heart to bear." She laughed at herself. "It'd kill me."

His eyes narrowed. He glared into Chihiro's eyes. "This is my fault. I promised you I'd come for you and I didn't. I never break a promise. We will be together, forever." 

The wind picked up, blowing a gray strand that had fallen from Chihiro's loose bun across her face. She brushed it from her face. He refuses to understand. Her voice rose. "I have barely any life in me! There is no forever for me!" Beginning to sob hysterically, she buried her face in her hands. Something began to tickle them. Her neck, her cheeks all tingled. Haku pulled her hands away from her face. Cherry blossom petals were swarming around them madly. 

Haku's eyes were bright as he said, "There is a forever for spirits," he leaned closer as the cherry blossoms swarmed faster and faster. "I can make you a spirit." Chihiro's hands began to tingle along with the rest of her body. Haiku's eyes shut as his nose rubbed against hers softly. "See? You're already young again, Chihiro." 

But Chihiro didn't care. She didn't notice. She barely heard him. Their lips met one anothers. She tasted his smile as one formed on her own face. Sunlight radiated from their bodies. Haku gently wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly against his body. He broke their kiss slowly. 

"I love you. Never leave me."

Chihiro smiled up at him, her long, brown hair falling in her face. His pale fingertips tucked it behind her ear. He grasped her hand tightly as they walked deeper into the orchard. Chihiro closed her eyes in bliss as she leaned her head against his shoulder. If her eyes were open, she would have seen lights floating in the distance. But, she could hear the clinking of dishes. She could smell the rushing water of herbal baths. She could feel her body becoming something lighter, something freer.

He's taking me home...



a/n: ah i love spirited away, it's my favorite movie of all times. ive seen lots of fanart for chihiro and haku in the future, but never seen a fanfic!

comments are love <3

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Love it!!! I wanted the movie to go on so I could see them end up together and you made that happen!! Thanks!!
Yay! A co-fan to spirited away! I've watch the film for numerous times and I'm writing a fic about it too. I hope you'll check it out.<br />
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I love this ending!!!
unnielove #4
this is officially one of my favorite oneshot sequels to an anime. oh my goodness this was so emotional and, in a sense, some closure to the original movie. very very lovely job :3 <3
How sweet! Wished there's actually a scene like this in the movie. But then again, it allows our imagination (yours, for this matter) to run wild... Love love love the movie and this fanfic <3<br />
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Oh and I've seen some Spirited Away fanfics on fanfiction.net
awwwww<br />
LOVE IT <3<br />
did you watch the movie today lol?