Long time no see

Heart Attack




"Dongsaeng..." Luhan called out, calling her dongsaeng again


Haneul's expression was blank. He hugged her tightly. She didn't move.


"Unnie...." she mumbled which he heard


He hugged her tighter.


"Oh dongsaeng..." he said, concern in his voice "If only I knew you'll react like this I wouldn't have said her name. I'm sorry..."


"Unnie...my Hyomi unnie..." she mumbled again


"Snap out of it please dongsaeng" Luhan pleaded


Haneul only kept mumbling. It was as if she was somewhere else---somewhere very far away, not with his beloved oppa, who kept calling out to her.


"Dongsaeng..." he kept saying, worried "snap out of it...Haneul!"


He held her face and lifted her until ther lips touched.





Haneul's POV







My Hyomi unnie...






Somehow I felt warm. I slowly closed and opened my eyes. First thing I saw was oppa's face connected to mine.


"O-Oppa...?' I managed to say


My face flushed. I pushed him a away a little since I wasn't strong.


"O-OPPA!?" I suddenly gasped while blushing "W-WHAT..!?"


He just looked at me then smiled widely.


"Haneul!" he said as he hugged me


"O-Oppa...?" I stuttered


"Yes?" he replied happily


He's behaving like this again...


"Whats wrong?" I asked


He shook his head and smiled.


"Nothing" he answered with a chuckle


"Is that so" I replied, doubt in my voice


He just kept smiling.


"I should take you home" he said


I nodded.


He took my hand. I didn't protest and it seemed that he noticed so he held my hand tighter and lead the way home.







"Eh..." mom said when she saw oppa "Oh my...Lulu?"


Oppa warmly smiled and bowed after greeting her.


"It has been a long time, auntie" he said


"Yes it has" my mom replied with a gentle smile


They always did get along.


Oppa had dinner with us because mom insisted. They kept chatting. Mom kept asking how he's been these past three years. Oppa answered every question with a genuine smile, laughing so happily. It was very lively....like in the past.


But still, she was missing.


That thought made me lose my appetite. I excused myself and said I was tired. They both knew something was wrong, but knowing that I won't say anything, they went along with it.


I entered my room and opened the lights. I took a quick shower then laid in my bed. Every night I do the same routine. I look at the picture frame hanging on the wall. The picture included three people--- one beautiful girl who was 18 years old, one pretty boy who was 15 years old, and one messy looking girl who was 14 years old. It was us. It was us three years ago. The picture was taken when everything was still fine. When life was still full of happiness for oppa and me. That was three years ago.


I decided to close my eyes and drift to dreamland.





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Chapter 13: if you dun continue dis sheez... Chen id sei dun like you you have kris......
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Chapter 13: Update soon
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Chapter 13: Ur making Seihee blush! Adik adik adik adik!
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Chapter 13: Adik!!!
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Chapter 12: and nice picture!
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Chapter 12: what happened between the three of them?
what's wrong with them?
why Haneul react that way? *curious* >.>