
Portal of Life

The moment I lifted my face to look up at the sky, regret and pain filled me. My eyes stung, and I squatted down and tried to clear the pain away. After 2 minutes of blinking my eyes and getting teary-eyed, the pain subsided. "Thank goodness.." I mumbled. I thought maybe since I was soon to be 18 now, I wouldn't be that sensitive like how I was when younger, but I was wrong. I was still as sensitive as ever. My eyes are sensitive, my nose is sensitive, my ears are sensitive, heck, even my skin is sensitive. 

And because of that, I don't usually go out. But today is an exception.I just had the sudden feel and urge to roam about, even if it will hurt. So I did, and here I am, near a park. My eyes scanned the park. It was probably just like any other parks in Neolitan, but somehow, I have the feeling to go there. As if some force is attracting me. Since I get very bored easily as there isn't much to do, I usually let my curiousity get the better of me. Might as well anyway, because I seriously lack some fun and excitement in life.

So I went and sat on a bench by a wilted oak tree. There wasn't anybody there, just me, the wilted trees and flowers, old benches and rusted lamp posts. I remembered myself trying to water the plants and to revive them, but no such luck because this world that I'm living in is polluted and not much can be done to stop that. Plants and flowers still wilted and nobody cared. Except for me, that is. But me being the only one trying to help while the rest just never bothered doesn't help at all. I knew I couldn't stay for long, I needed to go home so I could at least breathe in fresher air. 

I looked around once more, trying to figure out why I had actually wanted to go there. Nothing seems out of place or even interesting. Everything is just normal and how just like how Neolitan was. I felt a little disappointed and I stood up. I was getting a little dizzy so I quickly called my driver to pick me up, and within minutes my driver arrived. In the car, I looked out the window and my eyes were glued to the park until I couldn't see it anymore.


 The very next day, I was there again, this time with sunglasses just in case. Again, I felt the urge to go there, and I did. What I saw was the same as the day before, wilted trees and old, wooden benches with rusted lamps. Nothing varied, but I just sat down. It was quiet, no one was there and I took some time to close my eyes and to cherish the peace and quiet. When I opened my eyes, however, I saw something moved from my peripheral vision. 

It was on my right, and I immediately turned my head, only to be met with someone. A boy. I hadn't heard him sitting down or even coming near me and it gaved me slight shudders. His eyes were closed and he had a small smile on his lips. There's always one thing I'd do around people, and that's scutinising them. Their appearance, their expressions and their every movement. I don't know why I do so, but I do and I didn't think it was wrong. 

And with that unknown boy beside me, I decided to examine him. I tried to do it in an unnoticeable way. It was easier because I was wearing dark shades. His face was pale, not in the unhealthy pale kind of way, but like papery white and soft. My hands itched to touch his soft face, but I held back. His nose was pointy, his cheekbones high and his eyelashes long and curly. My eyes landed on his lips and again there was that smile, and that amazed me slightly. How can he smile like that when this world is so corrupted? I can't find any reason to smile like him. 

I averted my eyes from his lips and saw that he had dimples. My mind was screaming because I found it so damn cute that he had dimples. Actually, I had come across some people who had dimples like him, but they were those money-hungry and egoistic people that I felt it was such a waste. I didn't bother about them, and I was glad I didn't. I looked at his hair; it was a soft shade of brown, and slighly curly. He smelt nice too. Then, a thought came across my mind. Papery white and soft skin. Stunning features. Graceful but quiet movements. 

Could he be a....vampire? 

I shook that thought off my mind. No, that wouldn't be it. But a tiny part of me believed he could possibly be one. I've read stories about vampires and I was actually intrigued. I turned to look at him again, forgetting to hide my attention. He somehow sensed my scrutiny and opened his eyes to look at me. His eyes were of a soft brown which seemed to melt me. He smiled and opened his mouth to speak. "Hi."

His voice was angelic, a voice so different from any that I've ever heard all my life. He looked warm and friendly, and I felt nice having him look at me like that. Like as if I was someone dear to him. I've never felt that way before, because no one really cared much about me. Their minds were all filled with greed, obscene and egoism. 

"Hi," I said in reply.
"I'm Yixing, Zhang Yixing." I was taken by surprise, because his name sounded so, so familiar. And that his name was so similar to mine. Is it a coincidence? If not, what? 

"Jiaxing. Zhang Jiaxing." I said, my voice like a whisper, because I was shocked. Our names sounded so similar. Like we're related or something. I knew the surname 'Zhang' wasn't common, and that's what makes me more puzzled. I've never seen him before, so what is it then? I was overwhelmed, and I stood up. "I'm sorry but I have to go," I said quickly. My driver was just opposite the road and I quickly got in the car. My heart was beating quickly. It was weird. I needed to think. 

That time, I didn't bother looking back at the park. I was scared, to be honest, and I didn't really like that. I frowned. Why were things suddenly so, so weird and different? Better than everyday boredom anyway, I thought. I heaved a sigh and I leaned back. I really needed to think and clear my mind. I decided that when I reached home, I would go take a shower, and then I'd lie down and think about things and maybe even do some research. 

Well, look at the bright side. At least I had something different to do, for once. 

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Chapter 1: uwauuuu cnt wait for the part where Lay shows up xD