You KnoW Me

You KnoW Me

-Chapter 11-

Clicks*clicks* Yunho wipes the gun clean. He looks at the gun an pionts it at the picture of him and Hyun jae. He set the gun down and went towards the picture. he picks up the frame and rubs his thumb on her picture. 

"I don't know if I can do this..." he said. Hyun jae on the other hand was ready to kill him. She sat in her room feeling nervous. Her fatehr walks in with a gun. He hands it to her.

"Appa..." she said. 

"Take'll need it." he said. Hyun jae nervously grabs on hold to the gun. She took a big breath.

"When?" she asks.

"What?" her father said.

"As soon as possible right?" she asks.

"Yes..." he respond. The next morning Hyun jae felt a bit stuffy. She decides to go for a walk. She went downstairs and saw Yong and her father talking. She ignored Yong and walks out the house.

"well I'll be leaving too then." Yong said and bow to her father. He follows Hyun jae out the house.

"Yah wait for me." he said. She stops and puts her hands on her waist. Hyun jae turns around and gave him the annoying face.

"Go away Yong." she said. Yong went towards her and grabs her arm.

"No." he said.

"Let go." she said.

"Why are you advoiding me? "he asks.

"I only agree to hang out with you that one day so stop bothering me." she said. 

"You sure you don't want to start over again?" he asks.

"No. I don't want to start over with you." she said. Hyun jae walks off. Meanwhile Yunho was busy senting Eun bi to college. He stops the car and opens the door for Eun bi. She walks out of the car and smiles at him.

"Bye miss." Yunho said.

"I said don't call me that..." she said. Yunho was silent. Eun bi embraces Yunho and lay a kiss on his cheeks.

"I'll see you later." she said. Yunho wipes his cheeks and got back in the. Now he's got nothing to do but to wait for Eun bi. Yunho starts up the car and went for a drive. Hyun jae went to a flower shop nearby to pay a visit.

"Hyun jae!" Hana said. Hyun jae waves and went towards her. 

"How's business?" Hyun jae asks.

"It's been great so far." she said.

"I though you're in France?" she asks.

"I did...But then I decide not to go for the fashion career anymore. I found what I really love to do instead of sewing clothes and designing." she said. Hyun jae look to her side and saw a bunch of red roses. She went towards them and smelt it. 

" smells fresh and beautiful." she said. Next to the red roses were the white ones. Yunho stops infront of the same flower shop. He went in to get some flowers fo Hei ryung since she loves the smell of orchids. Yunho walks in and Hana gave him a big smile.

"Yunho shi! welcome." she said. 

"Hana..." he said. Hyun jae turns around and saw Yunho. They both pause when they saw each other. Hana knows what's going on.

"I'll leave you two alone." she said.

"Why would you do that Hana. I don't know this man." Hyun jae said. 

"What?" Hana said. Yunho signal her to go. Hana left. Hyun jae crosses her arms.

"What do you think you're doing Mr. Yunho shi." she said.

"If you have something against me then tell me Miss Hyun jae." he said. 

"I heard about you from my father Yunho." she said. Yunho tilt his head. 

"You heard?" he asks.

"Yeah...I heard. The part that you kill my mother." she said. 

"Me killing your mother?..." he said.

"Yeah...And I will kill you too," she said. Yunho's eyes became teary. He smiles and nods.The woman that he loves doesn't remember him and hates him. Ever since the accident happened it has become nightmares for him. The time she protected him just so he can be safe. He still hated himself for that. 

"Let's see if you can. " he said.

"Tonight at 9 the kyungsung warehouse. I'll be waiting." she said. Yunho picks up a white rose and hands it to her with a sad smile. 

"what are you doing?" she asks. 

"Take it..." he said. Hyun jae took a step back.

"Are you trying to seduce me Mr. Yunho shi." she asks. Yunho took a step closer towards her with the white rose.

"Ahnyeo...This rose lies many memories." he said. 

"Stop talking nonsense." she said.

"Can you at least take it?" he asks. She grabs the rose and threw it to the ground. Yunho looks at the pitiful rose on the ground. He looks back up at her seeing that she doesn't like it. He turns around walks out of the shop. Hyun jae held  a fist.

"You stupid murder...What the f8ck is with this fricken rose anyways." she said. Hyun jae picks up the rose and the thorns pricks her finger. A pinch of blood drips. 

"Ahhh..." she said. Hyun jae her finger.  A slight pain hits her head.

"Ah! my head..." she said rubbing it. Hana walks in and saw Hyun jae on her knees rubbing her head like crazy. 

"Hyun jae!" she yells. Hana went up to Hyun jae and helps her up. 


*"It's white." she said.

"yeah." he reply.

"Why not red?" she asked.

"Red is love." she added.

"White is purity and Youthfullness." he said.

"There's no love in white." she said.

"But it means that I'll protect you and will be forever worthy of you." he said.*

That vision pops up in her head. She shook her head and blink a few times. 

"Are you okay Hyun jae?" Hana asks. Hyun jae nods her head yes. 

"Yeah...I'm just a bit light headed." she said. Hyun jae went towards the white rose on the ground and picks up it. 

"There's no love in white." she said.

"But it means that I'll protect you and will be forever worthy of you." he said.

That vision pops up in her head again. That day hyun jae went back home with the rose in her hand. She set it down on her bed. Hyun jae stares at the rose for a long period of time. 

"Protection...forever worthy." she said.


"Come in." she said. Her father walks in with a basket of fruits. He gave hands it to her.

"uh...Appa what's this for?" she asks.

"I'm not feeling well today. I need you to go to the hospital to give this to your aunt Kim for me." he said. 

"Right now?" Hyun jae asks.

"Yes Right now. Your aunt has been bothering me all day about senting in those fruits for her." he said.Hyun jae looks at the time and it says 5. 

"Araso..." she said. Hyun jae set out to the hospital. When she arrives at the hospital Hyun jae went towards her aunt's room.

Knocks knocks

"Come in." her aunt says. Hyunjae walks in.

"Hyun jae! did you bring it!!!!!!" she said.Hyun jae nods.

"Yeh..." she said giving her the baskets of fruits. Her aunt grabs the basket of fruits and chewed it down like an animal.

"OMFG...These apples are delicious." she said.

"Aunt slow it down your baby won't like it." she said. Her aunt stops and look at her huge stomach.

"You're right." she said smiling. Hyun jae grabs an orange and starts peeling it.

"Aunt..."Hyun jae asks.

"Umm" she responded. Hyun jae took a big breath.

"Tonight.Will be the nightmare of my life..." she said. Her aunt took a bite of her apple and flip a page of her book.

"Nightmare?" she said.

"Yeah...nightmare." she said. After a few minutes Hyun jae walks out of the room. She went towards the soda machine to get a drink.

"Oppa really!" A girls said. Hyung jae heard a familar voice and stops. She took a step back and looks into a room. She saw a little girl with a man. She couldn't see the man's face but only his back.

"Hei ryung while I'm gone...You can be a good girl and go through this surgery. Don't cry and eat alot. Oppa will always be watching over you." he said.

"Oppa what are you talking about you're just going to be going on a long trip right? to Europe!" she said. Yunho smiles and pet her head. A tear fell from his eyes.

"Yeah...After this surgery you'll be able to see again." he said.

"Oppa are you crying?" Hei ryung asks.

"Ahnyeo...I'm okay." he said. Hyun jae notice it was yunho. She hid behind the door. 

"So you have family too..." she said. 


Hello...I know it's been awhile...I swear is it just me or this story is kind of bad >_< But I'll finish what I start...I'll finish this story in the next chapter. I hope you readers enjoy this chapter. Please subscribe upvote maybe and comment. 

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minzyn #1
the ending was much better than i had expected!
i'm happy they got together! ^_^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 12: OMG!!! I was expecting this story to be dark as it related to mafia, gangs and so. But let me tell you. Your story did take me by surprise. It was good and so cute... Though I felt the last chapter was kind of rushed, I still like the story on the whole. A cute story with a nice ending ^^
Queenieki #3
Chapter 12: aww how cute, it was a nice story with a happy ending yay!