Twin Souls ~ I Fall In Love With You


soulmate or soul mate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinityloveintimacyualityspirituality, and/or compatibility. A related concept is that of the twin flame or twin soul – which is thought to be the ultimate soulmate, the one and only other half of one's soul, for which all souls are driven to find and join. 



'Primeval man could walk upright as men now do, backwards or forwards as he pleased, and he could also roll over and over at a great pace, turning on his four hands and four feet, eight in all, like tumblers going over and over with their legs in the air; this was when he wanted to run fast …Terrible was their might and strength, and the thoughts of their hearts were great, and they made an attack upon the gods ... Doubt reigned in the celestial councils. Should they kill them and annihilate the race with thunderbolts, as they had done the giants, then there would be an end of the sacrifices and worship which men offered to them; but, on the other hand, the gods could not suffer their insolence to be unrestrained. At last, after a good deal of reflection, Zeus discovered a way. He said: 'I have a plan which will humble their pride and improve their manners; men shall continue to exist, but I will cut them in two and then they will be diminished in strength and increased in numbers; this will have the advantage of making them more profitable to us. They shall walk upright on two legs, and if they continue insolent and will not be quiet, I will split them again and they shall hop about on a single leg.'
—Aristophanes, Plato’s Symposium


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Chapter 1: Interesting story. I like the idea of soul mates perhaps being split into three as proposed in this fic and the story itself was both sweet and bitter in equal measure. Some of the tense changes were awkward for me since I didn't always know if it was present tense or past so that was a little troubling, and the spelling made me think a couple times, but overall, the story itself propels the reader along fairly well.

I was expecting some sort of tragedy though what actually ended up happening was new for me. Though I feel bad for Onew in that he still carries this survivor guilt with him. Their being together feels a bit strange to me since I missed the part where they become more than friends but it does work. Though in her position, it's hard to be sure who she would be in love with in that scenario: Onew or simply the memory of the one whose heart he carries. I think that is perhaps one of the cruelest parts of this story in that no matter what he does, his love may always be somewhat one sided. Hmm.

The emotion is present though and you do well enough in giving us what the characters feel. They also feel believable and are generally people I can envision. Granted, Amber going to school to become a doctor is believable too, if a bit long term. I was a little bit confused about whether they actually got married or not. And if so, why they wouldn't ask her about the donor thing. But that's just me. haha

It did provide an interesting read though. Thank you for sharing and I hope your writing is coming along as well.
Chapter 1: TT.TT sad story... but I love it.. HUWAAAAA.. X(
sleepylips #3
The last sentence broke my heart!!! T_T
I love Onew! I hope Amber would start loving him as him, not as someone who hold Xander's heart
Thank you for changing the font so I can read I'm such a burdensome. Amber plz love him as he is...
sleepylips #4
is this fic about onew and amber?? Oh, Onew is warming my heart lately!
I wanted to read this fic so bad, but i have bad vision with orange and gray :( so it makes it straining to read ur story lol
hasnaini99 #5
Onew..please take good care of Amber..
I liked it! ^-^
awwww...its so sad and fave member of ukiss..n 2nd bias from shinee...
kim_eugene #8
wow like your story.I cried when i read xander's letter good job!
serenity017 #9
wow wat a great story<br />
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thanks for posting....<br />
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hope u write another when you do (if i can make a request If possible can it be a minber pairing, it really hard to find a fic with <br />
amber and minho pairing.....keke<br />
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anyways thanks again