The Whole Day

The Whole Day

You woke up feeling hot and sweaty with the covers stuck to your skin. You sighed as you attempted to roll over and get out of bed to turn off the heating when you realised you were being restricted by an arm that was wrapped around your waist. Yoongi must have come home after you’d gone to sleep. He was currently snuggled up to you, not an inch between the two of you and though you weren’t exactly complaining about the amount of skinship it was getting unbearably hot.

You laid there for a while, watching him sleep as creepy as it sounded. Sometimes you still couldn’t believe you were lucky enough to have someone as beautiful and wonderful as him. You lightly began tracing his features, from his rosy lips to his beautiful cat-like eyes, admiring the work of art that he truly was. As time passed you snuggled in closer to Yoongi, about to go back to sleep in his arms when you accidently looked at the alarm clock. It was already past 2pm and you were still lying in bed wasting your day! You wanted to take advantage of the limited time you had with Yoongi since he had a full schedule for the next couple of weeks.

So you decided to poke him until he woke up. You poked his chest and his belly and his arms and his face and you even poked his legs while telling him how important it was to get up and how much you wanted to spend the day in the park with him. However he would just groan and grumble and tell you to stop bothering him. He mumbled about how the bed was much more beautiful than the park and also more comfortable which caused you to giggle but you didn’t stop trying to get his lazy behind out of bed.

Finally his grumbling stopped and you thought he was getting up but he just proceeded to roll slightly away from you. You giggled at his behaviour and rolled after him, continuing to poke him which continued until he had reached the end of the bed but instead of getting up like you though he would he rolled backwards right on top of you and began tickling you. You laughed and giggled and even snorted but he didn’t stop tickling you until you started crying from laughing. You exhaled heavily and wrapped your arms around him, basking in the touch of his arms as he settled his head in the crook of your neck and began kissing your skin.

His lips moved lazily down your neck until he had reached your collarbone. You moaned quietly and titled your neck sideways; giving him the access he wanted. You could feel his smirk on your skin but at that moment you didn’t care. He carried on kissing his way down your body until he met the very edge of your skimpy pyjama top. You held your breath and waited for the touch you were craving when he simply stopped and got off of you. You made a disappointed noise that was somewhere between a groan and a hiss which caused him to chuckle at you.

“Didn’t you say something about me getting up and enjoying the day before it was over?” he asked you cheekily. He knew that right now that was the last thing on your mind but he enjoyed toying with you. Normally you wouldn’t really give in since you were too proud and stubborn but you hadn’t realised how much you had missed Yoongi’s touch. He looked heavenly the way he was right now with his tousled bed hair and his deep and gravely morning voice. You could go out later.

“Oppa I don’t want to go out. I want to stay in bed with you…. for the whole day…” you said in a cute voice, though making sure he knew exactly what you meant with the look you were giving him. Your aegyo plus the invitation you were giving him were too much to deny and he leaned back down with a chuckle to continue right where he’d left off.

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Chapter 1: Awww min yoongi
Chapter 1: I my bed. like now. /slapped
Lol, okay maybe, Taehyung, but something 'sweet' works too xD
I wouldn't mind staying in bed with Suga for the whole day though. :P
taekook #4
Chapter 1: This needs a continuation so badly.
taekook #5
Ahhhh cuteee xD I can imagine myself in bed all day with him bc im just as lazy omg