Chapter 3

Assumed Trollop


Kyungsoo knows that something bad is going to happen. The intuition one feels before something disastrous is going to take place is creeping in his skin and looming above his head. There’s something about the wind not blowing its normal direction that has Kyungsoo thinking that the day is doomed.


So far, the usual greeting of name-calling he still receives, that puts him somehow at ease because he might be wrong about his intuition. He goes to his locker and gets the books that he needs for his first class.


He sits in class and waits for it to start. Being the model student that he is, he’s always five to ten minutes early than others. When most students prefer to spend their remaining time in the hallways, Kyungsoo on the other hand goes straight to his classroom once he’s gotten the books he require. He doesn’t have anyone to hang out with anyway unlike in SHS.


The first bell rings and students are starting to join him in the room. The bell for the morning announcement chimes, making the teacher to command students into their seats to listen to the important broadcast. However, the voice that fills the air surprises everyone. Well, not really, considering that Jessica has pulled off the same stunt when she announced about Kyungsoo’s untrue reputation. Students are ridiculously allowed to mess with the campus announcements like that.


“Good morning fellow students,” Yifan’s voice resonates in the room and the students cheer because they are not about to listen to some boring announcement.


Kyungsoo only sighs in disinterest. If Yifan is making the morning announcements then that can only mean nothing of importance and has nothing to do with him. The bully has lost interest in tormenting him since he stopped fighting against them. Therefore, Yifan’s action can’t be something related to him, can it? Yifan hasn’t bothered him for a few days already; he can’t just pick up and continue where he left off.


“I just want to let you all know that I’m in love,” Yifan continues with the announcement. Kyungsoo has to cover his ears when his female classmates squeal at what they heard. “You see, I never thought that I would be in love with this person. He has made me realize that fate has brought us together. So, Do Kyungsoo, if you’re listening, I am in love with you.”


Yifan broadcasts his mobile number and tells Kyungsoo to call him but Kyungsoo has already lost his sanity. His female classmates have actually written Yifan’s number down for their own benefit but Kyungsoo can’t give a what they do. Has Wu Yifan gone senile? What exactly is he thinking?


It makes him boil in rage. It could be Yifan’s other way of embarrassing him by doing a love confession because he cannot, for the life of him, know how Wu Yifan could be in love with him.


Kyungsoo receives mixed reactions from his classmates and just basically all of the students regarding the morning announcements from Yifan. Some are dreamily congratulating him for landing the heartthrob. But most of them are raging with envy that someone like him, a from the rival school, has snatched Wu Yifan’s heart.


To be honest, he doesn’t care about the attention suddenly thrown at him because of Yifan’s confession. He doesn’t even care that people hate him more than they already have. What bothers him is the underlying motive of Yifan’s action. He is sure that the dragon lord, or whatever he is called, didn’t do that without a hidden agenda.


Lunch comes and Kyungsoo is not in the mood to face everything, everyone, especially the certain someone who confessed to him over the morning announcements. He can’t deal with all of it as of the moment because he thinks that he might do something he will regret once he sees Yifan’s smug face.




“Are you avoiding me?” Yifan asks when he is finally able to corner Kyungsoo.


“Of course I am, can’t you take a hint?” Kyungsoo snaps back, making the students who pass by look in their direction. Kyungsoo can hear them either squealing in delight or whispering in disgust.


“Is this how you treat someone who loves you?” Yifan asks in feigned distress.


“Oh come on, Yifan. You are not in love with me. You are just doing this to feed your insatiable need to embarrass me.”


“What? Why would you say that?”


“This is not ‘Boys Over Flowers’, Yifan. You are not Gu Junpyo and I am certainly not Geum ing Jandi!” Kyungsoo barks and storms away from Yifan.


The older male laughs hysterically like a sea lion in a show, slapping his knees and almost falling to the ground. He could kiss Sehun and Tao for suggesting that he fake-pursues the SHS because it’s the most fun he has had in a long time. Riling Kyungsoo up and frustrating the hell out of him amuses Yifan to no end.




“Oh no, he didn’t! Oh my god, I’m gonna kill you Wu Yifan!” Kyungsoo mutters under his breath as he takes in the sight of Yifan holding on to a bouquet of white roses, obviously waiting for him at his locker. He tries to relax and tell himself to just ignore the boy.


Kyungsoo really thought that he made it clear to Yifan the day before that he is not some actor starring in an overly cheesy and most definitely cringe-worthy, sappy K-Drama. Apparently, his message didn’t reach Yifan’s empty brain because the elder is still keeping up with courting him.


“Good morning, my love,” Yifan greets which of course makes every student’s attention turn to them. “I waited for your call last night. I think I clearly announced my phone number in yesterday’s morning announcement. Did you not write it down? I’ll give it to you right now.”


“I don’t have a phone,” Kyungsoo deadpans, ignoring Yifan as much as possible and speedily acquires the books he needs from his locker so he can be gone and away from Yifan as soon as possible.


“Baby, why are you lying like this? Everyone has a phone in this day and age. You’re hurting my feelings.”


“First of all, I am NOT your baby. And secondly, I don’t give a if your feelings are hurt. Lastly, I am not a liar. I don’t have a phone because I don’t need it.”


“Okay, okay, I believe you, baby,” Yifan enunciates the ‘baby’ part to tease Kyungsoo. “Here,” Yifan continues and hands Kyungsoo the bouquet of flowers.


“And you seriously believe I’m going to accept that?” Kyungsoo inquires incredulously.


“Well, why not? They’re pretty. But not as pretty as you of course.”


Kyungsoo gags at the preposterousness of the statement. He wants to laugh because it’s just absurd that the words came from Yifan’s mouth. It actually doesn’t suit the taller male. Words of praise just doesn’t come out of that nasty mouth, it just doesn’t.


“Oh, look! I think the Principal is looking for you,” Kyungsoo announces and makes a run for it when Yifan is distracted. The Principal is actually not looking for Yifan, well, he is not even there to begin with. Kyungsoo just made it up so he can escape the teasing devil that is Wu Yifan.


Kyungsoo successfully evades having to meet Yifan. He doesn’t take his lunch in the cafeteria and has chosen to eat under a shade of a tree. While munching on his food, he sees a boy approaching him but the boy doesn’t seem to notice that he is there. The boy is surprised when he realizes that someone else is taking shelter under the tree. His eyes widen in shock and Kyungsoo comprehends that the boy has recognized him, most probably because of his assumed bad character.


“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize someone’s already here,” the boy apologizes and turns around to leave.


“Wait,” Kyungsoo stops him, “you don’t have to leave. Are you going to eat your lunch here too? There’s enough room for both of us.”


The boy hesitates and Kyungsoo understands why he is. Who would want to be seen with the SHS in the first place? He may get in trouble just by being seen with him. “It’s okay. I understand. I’ll leave then,” Kyungsoo says dejectedly and stands from where he’s seated comfortably.


“No, you don’t have to leave. We can share the spot,” the boy says, stopping Kyungsoo from further moving. He sits a foot away from where Kyungsoo is and proceeds to opening his lunchbox. “And it’s not because I don’t want to be seen with you. It’s because you wouldn’t want to be seen with me. It would mean trouble for you.”


Kyungsoo is confused by the boy’s explanation. Between the two of them, he is pretty sure that his school status is far more degrading than the boy’s. “You don’t have to worry about that. I couldn’t be in more trouble than I already am right now,” Kyungsoo appeases, smiling at the boy but the latter isn’t even looking at him. “I’m Do Kyungsoo, by the way.”


“Yeah, I know who you are,” the boy fills in and Kyungsoo isn’t surprised at all. It should be a given that every student in the school knows who he is. “My name is Sandeul, Lee Sandeul.”


“Nice to meet you, Lee Sandeul,” Kyungsoo chirps and this time Sandeul turns to him with the look of disbelief on his face.


Sandeul finishes his lunch first and stands up to leave without even saying goodbye to Kyungsoo. The latter just watches as Sandeul strides back into the building, leaving Kyungsoo to be curious about him.




“Yifan hyung, isn’t that Kim Jongin?” Sehun informs and nods to the direction of the school gate.


Yifan follows Sehun’s gaze and sees Jongin just right outside the main school gate. It isn’t really hard to spot Jongin because his SHS uniform is a stand-out in a crowd. The girls that pass by can’t hide their admiration for the handsome boy although he is wearing their rival school’s uniform. It looks like Jongin is waiting for someone from their school by the way he leans casually against his car and the way he focuses on every person that goes through the gate.


Yifan knows Jongin through basketball. Every year, they meet for the national basketball title which is participated by different schools all over Korea. Although KIS has always won, it doesn’t mean that SHS hasn’t put up a good fight. And knowing the rivalry of their schools, it can’t be helped that the stars of basketball teams are automatically rivals as well.


“What is he doing here?” Yifan mutters and treads swiftly to Jongin’s direction, Sehun and Tao tailing after him. However, he is halted by someone who bumps his shoulder and walks past him without even stopping to apologize. Yifan is flabbergasted. Nobody gets away with bumping him let alone not apologize for it.


He would have stopped the one who bumped into him but the boy is running as if some emergency has occurred. He recognizes the boy to be Kyungsoo and Yifan is befuddled as to what would make his fake-love so occupied that he doesn’t even realize he has bumped into someone. But Yifan’s puzzlement is finally answered when he sees Kyungsoo run to Jongin and trap the latter in a protective hug. Jongin reciprocates Kyungsoo embrace by holding on tightly onto the smaller boy and somehow that makes Yifan uneasy.




To be continued….






Noona’s Notes:

It’s been a long wait again, right? Sorry about that. But what really surprised me is getting more than 200 subbies for this when it’s only in its second chapter. That is just unbelievable! Not that I’m complaining or anything. I’m just in awe that that this could reach that many subbies. Anyway, see you next time!

Cheerios! sunskyivee

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Kawaiido19 #1
please update
Chapter 9: Why did u do this to me... Finish the storyyy please... :( why? Why? Why?
Chapter 8: I always got the " strong feeling " from ur story...
Always support u to continue or write another one..
Chapter 9: How do we find your updates on twitter?
Chapter 9: Noona... will you update this ??? Or did you post the update on twitter ???
Death-Sea #6
Chapter 8: OMG!
I've been waiting for this chap for so long.
Plz update soon. I hope your computer will get fixed soon.
Take care unnie.
gggysoo_ #7
Chapter 9: Omg you're from the Philippines?! *I stalked your twitter btw that's why I know haha*
Angelpat #8
T-araFans #9
Chapter 9: OMG!!! But it's okay I will wait
Sorry for always for an update TT