〈 マジすか?ᐧ M A J I S U K A 〉⋮ halt


マジすか? ᐧ M A J I S U K A
Pleated uniforms, neatly brushed hair, and innocent minds make up the face of Taido All-Girls School. But you should never judge a book by its cover. Ravaged halls, blood stains, and commotion fill up the school, and these girls would rather hit the faces of random classmates then hit the books to study. The numerous gangs and clans of the school lead the institution, with the most powerful three (Senshi, Heiki, and Kuroi) on top. They rule with an iron fist, and have been for many years. Even before some of their own mother’s walked down the same hallways. On the other hand, neat uniforms, charismatic personalities, and hardworking boys make up Seikou All-Boys School. It is the epitome of your typical prestigious private school with golden gates and the pride of Yokohama. When the two principals decided to merge the two schools, it causes outrage between the girls of Taido. For the boys, they expected cute girls, short skirts, and potential girlfriends. For the girls, it was another challenge added to their ongoing battles, and they have no choice but to put their battles aside and do something about it. Its a girls rule, boys drool type of situation, and these girls won’t let the boys treat them like their dolls. It’s time to put their heads together and get serious.
title: マジすか? ᐧ M A J I S U K A
authors: sehunnit and thranduil
genre: pg-13 up to tba.
inspired by: majisuka gakuen 1-3
warninglots of swearing, fighting, and may contain a lot of ual humor i guess.
001. subscribe and upvotes are loved but not manadatory.
002. oshima yuko & matsui rena are taken as visuals.
003. the amount of girls we're choosing depends on how many applicants we get.
004. love interests can only be from any group, they can be actors as well! 
005. if chosen, comment regularly and there is a pw.


we literally never bring back fics after we kill it off. so you know this will be serious. please anticipate this and yea!! this fic is back and better than before, and we really worked hard on it. we will also try our best to not kill it off again he. also please do no plagiarize out idea!  as in having the same story and changing minor things like names and such = m =
2k14 best comeback. we're bringing majisuka back and it's going to be hella awesome, even better than last time. we're really sorry for killing it off last time we wont disappoint. well maybe


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I freaking will apply for this. HURGH.
The story seems do interesting. Dx
screams this is so beautiful i love this so much its givin me life
it reminds me of japanese pinky films from the 70s and those are literally my favorite thing ;u;
uhm so do we have to use jap visuals or?