This is Not THAT Story


You know those cute little stories where the girl meets the cute guy and suddenly everything in her world revolves around him and their relationship? Well, this is not one of those. This is the story of me finding my sister, Lee Minsung. She ran away 2 years ago, the morning after my 14th birthday. I have my guesses as to why and where she ran, but I just want to see her and know for sure because the thing is.... people think she ran away after killing Byun Baeksoo, her now dead boyfriend. And so after turning 16, I will embark on an epic summer adventure to go find her. And if I happen to need the help of Baeksoo's super cute brother, then so be it. But remember, this story is about me and my sister, not my love life.


Baekhyun opened the door and his smile disappeared the second he saw me standing on his doorstep. A little disheartening, considering how he's usually a cheerful, somewhat flirty guy, but I guess I can't say I didn't expect it. We haven't talked since that day.


"Why are you here? If it's to finally apologize about what your sister did to our family, then forget it. It's two years too late."


"Um, well that would be something I would have done two years ago, if my sister actually killed your brother. But she didn't. Because she loved him, you know. They were dating for like over two years." He rolled his eyes and started to close the door. "Wait! Wait, ok so I just need your help. I'm going to find my sister. Ok? You're going to help me find her, and when we do, she's going to tell us what actually happened to your brother. So yeah, I get my sister, and you get closure. It's a win-win. Are you in?"


He opened the door again and looked at me skeptically. I looked back at him, hopefully looking completely serious. I mean I was TOTALLY serious, but my 14 year old looking self usually doesn't look like the face of a 16 year old who is desperate to find her sister. It felt like eons before he finally said something.


"So I help you find your devil sister, she confesses to murder, and I get to say I helped catch a killer. That’ll be a fun story to tell when teachers ask about my summer. Sounds great, when do we leave?"




Author's note: This story is inspired by a cheesy teen romance book that I read a few years ago and for the life of me, I can't remember the author or title. I'd recognize it if I saw it, but otherwise I just don't know. If anybody happens to see the resemblence and can tell me the book then PLEASE DO omg but otherwise I hope you guys like this story!! ^^



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Chapter 20: that is so cuuute!!
I really liked the story and I enjoyed reading it
thank you for sharing with us :)
off to the sequel
autumn_leaf #2
Thankyou so much for writing this~ I remember reading this before I even made an account with my friends :) I hope it's okay to recommend this fic (and the sequel!), but if it's not please just contact me and I'll take it down immediately :)
Link here -->
It's such a long time ago, I'm not even sure if you're active anymore >.< But I loved the storyline and how relatable? the OC way of thinking is? Basically the way you write is very easy to read and picture as well.. ALSO THE FACT THE SEQUELS IN BAEKS POV Thankyou again~
- Q >.<
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 20: It's so cute, and really unexpected!

I really enjoyed it!

Great job authornim :D :D
Chapter 20: i swear this should have a movie adaptation!! i laughed cried and just died at baek's fluff totally dae to the bak! loved it so much :) but kookie ;n; i mean 3 deaths too much to handle :c but i really loved it! thank you!
-Kpop_is_my_style- #6
Chapter 16: I TOTALLY KNEW IT!! 0o0
Poor Baekkie... ;(

Have I already told you I love this story? Lol. Oh well, I think this is one of my favorites!

Keep up the great work!!!
- anticipating the chapters to come -

Kpop_luver_4ever #7
Chapter 16: lol, i kind of knew it was Jungkook.

I really like, no love this story... keep it up author!! ○(^_^)○
Chapter 16: WHAT?!? Your not trolling right authornim? Ughhh but anyways Minah! Can't you see that baek likes scratch that loves you!!!

I really love how this story is going.

Baekhyun is too adorable ㅠㅅㅠ (his cousin though)
OliviaChristie-- #9
Chapter 14: Jeng jeng jeng !! What's going to happen in Busan !! GAAAHHH I LOVE YOUR STORY , THE PLOT EVERYTHING !!