Some Sort of God


Cho Kyuhyun was not happy in his life.

So he decided he wanted to be dead for the rest of it.



What am I doing.

It's a Vampire!AU KyuMin one-shot which can possibly be continued in the future, but the story will be marked complete just so I don't keep you guys waiting like I do with my two other fics. Sorry not sorry. I really hope this will help me get back to writing and finish the damn chapters for my EunHae and Medieval!AU ficks. Keep your fingers crossed, guys :) And remember, your comments make me happier than anything :)

Now, warnings for this one: Angst. Mentions of blood and murders. Broken!SeoKyu (is this a legitimate name for the pairing?) Mentions of Vampire!SuJu-M, but only Sungmin appears in here. If it is continued, there'll be some romance, no lovey-dovey stuff for now, however.

With loads of love,



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hanie1 #1
Chapter 1: Oh pretty please a sequel! I really would like to see what happens to Kyu.
xiangyun98 #2
Chapter 1: I can't shake off the feeling that Kyuhyun made some real bad decision here... Is he going to regret it? like it? hate it? YOU WILL SEE IN THE NEXT EPISODE, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!

kkk, yeah lol. I liked it, even though I usually don't open vampire!AUs anymore cuz I got kinda sorta sick of them. But it was yours and I haven't read anything from you in ages and I had to read it <3

Basically, the point is, I want more. If you, you know, feel like it. Because if you don't then... well, nope, I still want more xD

Luv ya~
Chapter 1: 100% need a sequel, I really wanna know if kyuhyun enjoy his life as vampire or not
kyuwannadance #5
Chapter 1: Dont leave this hangingggg~ its a good storyy
Chapter 1: ohh sequel pls pls pls this is so good! :D
its so good seriously!
i love this.
please make sequel this is will really intersting ;A;
ladyrapunzel08 #8
Chapter 1: i liiiikkkkkkeeeee iiiittttttt!!!!!!!!!! you muuuuusssstttt maaake iiiitttt a multi-chaptered!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: this is nice story
i need more ;A;
sayasayangtodae #10
Chapter 1: I hope u continue with a sequel.. I m quite curious what wil happen to kyu