We'll Be Counting Stars




And we'll touch them, one by one, connecting them to draw an illusionary picture. 
They're beautiful, just like you, brightening up the darkness in my life. 
I want to hold you whenever we go seek them, and share our love under the beauty.
But little did I know that you'd go and join them so fast....








Haha! I bet y'all are wondering like "heyy, you're updating wayy too much. Work on your other stories! >:("
You're right, probably. But These are actually stories that I had partly written but never finished and has been abandoned in my writing folder. But now that I'm on spring break, I actually have time to map it all back out again and finish them! *applauds self* but anyways, here's one of them! Enjoy!

(And just to those who are curious, no this story is not related to One Republic's song Counting Stars)




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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 2: My Kyusung Heart is broken :(
390 streak #2
Chapter 2: You do like torturing us with this kind of ending T^T
It hurts. It really does.
Cenya14 #4
Chapter 2: its so sad, love the whole thing
Chapter 2: Love it ... heart breaking ㅠㅠ
Chapter 2: How could you do that?! This makes me so sad.
But such a great story; poor Kyu-Kyu though.
Chapter 2: Why......why did you do that.....T^T
Chapter 2: This.... waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~!!! *sobs* I... I... waaaaa!!! T____T
This is beautifully written atuhor-nim! T___T
I really got absorbed by this. T___T

thumbs up! *wipes my tears*
Chapter 2: Oh my god this is so sad...... I think i need to read a comedy right now because my heart felt so hurt.....