2: The Bracelet

Bamboo Garden
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I wasn't even fully awake when Donghae burst into my room at the crack of dawn one morning.

"Where is my bracelet?" he demanded.


"My bracelet!  Where is it?!  I left it on the bathroom sink before I left for Paris last week, and now it's gone.  What did you do with it?"

"I didn't touch any of your stuff, let alone a bracelet."  I rolled over, buried my face in my pillow, and prayed he would go away.

"You must have touched it because it's gone and I want it back now."  There was a thud and I pictured him stomping his foot.

I groaned and sat up.  "Calm the down, it's just a bracelet and I'm telling you I didn't touch the damn thing!  Now get out of my room so I can get some sleep."

"No, I'm not letting this go.  That bracelet is important to me.  I know I shouldn't have left it, it was a mistake.  If you moved it, it's fine, just tell me where it is!"

"How many times do I have to tell you I didn't move your stupid bracelet?!"  Donghae growled at me and started going through my drawers.  "Hey!  What are you doing?!  If I told you I don't have your bracelet it's because I literally do not have your bracelet!  If I had it I would tell you.  Why would I lie?  Get the out of my dresser!"

Donghae was shaking out my clothes before tossing them on the floor and moving on to the next drawer.  "Maybe you just don't know you have it, but I know you do.  You're a ing loner that never invites anyone over, so nobody else could have taken it.  You have it somewhere."

"You've been gone for a week and that whole time I don't remember ever seeing any damn bracelet.  You must have taken it with you.  Maybe you left it in Paris."

"I didn't take it to Paris!  I left it by the sink!  How many times do I have to tell you?!  It was there and now it's gone.  I didn't move it, so that only leaves you!"

"God, you're so ing annoying.  It's just a bracelet!  Buy a new one and keep a better eye on your crap!"

"I can't buy a new one.  My mom gave it to me, it's irreplaceable."

"Oh."  I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat on the edge of my bed.  I could forgive him for being a if he was upset about losing an irreplaceable keepsake.  "You're sure you left it on the sink?  Maybe it fell down the drain?"

"Nah, I've dropped it before and the links are too big to fit down the drain."

"Well if you've dropped it once..."

"God damn it Hyukjae, it was there.  I'm telling you I left it on the sink!"

"Okay, fine.  Maybe someone, not me, picked it up.  I don't remember anyone coming by, but maybe maintenance came while we were out.  We'll ask security to check the tapes."

"Why would someone break in only to steal my bracelet?  That doesn't make sense."

"It makes as much sense as anything else right now.  Do you want me to help or not?"


"Good, now get the out so I can get dressed and we'll go talk to security."

15 minutes later Donghae and I were in the stuffy security room of our apartment complex fast forwarding through elevator tapes of everyone that came and went from the 12th floor that week.  It took less than 5 minutes and we found what we were looking for on the very first tape.  The morning Donghae left for Paris I went into work early.  While we were gone a too familiar person let himself into the apartment.

"Who is that?  He doesn't look like maintenance."

"It's Sungmin," I said softly.

"Your boyfriend?"

The two security guards in the room traded looks.  I ignored them.  I was used to getting dirty looks when people found out I was gay.  "Yes, my ex-boyfriend."

"He's cute."  I glared at Donghae before turning my attention back to the screen.  Sungmin was only in the apartment for about 20 minutes before leaving with a box of belongings.

"He probably just picked it up on accident.  I'll talk to him and get it back," I said.

"Today?"  Donghae's voice was full of hope, but also impatience.

"Yeah, whatever."  I left Donghae and walked out of the security office.  The last thing I wanted to do was talk to S

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Thank you to everyone that has given Bamboo Garden (and our boys) so much love over the years, and welcome to all the new readers that just discovered this crazy little story. I only wish AFF would have waited a few more days and featured this on EunHae Day! lol


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165 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 20: Hello!! I'm here again for the fun of it! 😊
I need some happiness in my life 😂
Lavender05 #2
Chapter 19: One of my faves 💙💙
1455 streak #3
Chapter 20: Done w this today ^^ feels good after reading this again ;)
1455 streak #4
I think i've this during my early days here on aff but gonna read this again tonight 😁
Chapter 20: Done reading I like the story.Two crackheads fallin inlove. I love how their relationship start from strangers with different personalities and insecurities become friends to lovers who understand what each other needs and wants in their relationship to complete each other.Thank you for this story😊
Chapter 1: 1st chapter and its already interesting 😅. Go Tiger get that bunny😂
Chapter 20: kyaaaa how sweet, i truly loved this. It was so cute and endearing to see their relationship develop into love. Furthermore their personalities were awesome imo and reflected a much real life eunhae bickering endlessly as they usually do. This was great and a cute, sweet masterpiece. Thanks for writing!
Yuzinn #8
I loved this so much >< Thank you for this master piece
can u please fix the pdf upload??? It seems like it was deleted.
Rinz1976 #9
I really love this story...I keep on re-reading it.
LeeLenaMx #10
Chapter 19: I loved this story… Hae character is so sweet and funny and perfect. I reread this story and I enjoyed again. Thanks for sharing this story!