

After half a day of learning, finally school has over. You walked towards your parents café shop. You always go there because your house just near the place. Your parents don’t want you to stress from all the school stuffed, so they didn’t asked you to helped them because there are workers there. You sits at a table beside the window and started to do your homework. The bell at the door started to jiggle indicating a customer came in. you glance at your watch, it was the time that boy always came to the café shop. You looked up from your books and saw him walking to the counter and order the same thing everyday, a caramel macchiato.

It’s a been a weeks now since you first saw him and you still don’t know his name because you were to shy to greet him. But it was different that day because he stopped by the door and smile to you before he go out from your shop. Your swear your cheeks is getting warmer from the smiling.

The next morning came, you greeted the day happily in hoping you can see him again after school even if it was only you were looking at him. You arrive to you classroom and greet you classmate. You not all nerd, people still friendly with you even the school popular kids still treat you well.

“good morning class “ your homeroom teacher started after she came in. you and your classmate greeted her back.

“today we have a new student that will joined us” everyone started howling and giggling, you just smile seeing your classmate and friends behavior, you never take notices of new student before and you didn’t know why you are eager to see this new kids that will be joining you.

“ calm down class, his name is jeonjungguk and please treat him well” the boy name jungguk stepped inside the class, you heart has come to a stop. *umma!appa! I’m dying!! Hahahaa.Just kidding, so his name is jungguk. Does he have to be in a same class as me?* you train of thought were disturbed when your homeroom teacher call.

“n-naesongsaeng-nim” you saw that jungguk boy smile from the teacher side, why is he smiling? Does he recognize me?

“jungguk, you can sits next ________ there and _________ please show him around school, you can pick up the pass after this. That’s all for now” the teacher said and left the classed. Jungguk slowly walk towards the empty table besides you.

“nice to meet you ________. I hope we can be friends ” he said and showed you the smile that you wants to see all day.

“ nice to meet you too and we can be friends. Let’s go to the office and take the pass. I’ll show you around school. You and him walked towards the teacher office and took the pass. You show him every place that you can think off. Even the school haunted room, you really hated paranormal stuuf but you need to show him the room. Jungguk or jungkook what he like being call smile when he looked at your serious face explaining about the haunted room.

Just you about to turn around. You heard a woman cry from inside the room. Class is still in session and there no way someone can get inside the room because it was locked. Jungkook can see the tears that threat to fall, he also heard it too. Even though he was also scared but he need to take care of you, he quickly pulled you by the wrist and run as fast as he can.

You and him finally ended up on the school rooftop with both of you panting hard. Your tears that you didn’t know that you been holding finally came rolling down. Jungkook sits beside you and pulled you in his arm. He patted your back to calmed you down.

“it’s okay now ________. I’m here, I will not leave you. Stop crying ok.” He said and patted your head.

You slowly let go of his jacket that you been holding the times you been crying. You cries finally slow down and all theres left was a muffle sob.

“i-I’m sorry t-that I ruined y-your first d-day in s-school jungkook” he smile and wiped your tears with his thumb.

“you didn’t ruined anything. It was a great first day that I ever had. I can’t wait to see what I will be experience tomorrow with you” you blushed at his words. He wants to spend another day with you. It was a comfortable feeling with him beside you.

“you still wants to hang out with me?” you said still not believing him.

“I told you that I will not leave you right? Of course I want to hangout with you. Let’s go to the cafeteria, it was recess already” he said and give you his sweet smile. He get up from besides you and put his hands in  front of you, signaling you to hold his hand. You gently hold his hands and get up from the floor. He interwined his hands with yours. Your cheeks is getting more redder by the second. He stopped infront of the rooftop door and looked at you.

“there’s something I want to tellyou, I been holding this for a month now. I really like you since the first time I saw you at the café. You have struck my heart with your smile, you might thinked I’m crazy but I really do like you. You’re the reasons i accept my parents offer to change to this school. If you can’t except my feeling, I hope can still be friends” he said with a sincerity flashed in his eyes. You really cant believe that the person that you like, like you back.

“I like you too jungkook. I been looking at you every time you came to the café. I never thought you like me too. I accept your feeling jungkook” he grinned widely when you finished your words, he leaned forward and crash his lips with yours. You blushed madly when he pull away from you, he smile and pulled you towards the school cafeteria. you can’t help but feel happy with what just happen. The boy that have a crushed all this time also like you. School can’t get better than that.

hope you enjoy girl amd pplease don't kill me you

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Kwang-Sun #1
Chapter 1: Aww!!. I totally imagining Jungkook doing that. *sigh* if only it was like this in real life, it would b awesome to a male idol as ur bf.
14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Awwww i can imagine jongkook doing that~~
Chapter 1: Simple story line yet so cute ♥
_jeonchi #4
Chapter 1: Crashed lips! Woo~
_jeonchi #5
Awwww~ thanks for being toughtful.