
I'm sorry

Jimin remeber when i completly ignored you when we just met and you were very cute and introduced yourself again 



and remember when i asked to you to be my girlfriend all suddenly but you stil agreed it was actually love at first sight when i started talking to you i knew you were the right for me the one i will want to be with all my life                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   meeting you as i could say is the best thing that could happen in my life maybe you werent the best girfriend and i wasnt the best boyfriend but we were always by our sides and i really liked that :)         






i cannot say not of you that i didnt tell you about you know what but im really sorry i shouldnt have kept any secrets to you i did a huge mistake there and i also made you cry and it made me sad to and i really want to say sorry. i like to make you smile because you look prettiter. 


to me you are my bae my cutiepie my girlfriend my wife my everything the one person who will always have my heart my icecream lover, my weirdo.

so jimin i hope you can forgive me im sorry if i maked you feel like i dont love you, wronged sad, mad everything i did to you





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